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Everything posted by Fallstar

  1. Congratulations Drumgun! 200m alll combats...just wow. If Jagex rasied caps to 120, you' be max combat immediately. Kinda cool eh?
  2. Never knew you were a TES fan Drumgun. Reckon you'll play RS much/at all when Skyrim comes out? Also, have you played any of the fallout series?

  3. I agree there actually S U O M I. When you consider the proportion of slow xp S U O M I has, the fact that he is rank 1 is somewhat mind-boggling, let alone having such a large lead. Also looking forward to Drumgun maxing all combat experience. Keep going!
  4. I ran Malwarebytes, not that other one. Update: Thanks to a friend's generosity, I have re-acquired my gear, minus the mask. I have stopped using my laptop for now, going to get a knowledgeable buddy to check it out before I touch it again.
  5. Fallstar

    Bye bye Mask :(

    So yesterday, after months of saving, I had enough cash to get my first rare - a blue h'ween mask. I was extremely excited, and spent a large portion of the day walking around and showing it off. So this morning, I log onto RS, and as soon as I do so, I get a message from someone I have never met before saying "are you still selling blue mask?". This immediately sets alarm bells ringing. I always bank my invent and worn equipment before logging, just in case. I go to check my bank and...almost all valuables are gone. Bandos, fury, zerker ring, d pick, and most importantly, and sadly - my coveted mask. All I had left was a couple of Barrows sets and a d hatchet further up in my bank which the hacker appeared not to have noticed/wasn't worth their time. I am extremely pissed off. I have spent at least 6 months working towards this goal, and to have it all taken away over night is extremely disheartening. Yes I had a bank pin, and security questions. What is seriously worrying me now though, is that my password was a rather long string of numbers and letters - in other words impossible to guess. Neither is it written down anywhere. I have Norton 360 (latest version) and this has turned up no threats. After running a full system scan - still clean. I then purchased another, more expensive security software, which also ran a full system scan which turned up clean. I have had to ring my bank and disable internet banking - which is extremely inconvenient - all because this piece of scum wants some free e gp's. Though I am not quitting runescape as such, the thought of all those wasted hours makes me sick - I have absolutely nothing to show for it. Hell, I could have learnt a language in that amount of time. I look back on the hours I have spent working towards this, and I think to myself, why? How has this bettered my life at all? Sure it was fun to begin with, but due to the limits of a browser based game or Jagex's incompetence, Runescape is a highly repetitive and often boring game. I did not particularly enjoy 80% of the time spent working towards my mask - I did it because I thought to myself that it would be worth it once I had achieved my goal. And it was - for 24 hours. At the moment, even logging on makes me feel extremely angry with whoever did this. I may play Runescape more casually in the future, but I certainly won't play as much as I used to - what if I spend another six months working for something, only for it to be taken away by some jackass? What if the idiot actually changes the password this time (lol) and keeps the account? This is the problem with e achievements - they are by nature not physical posessions, and the majority of humanity couldn't give a [cabbage] about them. Which means there is very limited - if any - liability for their theft. Though Jagex has only limited responsibility for this - the scum of society are there for a reason after all - I honestly think the recovery process needs to be changed. Even with incredibly secure passwords now, due to the way recovery works, so long as you have had an easy to guess password at some point in your RS career, your account can be recovered with relative ease. Overall, this experience has soured Runescape for me - I took every precaution, but still lost my account. Why should I bother again? TLDR: (courtesy of Jeremy) - got hacked, lost about 250-270m bank, feeling pissed off. Jagex needs to improve recovery system.
  6. Those people who say that real world trading isn't prevalent in dicing: the leader of Dragon Dyce sells RSGP on a well known RWT site (I'm sure you know which one), and has sold over 500B gp. Thats a couple hundred thousand pounds. Just sayin.
  7. And tezz. Been rooting for him ever since I found out he was British.
  8. Who says those people only play Runescape? I play Fallout 3, NV, Dragon Age etc. on my PC as well as Runescape, and Drumgun said he was replaying Oblivion.
  9. Sorry to hijack the thread a little, but it is mining related. I was wondering with the superheat method, how excatly does that work? I click the rock, then get on the magic interface and superheat the ore as soon as I get one? Then reclick the rock quickly? If I were dropping the bars, would I do that after a full inventory, or as soon as I've got a few bars? Thanks for the help.
  10. No, its too late when the boulder begins to fall. You have about a second after the boom noise.
  11. Having tried jad twice Yesterday, a word of warnimg; there was a hidden update recently that removed most of the sound from his magic attack. At the start of the fight, pray mage and if you hear a bom pray range. I have decided to leave the fire cape until my combat skills are a little stronger anyways
  12. I recommend going for milestones. I went for all level 50 skills, and am now aiming for all level 70. Keeping stats balanced gives you more level ups and more rewards than picking off one 99 at a time. Although after all skills level 70, I do plan on getting at least one 99.
  13. Tezz got 1b on september 20th, and has no idea who Gemeos is. He could have received 4b+ total donations - he did get all those shards a while back too, but I sont think hegot it in one go.
  14. People usually obtain these experience rates by timing only for five minutes then multiplying by 12. With a definite skill like prayer, with set periods of time between each event, this is fine, but for a skill like fishing or woodcutting, any experience rate derived this way is absolutely worthless and should be ignored. At least if you're looking for an obtainable experience rate; if you drew a distribution of five minute experience rates, you would find just as many that suggested a significantly lower experience rate than what you obtained as suggested a significantly higher experience rate than what you obtained. Xp/hr varies if the time between events whilst training varies. In short, your xp rate obtained over an hour long period is far more reliable than that obtained through a lucky five minute period, and as such is more likely to be the correct rate.
  15. I dislike how the first article compared respect for top players with religion; the two are nothing alike. I can respect a player like Suomi, without feeling the need to worship him or follow him around or whatever.
  16. He didn't get 4b, he got about 1b (tezz) on the 20th of september.
  17. To be honest I wonder about the demographics of maxed players in general, i.e. what percentage are male/female and what age. It'd be good if someone could make a thread like that on the maxed forums or something.
  18. Wants to see this epic beard now. If someone could pm me the linky... Bet jdela hates the rank 3 spot ;)
  19. Nice one s u o m i! Heres to a long reign as king of Runescape!
  20. @ Sambo: sounds about right ;) Seriously though, if people cant come to a runescape fan site without being insulted over their playing time/donations, I think thats pretty stupid. And to contribute to the donations debate (my apologies to the horse) the only difference between receiving donations and dicing is that people are voluntarily giving you money in a donation, when dicing, people dont want to lose (obv), so in that sense donations are more respectable than dicing, in my eyes.
  21. @ringworld id be interested in those pics, if you still have them. I was always under the impression that jagex treated the top players well.
  22. In regard to the ads, using the client makes it remember, and its actually a pretty small download.
  23. I'd be pissed off if i were in his shoes right now. Whats the point in working for a 200m when jagex will roll your rank back for something completely unrelated. Atm i think to myself whether jagex can do anything at all right.
  24. What a bunch of idiots. They could have banned at least one bot in the time it took to rollback his xp? Way to prioritise. Also, i heard this glitch was prohibitively expensive? So perhaps people just thought that this was another fast xp/ high cost thing?
  25. Ahem...I meant most cost and time effective log for non members. Honest :---) On Topic, how long do you reckon it'll be until SUOMI takes rank 1?
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