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Everything posted by enfield

  1. ^^, Yeah, just because the subjective components of a decision happen to be big and decision-determining in a certain situation, doesn't mean it's not worthwhile to still understand the exact value of the objective components too. Yeah, I agree that this is within the realm of what the thread did. It didn't have to to anything - i wouldn't judge you if it had no defined utility to others - but if you must to say it did something, than this is probably accurate.
  2. irregardless, we know you are correcting a mistake. However it is in our minds almost surely a non-existent one. If I thought a mistake I was correcting was pervasive, but it really wasn't at all and hardly no one made it, and someone informed me nicely, I would appreciate that. the subjective values are important to be aware of because in some cases they overwhelm the quantifiable ones. Not always - sometimes gp/h analysis is very valuable, because people are trying to be efficient, but aren't being as efficient as they could be. But this is one such case where they are relevant. relevant not to the content of this thread, but to the size of the audience for which this thread is useful. how important the subjective values are determine how valuable the quantifiable ones are to people. == example: Most people who do not have a fire capes do not not have one because they are trying to be efficient, and think getting one would be a waste of time - most people don't have one because, in this case, the subjective negative values associated with it (past failures, poor internet connection, etc.) outweigh the positive, concrete xp/h value. Of course such people won't necessarily admit this. I feel like the situation is comparable for people who do not pick of bones/hides. (note: i don't want to get into a discussion about the merits of this analogy; i'm just trying to provide another example where correcting a mistake would not be very useful.). == ^ no one is raging. I feel like this is sort of a useful discussion (for the participants, and for people who may read the thread).
  3. I do understand the concepts, and I understand it might be hard for you to accept that. And most people who leave the bones/hides on the floor understand them too. As I said before - most people are aware of what they are giving up by not picking up all the bones/hides on a task (that they are forfeiting, say, 1m). They also are aware of what they would have to do for that 1m - that it would only take 6mins of concentrated time to achieve it, but that it would change the way they have to play for that whole hour (which is where the subjective values of things such as convenience are overwhelming). Quyneax, I only repeat myself as I have done above to clarify to happyseeker what I do understand.
  4. do you mean fast in rs real time or fast in rs time devoted to magic (i.e rs concentrated time ). things like superheating in the lrc would be fast in rs concentrated time (if you value mining and smithing xp), but kind of slow in rs real time.
  5. yeah, then we could all finally rest in peace, being able to see how skillful people were, and being able to know that people saw us as impressively skillful. Then we would have just enough recognition, and death wouldn't seem so bad. I agree! :thumbsup:.
  6. No one would say this thread wasn't worth posting. In fact, In my first reply to this thread I said I appreciated happyseeker's self expression , which i do. I was only critical about the purported intended purpose that happyseeker claimed this thread had. It seemed like he rationalized an answer, when the truth seemed more likely to be it was a just a rant about an inefficient behavior that happens to be justified for individuals (i.e no one is really trying to maximize efficiency by leaving stuff like Sir_Squab points out; rather, they have other (unquantifiable) reasons for doing so). Why does this matter to me at all? I find it sad for everyone when people pass off false intentions for what they do. anyway, I thought the discussion last night turned out productive for everyone in the end. but it's understandable that it's gone.
  7. Are you curious about the fastest magic experience in real time, or in rs time devoted to magic (i.e concentrated rs time ). ?
  8. Yeah, and tip.it might get more traffic still anyway (because tip.it is much more than a forum, while for zybez the defining aspect is the forum - i think). that would explain the guest to member viewing ratios.
  9. ^^, Hmm yeah, but I kind of want to know how the communities are different - and it would take me a long time to get a sense of the zybez community. ^, ah, interesting note about the modding :). == one this is that zybez seems bigger - it has about twice the members on right now compared to tip.it. Interestingly its guest/member viewing ratio (in the last 15 mins) is like 1/2 of tip.it's.
  10. Yeah? I use to read some achievement blogs on zybez, but that's all I know about it.
  11. Yeah, i bought 200k of them at 1500ea. I wasn't using logic. I was just scared.
  12. ^ This is not a discussion. This is just seeker's inane rant. he's not really pointing anything in a constructive way, or in a way that will be worthwhile to many people. just because what people tend to do (not pick up hides/bones - and i don't even now how many people tend to do this, but i suspect it's not as many as seeker presumes) doesn't make sense when you evaluate things in terms of gp/h, doesn't mean people are not doing the optimal things for themselves, given their goals. What it does means is that your analysis is limited, and that there are other variables besides gp/h which are influencing people's actions. if you think g/h is the best value to have, then maybe argue that, but different things satisfy different people, so I don't know how successful that would be.
  13. Lol for some reason that statement reminded me of this... I miss dat guy, he was the only good troll that ever posted on this thread Continuing to play rs because you're not already something irl is a pretty poor reason to continue playing. If you want to be something irl you have to at least give it a shot - give rs a break and put some effort into trying to do whatever it is you want to do. If the irl stuff doesn't work out as well as rs did for you, then go back to rs, fine. but its always valuable to explore what's possible.
  14. omg, this thread spawned yet another efficiency debate I would say that the people that *do not* pick up their bones/hides tend to have justifiable reasons for doing so. Either they are lazy (like me) and the cost of the work required (there's more costs then just time - there are costs of mental health of afkability, etc.) is too steep for them, and/or they value their time sufficiently high to make it not worth it (also like me). I think maybe you overestimated the audience of this thread. the announcement doesn't concern most of the public. Nonetheless I appreciate your self-expression :).
  15. better yet, don't come back period :). == why is quyneax sooo helpful?? == how useful is a cannon there? jw.
  16. yeah I agree. when i got older the writing appealed to me less and less, but the universe was always very compelling and amazing. and the struggle/conflict was done very well i thought.

  17. hmm an explanation i came up with is that maybe I had a bolt on by accident (like one i got from the reward chest), and maybe it was a 460 not a 560 that i remember. but i'm only assigning around a 20% probability or less to that possibility.
  18. @grimy - yeah, i understand in other games doing as many things as quickly as possible is really important and so valued a lot. I just didn't think rs was one of those games (which to a large extent is really isn't). but dging is the main exception, where the concept starts to become useful to rs. hmm yeah that's the exact kind of thing i would want to avoid - if i'm going to increase my apm i'm going to do it calmly, or not at all (hypothetical).
  19. on abyssal demons with a msb the arrows are around 220-230 k/h. With melee I think it's something like 275. On metals the difference would presumably be even larger.
  20. yep. it's so interesting when people recognize that because it doesn't even remind me of the books. i only associate it with rs.

    did you read the series?

  21. hmm i tried it and it worked. hit 560's and stuff. but that was like on the first day.
  22. lol when I quickly did the calcs i forgot to add the 40 to the average hit of the bolts.. if you don't do that, then the dps is really close without fero, and fero swings it more clearly in mlb(s)'s favor. yeah but i felt dumb when i wrote that. the ring hardy changes how the weapons compare... arrows/bolts get the same damage multiplier (1.5), and also, supposedly, +2 to range level but that doesn't really matter. the x-bow does have about a 70% higher max. but with ferocious rings the average hits turn out to be only about 50% apart. The mlb (s)'s extra speed/accuracy won't make up for that. But the msb's will (66% faster than x-bow). but its less accurate. Maybe better than an r c-bow, in any case.
  23. lol the wikipedia page says everything you would ever want to know, I would think. and the part about the use you're interested in creatine for is clear. creatine is a wise things to supplement (if you have the money), and for more reasons than the ones you are interested in.
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