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Everything posted by jafnn

  1. The best (or least worst) likeness of me. I look like i need a cup of coffee. :P
  2. I agree whit the Cho-Ko-Nu. But I don't think runescape is ready for muskets yet, even though we do have full automatic cannons :? .
  3. I see over population, and so less resourches for each person, and there for not a lot of wealth. Because of that lack of wealth there will be a lot criminality as people still need to eat. And lawyers will say that acording to some religions stealing for food is right so it should not be puniched. Because of mass starvation humans won't have much regard for animals as those eat the food they could get and there for kill almost all of them. Also because of the so great population a lot of people will fear there job because there easely replaceable, and there for have great deals of stress. Those stresses will lead to a lot more drinking and usage of drugs. Enough about the socials of the future "civilisation", lets go on to technologie. Before we go any further we must ask ourselfs the qeustion, Will we be able to master cold fusion? -if yes that will probably be the primary sourche of energie. -if not were done for as uranium and other radiating materials will run out in about 70 years at curent usage and coal, gas and oil even sooner. And solar wind and water power won't be enough, and will need loads of maintanance. Ok back to where cold fusion is possible, because this will allow energie to be used to power cars whit the help of feul cells or by hydrogen production plants. And not only cars it will be used for almost any mean of transport. Medical science will progress but It won't be able to cure everything for a long time. For space exploration we will probably have a base on the moon, some in earths orbit and maybe one on or arround mars. But will still won't be able to travel very far. As for wars I think there won't be any huge one, there probably will be terrorist attacks where nuclier weapons will be used in a large city, but nothing that will kill more then a million people. Politics will become somewhat of a trouble as I see only complaints no mater how good it is being handeld. (yeah kind of like runescape) For enviroment I hope that people will finaly see you can't live on a distroyed planet and therefor won't distroy it that much anymore. For AI: I think it will be like so called AI programs having more things programmed into them then a normal human mind would be able to think of. but not yet the ability to think of something new. As for the internet it will about be the same, but being anonymous will be a lot harder. It would still have large boring peices of text like this one. Computer games: games will look almost real, maybe even being conected synaptically so youre emotions will be used inside the game or the other way arround so you even feel youre characters pain. Other entertainment: No idee what so ever, who knows what people will come up whit.
  4. Here are some I recall: pc: Diablo 2 + lords or destruction. Comand and conquer Red alert 2 + Yuri's revenge Tiberium sun + firestorm GTA 1 GTA 3 Throne of darkness Elasto mania Warcraft (1 or 2 I can't remember) Dune DXball wolfenstein Galactic battlegrounds Unreal tournament Gothic Rune Sim Ant Fallout 2 Startrek ds9 (can't remember any further title) nes: megaman 2 mario bros mario bros 2 mario bros 3 Starwars Kirby (don't know which one) Snes: Illusion of gaia zelda 3 PS1: Warzone 2100 (don't remember the correct number, so It could have some other name) Grand turismo Grand turismo 2 And a load of other I either can't remember or aren't worth mentioning.
  5. This is the first time I can't understand a choice Jagex made. So unless Jagex could mension some good reasons: Jelleh (f2p)
  6. WHat about people that only pay for members in periods when they have lots of time to play, they wouldn't be able to play at all for the other month (wel not gain any exp). I think they woould forget all about runescape then and move on toward some other game. And what about some member whit lots of f2p friends, and most of his friends couldn't play the game anymore. I don't think he would like it when all his friends play some game and only he plays another. Not to mension it would increase the amount of scamming hacking for items in f2p, so the f2per that does that has something to brag about. Also it would decrease the amount of people that become new members because, the can't realy look know what they are to look forward for.
  7. Just imagen a player mod losing his character, or if someone got hacked and the hacker would enter that world and people could be tricked into those worlds. So i would say bad idee.
  8. I still have the highest bid on Rabk ??? Is there something i should know about him? P.s. can anyone help me I can't think of anything (evil) i could order him to do.
  9. I kind of collect ammulets and talisman but only the ones made by myself or found by myself. Exept for ammy's of defence, I don't like em. O and a hobby of mine is to snoop arround in general store for cheap to buy stuff like uncut gems.
  10. 225k on Deadman andy And ok ill only have him say it every 10 seconds :twisted:
  11. Ill have him follow me arround saying he is a bunny 220K on Deadman Andy
  12. 200k on Deadman Andy ill have him dance arround saying he likes bunnys :twisted:
  13. It could mean the end of trains. But i love it anyway, great practical joke against friends or at dance partys :twisted:
  14. What's Scarlet Eve?a THING! Thats just mean 300k on Scarlet eve to make her feel better.
  15. Or how about first a animation that would take 5 seconds, where the teleporter could not do anything like eating.
  16. Sounds good, although a little unfair for those who spend all there food on the previos person, whits they did kill.
  17. Don't realy play instruments, could if i want to though but the 6 years i was forced to on school didn't agree whit me, but i just play some instruments i run into sometimes.
  18. I don't think they would have it that bad, in full combat like that high lvls would not pick up everything the monster drops to save inventory space, and some would die, a low lvl could run in and grab some items. There would also be lower lvl monsters, i mean the gaurds do have to be able to stop something. :P Or a high lvl could hire a trusted low lvl as a runner, to bring food and to bank the loot.
  19. I think they wouldn't pick a side, it can't be accesed from the wildernis whitout passing close to falador, so take side whit a force that can't send reinforcements is plain stupid even for goblins, knowing goblins they would just attack anything and anybody that would come close, youre right it would be not a really safe zone. But i don't think the monks would be very save so close to the wildernis, unless Saradomin would protect it himself whit a magic barrier. And to fight in this combat you would have to click a special button on the main page named "Play in siege" so nobody eccadentaly pups up in the fight.
  20. Safe zone: lumby castle, of course Wizard tower, wizzards would fight monsters that came on the bridge Falador Castle, white knight would hold it, but mosters would fill the dwarf mine Varrock palace, gaurded by gaurds Al kharied palace, gaurded by warriors Goblin village, spear careing goblins Port sarim would be protected by fireing ships Draynor mansion, all enemy's arround would be turned into chickens by the profesor. *note* the enemy could still break through the gaurds, or cannon bombardment arround some places (lumbridge, falador port sarim) And everyone logging in would start out at lumbridge, karamja could be cleared easely so there could be a food suply, There would be a crack in the varrock sewer wall so monsters could go from edgeville dungeun to the sewer.
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