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Everything posted by AHappySeeker

  1. Opportunity cost. You lose money by making your own runes.
  2. Use a cannon anywhere where a cannon is allowed. I just woke up so I'm definitely a bit groggy but I don't even think there are exceptions.
  3. I'd normally dissect your argument and present a counterargument in an agreeable and understandable manner but I'm just too what is this I don't even
  4. RS is a pretty crappy game, yes. It's just that it also has the properties of heroin.
  5. Your idea gives you a massive void of money in your bank that you can't do anything with for a long time. Do NOT make extremes unless you need them. If you want to understand more about this, research what a sunk cost is. Drazhar's advice will take too long and cost about the same as just hammering sup defs at 15 gp/xp or going for brews when nests crash again. With that out of the way, it will only take a few hours of mixing to get to 91. Don't sacrifice utterly [developmentally delayed]ed amounts of cash just for a little bit of speed. You don't have 95 prayer yet and I doubt that you have max gear.
  6. Opportunity cost relegates all RC to the money losing pile but you're right in the sense that it requires little starting cash.
  7. exp required*15 Stop at 84 for super antis. Stop at 89 for extremes. Stop at 91+ for ovls.
  8. Damn it. I was pretty sure I had acquired mine from the ge after losing it the first time. Sorry about that.
  9. Let the CSBers handle warriors. Just bind laws or get 70 for a CSB.
  10. If everything is unrecoverably freezing randomly, it sounds like a hardware issue. Run the Prime Orthos stress test on blend mode for an hour and see if it dies. It's pretty easy to find and simple to use so just google it.
  11. Why would you do greaters in the wildy?!
  12. Chinning your range to 80 will take 5 mins.
  13. So basically, you want fights so short that they're basically just down to luck rather than skill in style switchimg, prayer flashing and other forms of user input. Okay. I see where this is going.
  14. It is if you're actually skilled and only do no-rules duelling using tribrid and Dharok. Boxing, however, is just glorified gambling.
  15. Or you could stake at the duel arena if you want to make rules...
  16. Sell dragon armour, replace with Verac's. That should earn you a few m and better armour.
  17. Being horribly uneducated, I'd assumed that quadratic denoted a specific relationship rather than being the name of a type of relationship. Sorry about that. I guess there's not really anywhere to go with this without exposed game mechanics.
  18. If it is a quadratic increase approaching infinity, shouldn't we just go by that?
  19. Yes, I know that already and stated it in the op. I need to know how to work out a quadratically rising value.
  20. Stop talking about Edgeville already. We all know that you can get a better Edgeville experience just by no-rule staking at the arena.
  21. Except the TC claimed that he's looking for the best weapon to use on his way to 99 slayer, in which case a whip (or CR eventually) will serve him better than a godsword. You are right generally, just not for the TC's situation. :P I'm aware of that. Expanding on the subject is generally something to think about when all answers so far from people reputable for giving solid advice have been unanimous.
  22. I've recently started on black dragons as my income due to acquiring super antifires but am stuck on the rest of my gear. Since slayer is failing to fund my impatience, I've decided to resort to a valid moneymaking mathod but this obviously deprives me of my delicious slayer helm. I've heard that str becomes quadratically more valuable than atk as hit rate moves past 50%, with str's value over atk approaching infinity as hitrate approaches 100%. Here's where the problem lies. I am a [developmentally delayed]ed music student who didn't pay attention during secondary school. For the sake of future calculations, how would I go about working out what degree of accuracy is required for 6 str to be superior to 13 atk? While I'm here, I'd like to say that I'm doing this instead of greens/blues because I'm pretty much attention-deficit as far how I value changes in scenery. Frankly, I'm sick to death of big reptiles of those colours and want to kill big reptiles of a different colour. I'm fully willing to sacrifice some profit for that. I'm not doing frosts for the same reason as me not having a rapier; my stanima is very low with regards to dungeoneering. While I love it, I can only do so much in one day. I'm also willing to delay my chaotics due to DGS' ring requirements so I won't be getting them for quite a while.
  23. Godswords are situationally better though. They're a viable secondary weapon for knockouts in food pvp when Korasi and claws are not viable.
  24. You know, it takes a special kind of game for people to assume that you've been playing for 19 hours straight instead of having left your client sitting at the lobby every time you leave the computer.
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