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Everything posted by The_Sith

  1. Perhaps a laid-back type board where users can ask staff (admins, mods, and crew) any questions they like? Including, "is this appropriate?" without fear of punishment. Some sort of staff/user lounge where nothing is taboo (except extremes of course). Can add more later when I'm not busy..
  2. Five upgrades in one go? Sweet. That's what I want my first Kara run to be like... have the guild already have it on farm and take me along and let me get phat lewtz. ;)
  3. Ah great, thanks for the offer - that's really nice of you. Probably take you up on that. :) I think it's a sign of a bad group when two members fall off the bridge on the way towards the instance portal... and one member doesn't know what to hit (need or greed) on every, single green that drops. Oh, and the other member refuses to give me Blessing of Wisdom but has no problem giving it to the tank.
  4. Agreed - that's pretty insane, Nad. Nicely done though. :) Nearly 22 on my priest. Haven't really done any questing outside of Bloodmyst, just DM and a partial SFK run - group was totally lame.. have to find a better one sometime. Still need the staff and wand from DM (wand especially - wand spec) and then preferably the robes/belt from SFK.
  5. It sort of depends on the pizza... but usually around 2-3 slices.
  6. Staff have the ability to look at IP addresses and ban them if necessary. If someone is posting porn or keyloggers on different accounts, the staff will know and take care of it. This part of forum security is completely covered. :)
  7. I don't think it's a problem - think we're getting a little nitpicky. :) I wouldn't try to discourage people from posting answers to questions, even if it is just repeating what someone else said above. I know it was nice for me to have a couple of responses to the question as having more than one mind working on the problem usually ensures a more accurate answer. What seems to be a more apparent problem is people asking staff to close their threads.. why? I have never understood this desire to have one's thread closed, especially if it's a tech problem. The point of having a forum is not for people to create a thread and have it never be looked at again but rather for threads, old and new, to be posted on with new commentary. There can't be any new discussions or questions raised if all the threads are locked or the original post is wiped clean and replaced with "Question answered." I enjoy the edit ability... but at times, I wish it were disabled under situations. And I think the increased amount of users asking for staff to lock their threads needs to be cut back a little - should only happen if a thread is getting out of control, IMO.
  8. There was an option for disabling the SMART status in the BIOS but for hard drives only. I looked for the secondary IDE/Master settings and there wasn't an option in there that I saw that looked right. Pretty weird.
  9. There's something to be said for avoiding low level PVP. Still, keep getting yourself out there to get experience. I've played a ton of battlegrounds and I'm still crap when it comes to arenas.. doesn't mean anything. Do what you enjoy. Personally, I avoid PVP until 70 period - unless I'm playing a melee class and want to get IBS at 51. Not all pre-70 PVP is bad but it can become very tiring very fast if you're faced against twink groups game after game.
  10. When you mouseover the chat log and it turns dark gray/transparent black, you'll see a tab. Right click that tab and hit UNLOCK. Then simply drag and drop it to wherever you like. :) A majority of people I know also take the combat log and drag it away from the chat box.
  11. Biox posted a response to the exact same question above. :mrgreen: You're going to hear nothing but positive things about WoW on this thread.. it isn't exactly impartial. Download the 10-day trial and decide for yourself. I did play a lot at the beginning but have slowed down as of late. I was in a rush to get to 60 at first.. but I realized that isn't what interests me when playing.
  12. This probably sounds completely silly to all the advanced techies out there... but it turns out my secondary IDE master is my DVD-drive. My hard drive is on SATA 1. So why WOULD a DVD drive have S.M.A.R.T.? Anyways, I have no idea why this is showing up now - and it won't continue to boot without my pressing F1. Any clues? Thanks again, Collective.
  13. Pretty much the same with me. I've never liked the use of the word in that context.
  14. Thanks Collective. The Health tab is currently empty - is there a button I press to run a scan or something like that? Running an error scan now.
  15. Hey all, I built this computer in June.. haven't had any problems. Recently though, upon startup, I am faced with this message: IDE Channel 2 Master Hard Disk - S.M.A.R.T. status bad. Failure may be imminent. I have this hard drive: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.a ... 6822148140 Any advice on what to do? I can press F1 and bypass it.. and everything works fine from that point forward. Just worried about a crash. I'm backing my stuff up now again as we speak. Thanks!
  16. Great. I rolled on there last night, name's Irette (Draenei Priest).
  17. I leveled my paladin as ret until 60 then I stopped playing it. There are some mana issues.. but the alternative was leveling as protection. Protection involves aoe grinding melee-oriented mobs. This works for quite a few of the quests.. but it wasn't something I was interested in. Personal preference. One advantage of leveling prot is that you can tank pre-BC instances quite easily. You can do so as ret but people will be more likely to take you as Prot. I didn't ever tank (didn't like it) but I did buy +int cloth gear and healed all instances if we couldn't find a healer.
  18. When do they go off? Every hour? And when is the finale? And where? :lol:
  19. Sorry Captain, I'm not staff anymore so your guess is as good as mine. :)
  20. Eh, for me, part of the Wow draw is the community. WoW isn't a single player game. It's fun to sit in Stormwind and watch hundreds of people run around, dancing naked on mailboxes, or trying to trade. I don't have this abnormal draw towards faster leveling or getting epics by clicking a button. Doing that and soloing things like Kara or something allows you to experience .1% of the game; you're missing out on the other 99.9%. I wouldn't bother with the free version, whatever that is. Just play the game for what it is, don't use leveling guides to bypass all the content, just enjoy the game. There's so much to do and see - you can put in days of playing time and still not see a fraction of the world.
  21. New account - you mean a new character, right? How come? Anyways, if you're looking for class recommendations, a hunter is a very good solo class. Warlocks are good for solo play too. Leveling guide can be found here: http://www.wow-pro.com/node/599 for Alliance If there is anything I learned about WoW, it is to not rush through leveling to get to max level. For me, a majority of the game's draw is the leveling experience - especially if it is your first time playing. I think you learn a lot from going about things your own way, doing instances, etc. But that's just me. :)
  22. I have the same one except it is a darker gray.. think that may be before yours? Not sure. I got it when the Razr was just Verizon; Sprint and others hadn't adopted it yet. I'm not a huge cell phone person. So long as I can text and answer calls and my pocket isn't bulging out too much, I'm happy. I have no desire whatsoever to play music or watch TV on my phone, hah.
  23. Sweet biox. :) Actually thinking of rolling a Draenei priest - sort of abandoned the shaman idea.
  24. The only thing he is trying to get across right now is having the ability to have more than 10 emoticons per post. I'm for upping the limit to 20, 30, or more - there's no reason for having it be so restrictive just to prevent some random spam post. I personally think there is no need to have so many emoticons per post... but I know people get hit by the limit when they quote someone or whatnot. I've seen a handful of complaints about it just on random threads throughout the boards... so it would be nice if that restriction was loosened up a bit. I see no argument for it from a user OR staff perspective - either way, a problem post can be removed easily.. and the limit will still be in place to "defend" against huge spam posts that don't load.
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