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Everything posted by The_Sith

  1. My turn to bold. Things I dislike - blanket statements, especially ones that include false information. I won't even go further on the content of the quote.
  2. I actually saw that they had performed some maintenance on it... seems to be a bit better now. Blackrock is finally up and now I have to head to class. A few bars from 64 and haven't really touched much of Zangar although totally done with HFP. Going to try to run SP tonight (complete 1/2 of that CE quest) and do UB a bit later when I can get the Sporeggar quests.
  3. Anyone else having random armory trouble on Firefox? Mostly just plain freezing the entire browser.. have to force it closed. Once and awhile things work fine but it seems like a majority of the time, Armory is screwing up my browser.
  4. Well it is six fel iron bars so fairly cheap, IIRC - 20G? 25? It hurt much less than the arcanite one I bought just a few levels earlier...
  5. Very well done, Nano - I've always liked that piece. Gave me goosebumps when I first saw it on the screen as well. Keep up the practicing and great work! :)
  6. Nice, Nad - 75G is impressive for a level 25 character. :) My first few characters I had no knowledge of how to make money and was always short when ready to purchase my mount - after awhile, I learned to sell greens, extra linen, all the obvious stuff. :lol: On my BE lock, I'm enchanting as well (301 now - just made Fel Iron Rod) and was totally shocked by rod prices as well. I had zero knowledge of enchanting until this character.. so I understood that you'd lose the money from greens/blues (sorta, since you're DEing and using the mats) but I had no idea about other mat. prices! Pretty crazy. Still going ahead with it though. What's the best for post-300? "Selling Enchant - Assault - your mats = free"? Not getting many replies. I have my own mats, of course...
  7. I'm tired so I'll keep it simple. I thought the GW graphics were simply beautiful. I was enjoying myself completely before realizing I hadn't left the tutorial "island" yet! I honestly never got involved with it much more though. For me, coming from RuneScape, I enjoyed the leveling process - skills, combat, etc. IIRC, the level cap in GW was 20 at the time - and that could be done very quickly. Then you PVP or whatever. For me, WoW has a much better value on that behalf - there are tons of quests and it takes a healthy amount of time to get to max level. And the replay value is different enough that I don't get bored with it. Something about the WoW game pulled me in a bit more, I dunno. The graphics are a bit more "cartoony" (I remember being put off by this initial description) but when combined with lore and with the sheer size of the world, it really is impressive. The scripting of some of the NPCs is amazing.. and I will never forget exploring a zone for the first time. Maybe I'd like GW more now that I know what to try or what to expect.. but I'm content with WoW at the moment. I don't have an extraordinary amount of time to play so I get on when I can, work on some quests a bit, and get off. No pressure, no crazy guilds yelling obscenities at people for not having flasks - just fun when I have time.
  8. Quite a farm you have going there, Ult. ;) Cute pictures.
  9. Hmm, I dunno. I used Succubus for drain tanking on my BE 'lock until Dark Pact at level 40 (then switched to imp). Shift+T to send in succy, curse of agony, corruption, siphon life, Life Tap, then drain life. Something like that. All I know is that I stacked +dmg gear and this method was reallllyyy easy, especially at level 40. I would get to the point where I would just dot three mobs and sit there, drain life'ing the third one and they'd all be dead - and I'd have full mana/health. :) Easy to solo elites too but that really isn't a problem anymore since most elites were removed.
  10. If you want to enjoy leveling content, I would recommend the following races/starting zones to get an idea of what "pretty" or fun zones there are out there: Draenei Human Blood Elf Tauren (iffy) Gnomes/Dwarves I don't care for Durotar nor Teldrassil - depressing and not that fun. Elwynn always has a nice feel to it.. I believe it was the first zone made. My fav. would be the Blood Elf starting zone - that definitely has an epic feel and, coincidentally, was the first zone made when BC was created.
  11. Music and Movies board. Not the worst set of stickies I've seen but it could definitely be compiled into an Announcement and just left there.
  12. Well basically, how I understand dual channel memory is this: place the two DIMMs into the proper spots (for example, on the Asus, there are two yellows/two blacks). If the sticks are the same speed and capacity (along with other unknown factors ..), they will run in dual channel mode - which is faster than single channel mode. Throwing any old DIMM in there with different capacities/speeds would run in single-channel mode, being slower. Yes, adding 2x1GB DIMMs would equal 3GB. Adding 2x512MB DIMMs would be 2GB total. It's up to you... but I do know that, setting the RAM aside that came with your computer, it is best to purchase a "multi-pack" of memory. That way, you can ensure it is the same speed/capacity/etc. and will run dual-channel. If someone could confirm all of this, that would be great. I'm no expert in this field - just talking from first hand experience. Here's a link I found also: http://www.hardforum.com/archive/index. ... 83553.html
  13. I prefer the Crucial brand of memory myself. I had a bad experience with Corsair on the computer I built in June - it turned out that there was a conflict between the RAM and my Asus motherboard. Anyways, I have always heard good things about Crucial and the prices are somewhat comparable, if not a little bit higher than say Kingston Value or Corsair. Usually, there is a serial code "strip" or sticker on your computer that looks like a UPC scanning bar. Should say it there. If not, you can try right clicking My Computer and hitting properties. Or Start > RUN > "dxdiag" without quotes.
  14. There are quite a few workarounds for this particular feature request but that doesn't mean that implementing such a small change would be useless or a waste of time. It simply makes editing one's profile easier - that's all. I do not think it would take much coding (but in the end, what do I know) but I'm for the change if it doesn't add any extra strain to the server.. which I'm fairly certain it doesn't. Small little features like this are what makes the Tip.it website and forum unique and a fun place to visit. While this change alone won't affect anyone too much, if the Staff continues to implement helpful, handy features on both sites, people will be more enticed to visit this forum more often. Try to look at it from a broader perspective. We know the current solutions - let's see if we can find one that makes a person's browsing experience more fun and less frustrating. For a first time forum-goer, putting in your signature only to see that it is missing a bracket or the image didn't upload properly, can be very frustrating.
  15. Nice one, Nad. I really like the textures on that one. Took a look at your DevArt site too.. just wanted to say I think the one entitled, "Carpe Diem" is great as well. :)
  16. Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Going to three different places over the next few days...
  17. It may be old.. but it's still interesting to read again. Forwarded it to some family members as well.
  18. King of the Chicken Feathers - that rank doesn't appeal to you, Phil? :lol:
  19. I think it is an interesting idea, having people grouped based on their rank (which is assigned based on post count). I'm not sure how many people would notice it, however. Very few people notice the buttons on the top of the forum. Using usergroups as part of the administration of this forum is something that is done, yes. But many of these usergroups are hidden/private so people don't normally see them. Anyways, maybe suggest some more specific ideas regarding usergroups and/or private/premium boards associated with those usergroups? I would find those to be an interesting idea to pursue. Still, don't get discouraged if your ideas do not get a great response.. know that people do appreciate you posting them! And even some of the suggestions that get nothing but negative responses get implemented and turn out to do very well.
  20. Nothing that plugs in or has a cord. I didn't learn this until a few years ago even though she has been saying it since I could talk. So I bought her something that plugs in for... her birthday! :lol: Anyways, my mom avoids strong-smelling candles or fragrances so I avoid those. I know the types of candy she likes along with her favorite restaurant - maybe a nice neat certificate saying dinner out, your treat? My mom likes a certain brand of car which she loves to drive.. so maybe a little keychain or a shirt that says the brand name on it. Flowers always work. Bed linens are nice but that's sort of a personal thing. Maybe a bed/couch pillow. It definitely varies per person... just try to be original, maybe make some of the things yourself, etc. You definitely have SOME idea of what she likes - look at what she has or uses all the time and build on that. /shrug
  21. Welcome back, Nad. I knew you would rejoin us eventually. [/Children of the Corn 'style'] I haven't had a real chance to experience anything in 2.3 - except some of the "minor" changes. The boat crews are neat - and they move around often, including when the ship "docks." The NE version, a wisp comes down and talks to the captain or some crap. In game "reality" like that is pretty fun to observe when bored - I'd say the most visible version of that is in Stormwind (and that wasn't even added in patches, just came that way). Sounds like the 70 stuff is fun. For awhile there, the BG daily gave 4000 honor instead of 400 - was off by a multiplier of 10. There was a huge slew of complaints about something that was on the *test* realm and wasn't even implemented yet... pretty funny. I did play one AV though and was pleasantly surprised with the changes. The game was around 33 minutes or so and combined with the anti-AFK measures, most everyone was playing to win. Didn't play the entire game though so I didn't have a chance to experience everything.
  22. I won't go into too much detail here but there are some issues with changing to vBulletin, most of which are not technical and are not necessarily sharable with the community. I recommend contacting an administrator on the staff list to discuss this matter. If you are indeed saying what I think you are saying, if you were to donate money in support for a vBulletin purchase, it would have to be in control of the Tip.it staff from its creation. There would be no other way to do it. It's very kind of you to suggest this (if that's really what you are meaning). I find vBulletin to be a very extensive and interesting piece of forum software but just finding something interesting and fun to use isn't the only reason to do an entire forum upgrade. EDIT: Side note - changing forum software does NOT mean all posts/users are lost. The major forum softwares have conversion software for the other larger bits of software.
  23. LOL.. I think Biox or someone linked that awhile ago in this thread.. or something. I lost the link but I've saved the pic now, thanks! I would put it in link form though since it has some language. :)
  24. Sounds like a tool that you wouldn't necessarily miss but something people would use often enough if it was there. :thumbsup:
  25. Nice Jaz. :) Hey - how do you like the 1/3 of healing going to spell damage? Did you have a DPS set before or?
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