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Everything posted by The_Sith

  1. It's already been determined that we are upgrading to Olympus - once it is released. It contains many public and private/security-related updates as well. You'll still have the features you have now along with a lot of other handy ones. This isn't including the administration changes which I am looking forward to the most.
  2. We are aware that many boards are completely devoid of 90% of the threads that normally appeared on them. We are looking into this currently and will update you when we make any progress. From what we can tell, no information was lost.
  3. I've read all the ideas but I have to say, can we give it more time before we split it up? It's been a very short amount of time since we implemented it. Doing any drastic changes now would be based on very little experience. Give it some time and see how it goes. We all knew there would be an adjustment period.
  4. A forum software upgrade IS a good idea as it often contains bug and security fixes on top of new features. We will be upgrading to PhpBB3 (codename Olympus) once it goes gold. Meaning once it leaves the release candidate stage and is officially released. There are threads about "larger communities" using the release candidate for their forums but right now, it isn't a risk we'd like to take. It would take many hours to convert the database (and remove obsolete modifications, etc.) and we would like that to be done only when the software is finalized.
  5. In light of the recent forum changes, many new and old ideas have been brought up with the staff. A couple years ago, the Tip.it forums had a contest every few months called a rank contest. In these contests, the users would compete in various competitions in order to win a custom rank (your rank is above your avatar; for example, there is Chicken Feather, Scorpion Pit, etc.). This competition has been revived on the Tip.it forums! Winning this contest will give you the opportunity to turn your rank into whatever you would like it to be. Onto the first contest! Because some of our users do not play RuneScape, our first contest will involve something in which everyone can participate. The game is simple: a picture will be posted and it is up to you, the users, to come up with a funny quote/caption for it. So we gladly invite all users to come to our official thread where more details are posted: http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=676079 Good luck everyone!
  6. After all the commentary gathered from both users and staff, the forum advertisements have been reverted back to the old Burstnet "system."
  7. I'm not sure what the big deal is either. =] It makes sense to me. I know we have a countdown on the page of the event but other places are more attention getting, like the forum index and the main page. Perhaps in red/bold. I wouldn't shoot down the idea so fast IMO. ;)
  8. Relax... people make double posts all the time. No need to go overboard. I've only played Age of Empires 1 & 2 personally. I played SW: Galactic Battlegrounds which was based off the same engine of AoE :P
  9. 100% agreed with Eels. Setting everything aside, the board isn't active enough to go into "organization mode." I like the way the board has been progressing and don't want to touch it unless it starts to get out of control.
  10. Nice Kara stories. :) Keep 'em coming.
  11. Hmm I've only played the demo of that and that was awhile ago. Totally forgot about the game. Redownloading the demo now. :P
  12. Yay Albosky. =] Glad you got it sorted, Eye.
  13. I've removed Ard's sticky, linked here: http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?p=4815530#4815530 Post it whenever.
  14. If someone wants to make a thread about the Debate's Club placement, feel free to post a similar suggestion thread on the board itself.
  15. We technically can change usernames - we haven't disabled it. There are some cases when we do change a user's name but it is very rare. Errdoth pretty much hit the nail on the head in regards to why we don't do it. Again, it is very easy to reregister with a new username as people have mentioned. Don't forget: you establish your reputation not with the number of posts you have but with post quality.
  16. Built it on Monday with a tremendous amount of help from Albosky. Tried to install Vista and kept getting BSODs - memory related. Memory returned to NewEgg. Bought new memory from Frys on Tuesday - BSOD. Sent it in for repair at a local tech shop. They tried lower speed memory and it worked. They tried the same speed memory but a different brand and it worked also... They came to the conclusion that Corsair RAM doesn't play well with the mobo I chose. :P Anyways, I bought the RAM from them as I didn't want to mess about with anything else. So now it's working beautifully and am enjoying playing WoW at full speed/full settings. :P Was kind of happy that all of the problems were RAM related and not due to anything specific during the building process. =]
  17. Sounds fair to me. We'll have to come up with a better description/title than "birthday and stuff goes here." ;) Some professional way to differentiate between the two - Off-topic Discussions and Off-topic Lounge... or something with Lounge in it?
  18. Hello everyone! After discussing at length with the users and Staff, the Admins have made some adjustments to the Forum Index. - General boards - The biggest change. General F2P has merged with General P2P. Please be open-minded about this change. The board will move noticeably faster but that is a good thing. With higher activity comes higher post quality through "topic natural selection." Not only that, but users will have more to read when visiting the General board. All of the same stickies still exist as well. - Help boards - The subforums have been removed and merged into the main board. Essentially, the Help board has reverted back to its original state. Standard procedure for the help board: Post your question with a thorough title and topic, receive an answer, and go. Be as specific as possible. ALL RUNESCAPE QUESTIONS GO HERE. - Clues board - The Clues board has been fully merged into the Help board. Clues questions are now to be asked in the Help board; Clues discussions can go on in the General board. - RuneScape Classic boards - RSC Graveyard has been merged into RSC General. The board has moved into the new RuneScape category... NEW RuneScape category - All eight RuneScape discussion boards in one category for easy access and browsing. --- Thank you again to the users who participated in the discussion about these changes! EDIT: A small note - please be open-minded about all changes. It may take some time to adjust for some but overall, it should be a more positive browsing experience for everyone.
  19. Thread destickied as its popularity has decreased and to make room for other stickies.
  20. Thanks. Please don't edit out your problem posts if you are posting here. Even if you DO solve it, that doesn't mean others can't learn from your posts later on if they have a similar problem (even if it is just a user error, not technical).
  21. Noo, don't edit the content out - us curious folk want to know what the problem was. :P
  22. Thank you to everyone who participated in the discussion. We will be making the changes later tonight and will post a list of what exactly was done.
  23. Don't worry about it, Master. We don't offer username changes to users, sorry. The only way to 'change' your username is to register a new account.
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