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Everything posted by The_Sith

  1. Ohh, I see. I was thinking you were adjusting part of the client or something.. haha. Nice baron... too bad, I'm not writing that nice guide again! LOL Well it still applies, you just have to poke around yourself. :)
  2. Ouch! I agree - I would get it checked out immediately. You don't mess around with infections.
  3. This^ Unless I'm thinking incorrectly, RuneScape Community is currently the main meeting ground for major clans, right? Tip.it used to have that position but it switched at a certain point in time. Unless the Staff is going to actively pursue getting the main clan scene to be back at Tip.it, there is no point in expanding the clan forums at all. In fact, I think they are too numerous as is.. but that isn't my decision to make. I would like to see a clan reach out at some point but it is going to have be something very active, very unique, and very exciting in order to get clans to even think about looking back at Tip.it. This may include changing things that aren't even clan related - what those are, I couldn't say. All I know is that the current situation suits the major clans else they wouldn't have been there for all this time. There is no reason for anything major to change (for them to suddenly swoop over here) unless there is a large incentive provided.
  4. @baron8000 - You're very welcome. Themes? You mean when you are logging into the game? Didn't even know you could change that. I really like the Blood Elf background when you're looking at your character before logging in - is there one like that? hehe Sorry to hear you canceled your account. I haven't had much time to play either.. but it's fun to pop on and talk to people, see what I'm missing. ;) I have about a month break in between classes (starting the 17th) so I should get some more play time in - I should at least hit 70. Have about 3k saved up too so hopefully the epic flying isn't too far off (if I don't suddenly decide to reroll... you never know).
  5. Weird - so you think it is overheating?
  6. Alright. Then here's what I think needs to be done: - Install World of Warcraft on your computer - Download the patch from here that states... Version 1.12.0 Upgrade Patch || This patch will update the game version from 1.11.0 or lower to 1.12.0. You will not need this patch if you have the expansion (Burning Crusade) installed. Apply it. - Download (from the same site): Version 1.12.x to 2.0.1 Upgrade Patch || This patch will update the game version from 1.12.0 or 1.12.1 to 2.0.1. You will not need this patch if you have the expansion (Burning Crusade) installed.. Apply it. - Download (same site..): Version 2.3.0 Full patch || This will update the game from any previous 2.x version. If you have up to patch 2.2.3 installed already you can download the smaller Upgrade patch listed below. Apply that. Should be all up to date, aside from any incremental patches they put out.. which are usually small.
  7. My bad.. I totally skipped over that bit about your CDs. So do you have Burning Crusade? If so, install Wow first. Then install Burning Crusade. THEN download and install 2.x to 2.3 patch.
  8. Yeah, that site biox linked should work just fine. I think you want the NONE to 2.0.0 one - that's around 3200MB. From there, you'll want a 2.0 to 2.3 patch.. ohh, this one: 2.x ÃÆââââ¬Ã Ã¢ââ‰â¢ 2.3.0 Complete Patch (~690-870 Mb). So first grab the playable client (None to 2.0.0) then grab the above patch (2.x to 2.3) then you should be set. Incremental patches are small anyways so if there are any, I'm sure your computer could handle it.
  9. Been there! Twice! My friend thinks I'm crazy though. He's the type who sticks with one character and does everything with it. Never really been able to do that.
  10. Ah, come on. A little converstion is fun Matt. It would be nicer if there was a thread on general, and on off-topic sepperately. But ah well. We tip.it users are never statisfied. Maybe we should be happy that we're finally allowed to use them. I'm glad someone recognizes it! Kidding... sort of. :) I think that allowing real life pictures is a really nice step to draw people in (or back in, if you prefer). There are many creative ways to get people to post their pictures. I like the idea of having an "index" with a username and thumbnail - that what you were thinking of, Matt? At the same time, I do like some of the conversation that goes with the pictures.. so nothing too rigid that would discourage people from posting comments someplace. Now that this option is available to Tip.it users, there are many opportunities to add new and fun features to incorporate RL pics - first one was this sticky I suppose. Kahpias mentioned of possibly having another "avatar" except for your real life picture. Hey Topy, by the way! Haven't seen you in ages. :)
  11. Woo, it's set to be released on the 13th (Thursday) at 17:00GMT. :) I expect Albosky to have it upgraded by 18:00GMT. *dodges flying-kick from Albosky*
  12. Not even close to the way Sony gutted SWG. Not even close. ... I really thought I was over that til you brought it up lol What did they do? The only thing I ever heard about SWG was that it was a pain in the butt to get to the Jedi status... took so long it almost wasn't worth it.
  13. Sort of. In any MMORPG, you'll be faced with repetition. The thing about WoW that I like is that it takes a LONG time for things to actually get repetitive - at least the way I play. I enjoy taking in the scenery, the landscapes, all the computer-player/player-player interaction, and also the normal quests and skilling. It takes many days worth of playing time to even see part of the in-game world. If you have a computer that can handle it, you could try out the trial. I often find it is best to test out a game before completely accepting another person's opinion about it. Who knows... when you try it, you could come back and yell at me saying it was the worst game you ever played. ;)
  14. That was pretty much my reaction. Why bother with any "in between" steps to stop RWT? Just go all out and drive away your customer base. Fun UI, biox. It'll be interesting to level up a casting class post-2.3 - it seems they had largest percentage of Azeroth-based armor upgrades. For example, your gloves gave what... str./int. before? Now it's +7 damage. I went to 56 on my first character (gnome mage) without ANY +damage. :lol:
  15. Sounds like a good idea to me. Would there be a small clickable link on each person's post to see it or ?
  16. I have a feeling that World of Warcraft wouldn't necessarily be for you because it is heavily combat based.. but it does have a skill aspect to it, although not as involved as RuneScape's. Basically, you choose two professions (mining, engineering, tailoring, enchanting, blacksmithing, leatherworking, skinning, herbalism, alchemy) and level them up as you progress combat-wise. So you can only choose two from that list in parentheses. However, you can also pick up cooking, fishing, and first aid as secondary professions. All that means is they are available to everyone - you don't have to worry about running out of secondary profession "slots." WoW is a very involved game so there is a learning curve. It is probably something you will find on your search for another online game so hopefully my post helps you in regards to the skilling part of WoW. The skilling component of WoW can be very fun but it comes in a package - you can't run around leveling skills only without leveling combat too. But WoW's method of leveling is done almost entirely through questing (which is very fun, a lot of land to explore) so it isn't so much of a chore as it is in RuneScape. [/soapbox]
  17. I worked at Office Store X (note: past tense - couldn't stand it). Customer wanted to return furniture from Office Store Y. Threw a fit because we wouldn't do it. Not only was it from another store but it was that store's own brand - there was no way we could do anything about it. I swear the customer stayed in the store for an hour complaining about it, waving his Office Store Y receipt in front of Office Store X's manager. Total kook. I was ringing up another lady and she wanted to pay with a check. I handed her a pen before her checkbook had left her bag and I told her the date. She pressed the ballpoint pen to the check and it wasn't working properly. She just went hysterical, how an office supply store doesn't have a working pen, etc. Once I saw that it wasn't working, I had already grabbed another pen, tested it on a piece of receipt paper, and it worked just fine. I said that I found one that was working and attempted to hand it to her. She flipped it out of my hand and said it was "too late now" and stormed out of the store. I try to give people the benefit of the doubt (both customers and employees) - something has gone wrong that day, they are stressed, etc. But when you are faced with a constant barrage of crap day after day when working in retail, you get pretty sick of it. I think it's a good experience overall though. A week after I started, I started to treat customer service representatives at other stores/companies in a different way - was nicer, more patient, etc. It can be hard to be on the other side of it as anyone who has worked in retail knows. So unless the person is just a complete moron who is choosing to do things incorrectly, I give them the benefit of the doubt if they're working slow, the register failed, etc.
  18. This thread sure expanded in a hurry. Nice pictures everyone! It's fun to see who is on the opposite side of the keyboard. :)
  19. Well I thought I had a good grip on it... it was one of those things. I'm not sure what the glass did but somehow juice was able to touch everything within 360 degrees of itself, including my hair! Had to take a shower soon after that. Blargh.
  20. Official WoW forums. Mostly pretty lenient except for a few things, most of which I agree with: - No threads with the topic title in all caps - No threads specifically "calling out" a Blizzard staff member - No thread necromancy Other than that, there is very little moderation. Certain threads are moved to the appropriate forums and inappropriate threads are quickly deleted (except at off-times, usually past 11PM PST). It's a fun browsing experience, especially for someone likes me who often enjoys reading more than actually posting.
  21. Best: Class officially over. Worst: That means finals are the next couple weeks. That and I spilled a completely full glass of OJ all over my couch, chair, side table, floor, and clothes this morning while having breakfast.
  22. Hehe okay, sounds good. I'm just questing in Zangarmarsh at the moment.. making my way towards the western part of the map soon so I can grab the Sporeggar quests for UB.
  23. Thellis - Female BE Warlock. I forget what you are?
  24. subSilver - have never been able to change. Although there were times when I enjoyed Appalachia and Space Pilot 3K (found the latter when browsing New Era, IIRC).
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