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Everything posted by Mementh

  1. excuse me but a ipod plays great music.. It had a banging interface. It has a EASY TO USE library to buy from. ITS SUPPORTED BY THE BEST MAJOR AUDIOBOOK SITE ( http://www.audible.com/ ) And if you have a Video... Just about EVERY major TV NETWORK is selling though Itunes... What "research" does he need to do with those FACTS
  2. ahh.. have you tried a extension cord http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000068BUI/104-3049436-6963935?v=glance&n=172282 Go to your local wallyworld or major comupter/audio retailer and they should have one for you :)
  3. buy a apple nano 1 gig or 2.. buy some audiobooks One good audiobook or two should last you one trip.. I recomend the Dragon Riders of Pern (you can find it on audiable) Or the Pegaus Series (both by Anne Mcaffrey)
  4. i think that soon we will have a direct conversation with a god.. Probabbly Gunthix..... Why? Balance.. Zaro's and Zamorack Might fight... what would happen if Zaro's did not obey Gunthix's Rule of fighting on Gilenor.. OR did like the Priors.. Found a Alternate world that Gunthix is not in control of... and brought them to runescape to fight for him... OMG :anxious: #-o :ohnoes: :ohnoes: :ohnoes: :ohnoes: :ohnoes: :-w
  5. tried it already :( Do you have any script blockers? I had a simalar problem due to "NO Script" in firefox... The plugin page is a old support for WMP in third party browsers.. run it and then run windows update
  6. Norton has a better detection rate because it's actually publicly posted to boost sales. Norton is a huge drain on system resources and not worth the headaches it installs. AVG does it's job well and without annoying the hell out of the users. My dad's P4 system is a prime example. We recently replaced the harddrive and had a golden XP install (with the bundled crap from HP, it was fixed under warranty and reimaged) that was starting, running, and shutting down as expected. Jump foward to reinstalling Norton, and the box slows to a crawl when booting, takes 2+ minutes to log into any users, and hangs when shutting down. Jump foward again to removing Norton, and we're back to fast boots (as should be expected on a brand new XP install), and the normal shutdown times. Norton also include a few fun little "safeguards" you can use to drop people offline with plain text over IMs and IRC. Those were fun when they hit the IRC channels. :lol: McAfee isn't much better either. Not long ago (March 06), they pushed out a software update that wiped more than a few corporate systems because they didn't test it properly. Both have given me and many people I know nothing but headaches. AVG quietly does it's job once it's set up to update and scan on it's schedule and has yet to give me any problems. And the best thing about Norton.. is they push a new version out EVERY YEAR and if you don't upgrade they wont support you properly.... So thats $60-80 a year (if you don't take advantage of there scam of "free rebates" ) AVG offers a FREE version which is EQUAL to its pay version.. you just can't set the sceduals the same way....
  7. well try reinstalling WMP it might be a bit buggy?
  8. ouch.. also change your antivirus.. its a leviathan in code and not very simple... and honestly free AVG gets you the same protection
  9. i have a svideo out on my card.. you can get a decent 2 year old tech card for about $100 or less... I keep mine Cloneing to my TV all the time and have a auto splitter so if i turn my VCR off it switches to the computer (or if i turn my DVD on it switches to my DVD)
  10. it is.. its suprising what a good artist can do.. I wonder.. is there any way to get a copy of it when your done?
  11. hey man i tried to download all your songs but the following ones are no longer on the site.. "I'll own you noobie" Duel with me Scape Oddity Always (Tip.it) PKER! (Gotta own 'em all!) All Star - Archer - Bubsa - Rock Star! Wicky-wicky-Wilderness :( *cries*
  12. if they nerf it, yes they will have to make it give more points or only slightly nerf it.. i mean its hard sometimes to win when you have idiots
  13. sounds like your bios is dead? or something majorly wrong.. time to get a pro to look at it
  14. if you have a old copy of windows 98 then you can buy a upgrade copy of XP Home and upgrade with that
  15. Mementh

    Best Cars!

    a pure electric honda battery car with a pure generator addon (for long range trips or when i for get to plug in at night)
  16. go to walmart.. buy a $300 e-machine thats like anways from 7-10 times better then what you have more hard drive space.. windows xp (better since 98 95 and ME are no longer supported)
  17. yeah.. opera is good but very bad documentation on some features.. but still its a good browser from what i hear
  18. Whined... yes about being dumb and not having the right security.. why did i not whine about the stolen items? because honestly i could never get them back .... yes i could sell them now and get 99 prayer 99 smithing 99 herblore 99 farming 99 construction 99 magic 99 crafting 99 cooking 99 firemaking... But I never would have EARNED those skills... i had gotten the masks and phats long long time ago... when they were worthless.. and i also feel the high high high value of them is overrated (i don't have to worry anymore about them) Well i have switched to 31 with my friends :)
  19. i prefer session saver... i sometimes ahve 30-50 tabs open and will loose them if it crashes :) but i keep about 5 tabs open to my fav pages
  20. you do know that kerio is beaten by zonealarm which is much better than kerio, and is absolutely free :D ...just a little tip unfortunatly the loast version of zone alarm kept crashing on me for some strange reason :shame: So i had to go though the "uninstall procedures" and i decided it was time to check out another firewall I will.. one is for 85 mining. One is for my first 99. gonna save the rest
  21. *Post copied from my personal blog (click on sig to view my blog)* Well i was hacked on January 18th 2006.(See post from 01/18/2006) (i never figured out how they got my password but considering I have been checking since it happened and no one other then me has logged in) And I went back using the same list and re-calculated the losses based on current day prices and the E-bay list price of 11.99/million And here are the results (Since some items have a high and low price both figures were calculated) Without rares Low 30,239,400 high 37,384,400 With Rares Low 1,628,239,400 high 1,670,384,400 And in Real Life Money Low 19,522.59 High 20,027.91 And here is my current bank pic Ahh as you can see i have a Bank pin (as i should have) As you can see i got my armor back and then some my Rune supply is better then it used to be :) and i have some stuff for smithing :) I have alot of herbs again :) alot of dwarf weeds (the 149) and Lants (49) and kwarm (57) More herblore supplies and finished potions my archery armor more pots and some leather i want to work I have made alot of money in Shark fishing. and I have some seeds (they were left alone during the hacking) Lots of strawberrys lol, and some other junk more junk and some construction stuff (i have enough unplanked oaks to get to 72 construction) and last here lol my Gunthans that NEVER got touched (don't know why) and more junk (working on making tuna potatoes) *edit* Btw "frenchy" who posted a comment on my blog... I say I am richer then i was before.. I Have several Friends that stuck with me thoughout this. Stellalun79 User_nat Dilli00 (gave me a good number of items to help me rebuild) Sdthaman Frizoid (who became a friend after hearing about me being hacked and giving me a whip :) ) And there are others.. Mrschrystler who started speaking to me 2 months ago and Paganmom (one of her friends) And I say the price I paid to find true friends... was worth it! *edit for Tip.it Forums* Why do I post this here? Do I want your sympathy.. No... whats happened happened... no one can change it. Do I want free stuff.... HECK YES.. but not for reading this.... Do I want you to put a bank pin and other security on your computer?.... HECK YES I recomend AVG antivirus http://free.grisoft.com/doc/1 And i am currently using kerio firewall http://www.kerio.com/ (which has a free and full versions and a 30 day free trial of the full) The most important thing I want you to think of.... is your true friends... You will have only a few of them... I hope to always be welcomed on there friendslist *edit* Moved my site so pic locations moved
  22. i took a quick look at that.. i am not impressed.. the program handbrake also works with VOB (AKA DVD format) and all other formats but is able to work better for chapters and TV show's (which i am copying myself from ones i have owned) so.. untill it understands the full vob format i would not recomend using it for that.. as to its quality i can't say just download the codecs that it links to in the help files No you don't understand.. Handbrake understands the "chapters" better then this program from what i saw. (lets say you have a DVD with 4 episodes of a TV show, Handbrake understands the breaks and can sperate each episode)
  23. i took a quick look at that.. i am not impressed.. the program handbrake also works with VOB (AKA DVD format) and all other formats but is able to work better for chapters and TV show's (which i am copying myself from ones i have owned) so.. untill it understands the full vob format i would not recomend using it for that.. as to its quality i can't say
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