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Everything posted by xAxelx

  1. roflmao, nice. http://www.runescapereality.tripod.com is funnier though, real life peopel acting out runescape
  2. Lets see.. Milo Balzak, 81, A pure i used to have "tele noob", and my current pure H0LY 0MFG
  3. I pretty much learned how to spell and not use leetspeak, because i wanted to look respectable. Without RunEscape, i would still be typing shortened forms of words like "U" and "R"
  4. buying/selling I personally hate when people shorten "buying, or selling" to "buy, sell" "sell yew long bows" ARE YOU SELLING OR TELL ME TO SELL?
  5. Same here lol. I also had an acount from 2004, but i forgot the name.
  6. A banshee. Forgot earmuffs..lost robin set and a few arrows, thats when i quit for like 6 months :?
  7. I WOULD GIVE HIM A MEDAL. Maybe if he gave me my..robin set..verac helm and skirt.. everything else i lost to random death by forum reading synrdrome.
  8. Trust me, there is. It also randomly selects clothing.
  9. hey id rather merchant with the money or buy some new armor than just throw it away on some stupid pieces of furniture Planks my friend.. planks. WHERE YOU GONNA SLEEP???????////
  10. Coolio, i'd like to see this. I tried getting in your house but its private 8-) They should make a thievery skill for breaking into houses.
  11. This is bad news. My name on runescape is h0ly 0mfg -zeros Well lets hope i dont get banned. I've seen far worse names :(
  12. PMFG. Well done. I really enjoy reading your Kq/DK stories :lol:
  13. I think jagex knew people were looking at it and took it off :cry:
  14. Nice guide, I might have to smith for you sometime.. :wink:
  15. I was kidding, but you can't see this obviously. I do go to shows, but no I am not "Hardcore." Whats so bad about "hardcore" people anyway? Arent we all just multicellular ogranisms with an advanced culture? Nevermind.. I can't explain this. Its hard for me to fathom anyone hating a certain just group just because they are what they are. So what if they guage their ears, or dance in a certain way. Everyone is just fitting in.
  16. I'm just gonna sit back and laugh about this one. I thought when someone said yellowcard was hardcore it was funny.. Slipknot, Korn, and system are all easy to understand by the way.
  17. Oh really? I happen to go to at least one show everyone weekend. Hardcore is ok, I personally go because two of my friends are in a band and the moshing is sweet when you have asianxcore kids doing backflips and dragon kicks. Don't tell me im not hardcore. HARDCORE TO THE GRAVE XXX lolodar
  18. Love her music. My friend download That catchy panic at the disco! song and it got stuck in my head. :?
  19. Greenday. I hate his whiney voice. AC/DC too, but i still like their music.
  20. Mother Machine Gun- Mushroomhead Next up.. As the palaces burn- Lamb of God Might listen to tentative- system of a down after that :idea:
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