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Everything posted by Dragontotem

  1. hey hun, sorry for not posting in a while, and for not talking too much in-game *Tear* :( good luck, i see you've been busy training :D and oh... i see that i still dont have 99 wc which means we aint wcing together for a while :-w oh well, theres other times :D
  2. and you sthu, wasn't first nor second emo moment you had :| i still do remember it... tell me how to get 50k exp per hour tell me how to get 50k exp per hour tell me how to get 50k exp per hour tell me how to get 50k exp per hour tell me how to get 50k exp per hour tell me how to get 50k exp per hour tell me how to get 50k exp per hour tell me how to get 50k exp per hour that times infinite in power of 2 And you know, some people like skilling slowly but surely, so you have no damn rights to tell other people JUST DO IT :lol: [smiley was sarcastic indeed] good luck
  3. lol, the rules are getting more and more strict day by day. I got (IMO damn pitiful amount of blackmarks ROFL) 0.2Bm's for calling someone 'dang sherlock' XD but for the 'get reported for talking or not talking', talk if you feel like it, dont talk if you dont feel like it. If they report you for macroing, then let them, it doesn't matter as jagex's macro detect thing in the report thing will see if you actually macroed or not.
  4. Yes. it sends some random data from that player to some random investigation team there in jagex place and they see from the random data if there is automate code dropped in the data, and if there is, BANHAMMER FTW Hmm... Here's a metafora: Person1 sends an apple to leet grandma. (which is report of some player, non autoer), grandma is so leet that she knows if there is poison in there (aka macro script). IN this case there is not, so she can make an apple pie off it and eat it. But if person1 sends an apple, poisoned apple, grandma can smell it, and know it's bad, and throw it away (aka ban the macroer). And i know that doesn't make sense at all, and i dont know why i wrote it, but anyways *shrug*
  5. The fact that it's being over used by people who thinks it actually is offensive. You can make it 'offensive' if you mix it with other words, such as 'goddamn nolifing macro noob' (which i get 10 times every day ) I have to admit that it is getting really annoying when 100 people accuse others of being 'noobs' when they are wearing bronze med and dagger at lvl 16, where others have steel so far (woooo :lol: ) ahh.. what a good reason to play chat on friends :P
  6. Yea, i allow alot of random stoof, although other mods go 'just shut up finally will ya?!' and i go 'let them have fun ;D;D mwawawaaw =D' but meh *Shrug*
  7. Yes there is. But you know, when people dont have their own opinion, they have to act like they have opinion by posting '+1'. Which btw is very idiotic. But yea, conculsion. If you dont like /lightning, dont use it. It's that simple.
  8. god i love sarcastic people and rofled at the 'zezima' 1 :XD: and i see me in 1 pic keep it up girl!
  9. so... Which of the accounts im supposed to keep added?! (as i only keep 1 account per person added, so i have even a bit of room in my list lol)
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