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Everything posted by neocrosby

  1. Yea the style has changed pretty much. It doesn't bother me much, as I've only really pk'd like 3 people in my almost 7 years of playing this game.
  2. I can't stand looking at white forums. I won't be back until sub-black is out. :)
  3. What a jerk! i was really active in the forums the last 3 months. All my posts are gone... why I aughtta!!! :twisted:
  4. No_99_Melee, no offense but seriously, nobody is pulling their hair out waiting to come home so they can hear No_99_Melee's opinion on the update today. There are several topics about today's update. Think about posting your opinion in one of those rather than cluttering an already cluttered forum. Seriously
  5. WOW! all I can say is WOW. (wow as in the expression of amazement, not World of warcraft, thankyou very much.) A lot has happened in my Absence from Runescape. I am beginning to bash myself in the head. Why did I quit Runescape to work my day off to make about $7,000 when I could of kept playing it and made $100,000+ a year. #-o HAHA \
  6. You know who I am loyal to. I was there last year.... Tip.it has my sword!
  7. He mean't not playing on the Wii, as one of its console game. Simply play runscape on the Wii's internet channel. and yes... this would be possible if they added java, wouldn't it?
  8. So If I calculated right, I closed my calculator now but, basically If I sit at the bronze knife seller and buy nearly 578k bronze knifes, I can achieve 99 range with only 8M cash and several hours of my life?
  9. I'm pretty sure its the 5 guys in your sigs fault!
  10. this post is great. show me some love. =D>
  11. I've had enough negative confrontations with them to give a big fat NAY
  12. you can't be slower than me. I've been playing since September of 2001 and my strength is only 92. halfway after 6 years of playing this game! I can't wait for 2013 when i Finally get 99!
  13. I used to be a member, but for the last 2 years or so have kept to F2p only. I just don't play enough or have the intention to keep at the game, to give jagex $5. I don't see really any advantages of staying f2p, other than having an extra $5 a month in your wallet. also, MNH Clever, how on earth did you get 99 mining in free version, I just got 80 mining (I was 74 mining in rsc) all f2p, I want to pull my hair out. going for 85 seems impossible for me. Any tips?
  14. My friend Travis' pet from named Clifton. He died of Leukemia, and we kept his frog, that was back in the classic days. First spot in my bank.
  15. level 115... 0 dragon drops cool.
  16. Hi, I was wondering if anyone out there is familiar with this software. It is used for creating Title menus, and adding chapters to your home made footage for dvd's. You see, I work at our cities local government access channel editing random television shows and My boss has a copy of Adobe Encore on my computer, she told me if I could figure out how to use it, I could make some extra money by creating title menus for some of the programs we run and sell to our viewing audience. I though it would be easy enough to figure out since I am very familiar with Adobe Premier for editing and Adobe Audition for recording music, but I just cannot seem to figure anything with Encore out. My first guess was to help myself by looking in the HELP menu, but I'm afraid this is a bootlegged copy of the software, and it didn't come with a help menu. What I am trying to do, is take this footage of a concert that I have filmed, that is an .avi file and make it so when I burn it out onto dvd it has A big picture of the concert, with the PLAY - SCENE SELECTION- and so on titles, and make a chapter at the begginning of each bands song. If anyone out there with knowledge could help me out, I would gladly appreciate it, or if anyone can somehow find a downloadable version of the help file, that would be even better! thanks, casey
  17. Oh wow, that was a long while ago. I completed that quest sometime in late 2001. I'm guessing in the level 40's. I remember the night better. I was with a group of friends. I have to admit we all cheated. This was back in the day when the 3 map pieces were still tradable. I got them from a friend. The first time I went against Elvarg, she killed me. I later snuck to my dad's work where I could use the internet, passed my "bedtime" (was a school night and I was only a freshman in highschool.) and I victoriously was the first of my friends to be able to wear a rune platemail body. However soon after Guantlets were released nobody wore the stinking Plate anyway, everyone wore the Rune chain because you couldn't wear guantlets with platemail. what a fun time.
  18. Disgusting. People have a right to be disgusted with their country. These people have good right. Its a stupid piece of cloth. Do what you please with it. The Officer should be charged with breaking and entering. Kinda ridiculous how the wife called 911. You're calling the problem to fix the problem, ya know... this is a police state, you really think you are going to be saved? Give me a Break. Free Speech is spat upon when things like this happen, even if the couple were to be cited, that isn't fair... you have to go through the court system, just for wanting to publicize this countries problems? This would most likely incur several missed days of work, fines, court fees, all the other BS that united states courts come along with. I fly a flag upside down in my window, and have yet to have any problems. I hope this kind of stuff doesn't happen to me.
  19. For your next Podcast or whatever try to moniter your audio levels. One person is so quiet that you have to turn your volume up to understand them, then the next comes in and its so loud! I don't really believe it is Ashley the original player. Anybody could answer the questions that were asked. Maybe if you got more in depth about the classic days. I started early september 2001, and vaguely remember hearing of Ashley back in the day. Plus she said she doesn't like quests.... please.
  20. It was always my favorite. I remember the cool people I once knew used it so I hopped on! Oerrg, Punk4ever, and my favorite Forsakenmage. It was always helpful to me when I used to play.
  21. Rune dragon would drop a dragon platebody... then what would a Dragon Dragon drop? \
  22. I've never had a dragon drop before, but I was at my friends house when they got a dragon spear once. Also my teamate got a dragon chain while we were double verac'ing the queen. I have got every barrows item at least once from barrow's in the past. Best clue, I'd have to say saradomin legs and zamorak plate in the same trail. I haven't had members for going on a year now unfortunately. Might get it when winter comes around again.
  23. Dharok - DAR-ROCK Karil - Care-REL Verac - VEHR-ECK Guthan - GUH-THAN Ahrim -AIR-REM Torag -TOHR-RAG
  24. MERCIFUL! I'd expect more out of you! HAHA as for me, its the end of an era. Bob Barker is a wonderful man. I have such fond memories as a young child spending the night at my grandparents and being woken up to breakfast and being served lunch while watching The Price is Right. During the Summer of 2005 I rode on a vegetable oil powered school bus with the bands Terminal Youth and Fruit Salad. During the shows in California they made it a MUST to be on the show! Though none of them made it to the contestants row, Bob did however mention a punk band along the back row. That was so cool. The Drummer of Terminal Youth also used to be in the band "BOB BARKER YOUTH." I hope everyone agrees Bob Barker rules bigtime. What a guy. His presence will be missed, and hopefully he lives the rest of his days in peace and harmony. HAHA bob rules
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