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Everything posted by nightshade53

  1. When the footy is on: Otherwise: I play fullscreen HD with very smooth graphics, at 2560x1440 resolution. It's win :D Can also watch blu-ray films while I semi-afk :P Post what systems you play on!
  2. Lead programmer/game engine developer. They have had a job advertised there for years for a game engine developer, I want to apply but I need to keep making games to build up my portfolio! I also need to graduate first.. (final year at uni next year though ;))
  3. I'm definitely not going to be killing 5.6k wolves! 112 have bought in the GE now, after an hour. I'll just leave the offer there for a week or so and I should get them all :)
  4. I need 5.6k wolf bones to get from 92-96 summoning, but where do I get them from? They aren't selling on the GE..
  5. Not helpful in any way but.. Triple charms? What does that mean?
  6. I almost agree. ZGS is kinda overrated there. However, SGS is really unnecessary. In a trio I can already last as long as my pouches, so extra healing isn't necessary. You really want AGS or claws for their large damage output. Also full Veracs is trash, I don't know why RSOF teams accept it. Ooop! For small (3 and under) teams the best setup is actually veracs with AGS to spec, in the same way that the best setup for small teams at bandos is whip with ags to spec (and maxed ATTACK bonus). I've done a fair amount of testing on this. Duo veracs with terrorbirds is very effective, Trio with unicorns is probably the best/most fun you can have at sara gwd
  7. I havn't done any dharoking for over a year :P After this trip I'll try CT fiends. Is there a guide in the AoW?
  8. I've already maxed melee range and mage though. Slayer is a huge waste of my time.. The charm rate is pitiful. I used to do a lot of slayer, but after I got to 85 I just camped abbys for around 35m melee xp. They're pretty good for charms and cash/hour. But nowhere near as good for charms as barraging lobs..
  9. Hey, I'm trying to get enough charms to get from 92-96 summoning. I already have nearly 3k crimsons in the bank and a few hundred gold/green, about 50 blues. I've been away for a year and I'm wondering what the best way to gather charms is. I'm 99 attack strength defence range hp mage, with 81 prayer (and 92 summoning ofc). What's my best bet? I used to dharok fiends, but I spent yesterday barraging rock lobs with ahrims/master wand (WOOT AUTOCAST FINALLY!)/mage book/seers/inf boots/barrows gloves/fury. Is there a better way or should I crack on? It's going to cost me about 30m in barrages to get the charms I need doing it the way I am..
  10. In furutre can you not edit the question out and just put [resolved] in the title. I was interested in this topic and was disappointed to find that you'd edited it out.
  11. I've always felt that ZGS doesn't add much at sara, unless you're ranging. Possibly if you're trying to duo with unicorns, but I don't know why you'd attempt that.. A lot of forum groups want people to have either ZGS or AGS, which i think it totally ridiculous. SGS is a far superior option and enables you to stay longer. SGS specs should be done on the minions for the best effect, and full veracs on Zil. If I were you I would definitely not get a ZGS unless you go with range teams for some reason..
  12. I like safari better. It's faster, I prefer the UI and it goes with os x better :) I'm fairly sure first part of that is lie. I recall seeing speed tests somewhere and it went like Chrome > firefox > safari > opera > IE (fastest to slowest) I've done several tests myself and with friends and safari has always come out top. I have also seen evidence that safari is quicker on the internet in the form of graphs etc Can't find the graphs I had before, but it seems now that chrome is faster than safari and ff. Still love the safari ui though ;) Edit: Back OT.. I think I've found a solution maybe.. If I resize my browser window to fit most of the screen, then more options magically appear in the fullscreen drop down box. I'm guessing that it calculates your screen res by the size of the browser window? Doesn't make sense to me :P
  13. I like safari better. It's faster, I prefer the UI and it goes with os x better :)
  14. I was basically telling you to stay out of my business. You can give advice all you want but don't try and force me to act to your liking because I will do whatever the heck i want to do not what you believe is the best for me. Sorry about this Thanks to all the others for the supportive advice :) :roll: don't ask for advice if your going to ignore everything everyone says. I did not ignore it i read everysingle thing that was posted. ultimately its your choice, but I showed you evidence that CLEARLY showed that extremes were better, you stated that you do not like herblore, ok you dont like the skill, that's your choice. However now your training herblore but not selling your claws? that just doesn't make any sense. Did you include in your calculations the time it takes to make the money to buy ingredients, or the time it takes to make the potions to get to the level he needs? If he trains herblore he won't have that 30m anymore..
  15. Not really sure but if you can't figure it out, you could just use the resizeable feature and use full screen mode on your web browser which is essentially the same thing (f11 on firefox). Don't think there's any full screen option for Safari..
  16. What are extremes good for? Just about anything regarding melee combat. Extreme>Super in any case, although a Yak seems all around worth it if all you do is hunt DKS. I am glad, just spent all day barraging rock lobsters :)
  17. Yo I have about 60m at my disposal. I need 5k crims for 96 summon and I'm 62 herblore. I'm max combat except prayer and summon. Should I go for 88/89 herb or 96 summon? Most of what I do in the game is DKs, and I'm always jealous of people there with yaks banking all their bones.. Even though you don't have to take any food at all with unicorn/sgs.. I want a yak! But are extremes better for dks somehow? I use super pots there at the mo, much better than no super pots! </ramble>
  18. World's worst spelling of Armadyl :razz: Void is also like a lot cheaper than arma..
  19. Hi, I'm having a little trouble with getting the fullscreen mode to work properly. This morning I tried playing fullscreen for the first time, the options for resolution were the two basic ones (I think 800x640 and 1024x768, don't quote me on that though).. When I logged on this afternoon, for some reason it would actually let me play at my native resolution- 2560x1440 (mmmmm 27 inch imac :)). Tonight (now), it's back to only giving me the two basic options again.. Why?
  20. u jealous? You don't have to be jealous to want to know a little bit about this guy irl. This is the first post I've made on here since I quit runescape (about a year ago), but I used to be quite good friends with him (albeit around three years ago). I can tell you that he's is about 20, from London and an Arsenal fan. Online he was a nice guy, used to hang out in my clan's IRC channel even though he was in a skilling clan of his own. He had 'perfect' pking stats back then- 99 99 75 melees with 99 range and mage. We used to look out for rc pkers and take them down. Fun times.. As for his 'life' outside of the game, realistically it was non-existant. He consistently put in 10-12 hours of runecrafting per day, at near optimum pace. But really, who cares? In the school holidays in 2007, he made 2 millions natures through the abyss and was around 35m rc xp. I have a screenshot somewhere of them..
  21. That was dumb. :wall: I really hope they had the money there on accident.. Everytime I try to get into the waterfall, I fall off the waterfall 2-3 times. Misclicking and starting to swim, just clicking the tree, forgetting rope..its horrible. lol. I know its not as bad as some of these others, but it gets really annoying. I believe he was one of those kids who believed in the rumor that the more you risk when getting ep, the better your drops will be when you get a kill. If you ask me it was just a load of crap made by pkers who wanted insane money from idiot ep'ers. No, it was an accident.
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