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Everything posted by a_bert

  1. I thought he was talking about something that happened to him. :-# :wall: ... It did? :wall: For your benefit, I was facepalming over my failing to see the teleport tab. EDIT: Needs more unspam. 21st June.
  2. Japan shall take this opportunity to discontinue trade for the seed. We have stocks of it from the earlier deal, and we see no use in waiting for Argentinian scientists for more seeds and then having to buy them - our own scientists will research the seed and then give the "secrets" to the IAC and my allies. Then, after another year, the genetic code will be released to the world in a peaceful move.
  3. I just experienced the biggest facepalm of my life. Bring forth the abuse. In my defence, it's 2am.
  4. Did you die? Theres a "Loading Please Wait" and bandos swung but theres no damage splat so I'm pretty sure he tabbed and lived And where in his inventory was he hiding this tab?
  5. Well, as your a member of the IAC, I would hope that all (or at least, most) our technological advancements are shared, as are our resources. Perhaps I was mistaken in what the IAC should be about - for me it is more than just a defensive pact.
  6. It was Italy. I like your suggestion for Africa, while not wanting to discriminate against the continent, I enjoy the idea of a race to control unclaimed land. It would also add a reason to use money to vaccinate the third world against AIDS and other diseases.
  7. a_bert


    Hey man, I know this may sound crazy, but I wasn't able to go to sleep last night either. And when I mentioned it to my parents, they said they couldn't either. Two of the three friends I asked couldn't either. Something strange is going on in our area :? Holy, neither could I. Perhaps it was becuase I had to sleep on the ground. I lol'd so hard! gratz on level up! I slept brilliantly. Probably because I went to bed at 6am.
  8. Here is the latest map Since then, the only countries I remember being claimed was Finland and Sweden. (Neither are marked as taken on the map, unless Norway isn't, which means Norway was taken. But yeah. My geography is off, I'm tired. Forgive me :P) EDIT: Yeah, of course you can join in.
  9. Won't you be needing that for yourself? Russia is the second biggest oil producer in the world, right behind Saudi Arabia. It produces much much more than it consumes. (produces 9.8 million barrels a day, consumes 2.9 million barrels a day) Woah, I knew it produced a lot but I had no idea it was that much.
  10. Won't you be needing that for yourself?
  11. I think this should be extended to war. Yes, you're invading Poland - but what do you think you will gain?
  12. Norway's health system is horrible. My friend is quite seriously ill but because of the system, she isn't being seen by a doctor other than her GP, who tells her to go to a hospital. I think she's waiting on her test results or something, but she got a letter today saying she "wasn't a priority" - how the hell would that make you feel?
  13. I don't think we should be allowed to expand too far from our motherland. I.e America shouldn't be able to attack Eastern Europe. It's uneconomical. It also would look silly on a map if everyone's empires were all over the world.
  14. While I too was surprised at the level of military activity, I decided that in the event of war erupting it was best to be prepared. This explains the increase in Japan's military as well as the majority of our uranium going towards submarines, rather than medicine. (Also, it's weapons grade - not sure if that's the best use in medicine?) With the scale of Japan's economy, I could donate vaccines - but with the apparent expansive nature of some countries, I could indirectly be giving away free stuff to rivals who will eventually want to invade me. On the contrary, these alliances are not useless. They provide exclusive technology quicker than my scientists would be able to research alone. I am concerned that you, who claim to be so loving of peace, have decided to manufacture, as you claim to have, such a powerful weapon. War though. I think, without war, then the levels of interest in this could drop very quickly. I also think we need a real system to use when war comes, we can't just have "I attack your city and destroy all your troops with my tanks" - how is this fair? And yes, RPG does seem very "quick" however the countries he overtook, I think, had a rather small military and are fairly docile anyway. I like the idea of giving the countries to surrounding allies. When a ruler becomes inactive, his country falls into anarchy and is open to be invaded without "breaking the hegemon's peace" EDIT: I got the 500th post in the thread! Woo!
  15. A quick update as it sunk in what effect NOPEC will have on Japan; currently 50% of Japan's power comes from Petroleum (crude oil). If the market price is to slowly go up, then Japan's economy could take a hit unless something is changed in the power. Thus, in some of the newly cleared mountainous land, wind farms will be built which could provide up to 5% of Japan's power. This still leaves a large portion of our power reliant on oil. I estimate that around 10% of energy is now from the enhanced solar panels we developed with China and Israel. Additionally, with any "spare" uranium from the deal with Australia, we can increase the size and volume of our nuclear power plants.
  16. Hello. As much of Japan is currently very mountains terrain, we are very interested in this plant. We offer you cash, or if you would prefer, some of our newly developed solar technology. EDIT:
  17. [hide=Sarcasm explode] Don't compare it to the real world and there is a fair basis start and I have support too so I should be able to get the oil. No there's not. You're supposed to improve your country from where it is in the real world. You don't magically have billions of dollars. Why not work on increasing the cigar industry? EDIT: @Run4Runes - One word. Hyperinflation. Better idea: I should work on a machine that makes sarcasm detectable on the internet! :D [/hide] Add trolling to it. --- Japan has a large fleet off destroyers, and a small detachment of these (Say 4) shall be despatched to add to the Brazilian fleet, unless Brazil declines this offer. The ships would ultimately be loyal to myself, but a Brazilian commander would be acceptable to the ships. My military budget is currently largely in naval based activities, specifically aircraft carriers and nuclear submarines - however enough is put into a training programme for the new infantry. --- Japan will attend the meeting. --- Also, if everyone could state the alliances their country holds. Perhaps we could form some kind of political map. Kind of like the one here.
  18. Don't compare it to the real world and there is a fair basis start and I have support too so I should be able to get the oil. No there's not. You're supposed to improve your country from where it is in the real world. You don't magically have billions of dollars. Why not work on increasing the cigar industry? EDIT: @Run4Runes - One word. Hyperinflation.
  19. I should like to propose a lucrative book deal, entitled, "My journey from Japan to MAD". Thousands will buy it. All I require is your endorsement. We shall share the profits. If this goes well, there could be more business in the future! Oh course I will endorse the book, as long as it isn't based around MAD being a terrible place or anything of the sort. Of course not. I'm sure this will boost both our economies. I'm both impressed and nervous with the might of Brazil's military. Japan seeks peaceful relations with Brazil, and offers to assist Brazil in an area of research of your choice. I too am not impressed by the "colonization" of Antarctica, and am slightly upset by my allies immediate (and, to be frank, greedy) offer of supplies for the colony.
  20. I should like to propose a lucrative book deal, entitled, "My journey from Japan to MAD". Thousands will buy it. All I require is your endorsement. We shall share the profits. If this goes well, there could be more business in the future!
  21. Nuclear submarines. I forgot about them. Good point. Uranium for everybody! /cheer I guess we're building some nuclear submarines! I agree let's trade for some, Uranium has it's uses. Wonderful, it's settled then. We shall open the trade alliance with Australia by selling the solar technology our countries have recently invented in exchange for uranium and cool weapons. I see. EDIT: OOC: Could we write in hide tags if we only want our allies to see (or a specific group of people) but do not want to have messy PM's everywhere? If someone was to be found to be looking where they shouldn't, then I'm sure the benevolent Hegemony could nuke 'em. Not sure if it's a good idea or bad.
  22. Nuclear submarines. I forgot about them. Good point. Uranium for everybody! /cheer
  23. Yes, certainly. Infact I have increased Uranium export by 300%. dungeonal and istolethepie, would you two consider a trade alliance with Australia? As you guys are my 2 highest export countries. Anyone wishing to trade advancements in technology and weaponry for Uranium? I am also able to make China more inclined into an agreement due to the relationship Ruddy developed with China. This does not guarantee I can force China into anything, just tell them that I agree with the idea. (Tough luck if I don't, I'm no hypocrite.) I am also in the market for soft drugs due to me deciding to test if Australia can handle the legalisation of them. I would be happy to extend an alliance to you, but I feel that I would feel safer if it was a joint alliance with China towards you. If Israel and China agree with me, then we would sell you our recent advancements in the field of Solar technology in exchange for weaponry. Japan definitely is expanding my military, however we will have little use for uranium - due to nukes being banned, and our goal being solar energy rather than nuclear. However, my allies may require it. -- Military & Unemployment. When I took over, Japan had only 238,000 personnel. To help combat unemployment, approximately 160,000 more citizens have been hired by the military. Many of these are undergoing training at the moment, however within a few years the infantry shall be very highly trained. Similarly, while previously only 3% of the national budget was spent on the military I am raising this to 5%, increasing our budget to around $80 billion. This will of course mean that our infantry is equipped with highly accurate and reliable weapons. Similarly, I wish to investigate the creation of a large armoured battalion with their own air support.
  24. Not South Africa I figure it fits in well with solar energy theme and unity.
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