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Everything posted by ChaosSt0rm

  1. Putting 1m in coffers, with 100% approval ill edit tomorrow.
  2. i submitted these on rshumor http://rshumor.net/images.php?id=380 http://rshumor.net/images.php?id=382 http://rshumor.net/images.php?id=383 also the one in my sig im sure i have a couple of others
  3. I didnt use my tipit pass as my rs pass tho... Must be a very clever hacker to steal the password database :roll: not really you just have to know a little about exploits and stuff and im not sure if it was phpbb forums but i was some kind of forum where they messed up in the coding or whatever which easy enough you find it out you can get all the details
  4. world 9 is quite a popular world popular worlds = lots of pkers = lots of pkers who will pk for absolutely nothing to annoy you should stick to a quiet world :P
  5. i hate that badger thing so much but funny find i guess
  6. when your upto the slippery bit use the plank with the stones you dont get hit if no one has said this its their
  7. browse forums, watch pk vids and anything else that i think of which wont interrupt it too much
  8. add a scroll bar, or do what they did with prayers make them smaller maybe something like that they would probably do or add a second page
  9. someone said my name in the fishing guild and said i wanted to see if it was still blocked never knew it was and haven't really thought to see though i must check next time im on
  10. I saw this about a week ago or so on mayhem makers forums and the construction page was removed in the same day
  11. clan wars are in multi areas i think he means in non multi areas so it wouldnt apply
  12. wouldnt that be the same as a team of people with daggers coming at you with 4 specials? i remember back with the double spec it was deadly i wouldnt mind it back either
  13. Watch homewrecker Ryan Dunns show that should give you some nice ideas :lol:
  14. not pleasent, and no one in the right mind would volunteer for them selves to be killed and eaten
  15. 1. around 6.4m i've saw it going for in w2 2. flail - 1m - 1.1m, helm - about 2.8m, skirt - about 450k, brassard - about 2.2m 3. you could use it sucessfully to kill all (barrows?) brothers
  16. hahaha that is one lucky lvl 12 i wouldnt drop trade its far too risky, in the fact of being banned and people like the lvl 12 will 9/10 get it before you lol wonder if the lvl 12 knows actually what hes holding?
  17. 34 farming lowest, 93 magic highest been playing over 1 and a half years
  18. 'i am going to rub the white ball on my nips' some guy referring to his air staff
  19. ill be deffinately getting a ps3 when they come out probs the 60gb version but it depends how the memory gets used up whether or not the 20gb will be worth it
  20. over 7 mins is still mad either way, some stuff will seem stupid what he does hes just pushing the limits seeing how far/much his body can take
  21. i have been pked about 2 times lost a glory once but other time no glory the pouches being the main part of annoying if i get away which is most of the time if i fell upto it ill go back and make them tele as always and if im lucky get the kill, never happened so far but scaring them off is normally enough
  22. i think i did it on around 30 pray pots and about 50 sharks with some still left over
  23. canoes arent pointless i use one to always get to edgeville the idea seems really good what about canifis though, ghostly horses of some kind...
  24. do quests, train on dummies (max lvl 8 though) thats all i know ranged is just use cannon and range guild targets
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