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Everything posted by pault

  1. Are you serious? Text Messages on my wireless plan are so expensive, it's a great gift. She can also read it again any time she gets lonely, it's the gift that keeps on giving.
  2. The situation is vastly more complicated than Iran "Supporting" Shi'a groups. The TRUTH is that the US should never have gone into Iraq, and Iran poses no threat to the US, at all.
  3. You are connecting two different issues. Yet neither Irans aspiration to acquire nuclear power (originally aided by the US in the 50's, we gave them a reactor) nor its supposed aid to groups in Iraq, pose a threat to the United States. Please, please, please, read some of the supplied text and attempt to respond to it instead of repeating a watered down version what you hear on CNN in a fellacious attempt at a rebuttal. I shouldn't ask for a source? I should, and you should have one. I could find one for you, but that wouldn't help your critical thinking skills much, would it?
  4. How was it ok for the US to go into Afghanistan? The intelligence on Bin Laden carrying out the 9/11 attacks was at least as bad as the intelligence saying that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction (I mean, other than the ones the US sold him of course). Besides, the cia has already given up searching for Bin Laden, indicating that he was never the real issue after all.
  5. How could such a disaster not be predicted? It's almost like Rusmfeld never made a plan to occupy iraq.
  6. Wow, you didn't read much in this thread did you? There is no proof the insurgents are getting IEDs (or any other kind of support) from Iran. Watch the Daily Show clip to be educated on the IED issue (and for a humorous take on the whole situation). Find me a source that shows that insurgents in Iraq are getting any support from Iran, you will have trouble, because Iran in fact is helping groups that are part of the pro-US coalition in Iraq. Iran also helped the US take down the taliban in Afghanistan. Countries like Saudi Arabia and the UAE actually fund jihad alot more than Iran.
  7. 1. Who are you? A series of chemical reactions. 2. What are you doing here?- Exploring the possibilities of pyromania in a post-punk world. 3. What is your purpose?
  8. What is with me is the spirit of truth that has motivated every revolutionary since the dawn of time; the realization that those in power are systematically lying to the people, and the subsequent burning desire to change the situation of the human race for better. Maybe you don't care that the 9/11 Commission Report was full of lies, but I will not sit complacently while the government fails in its civic duty to protect its citizens. I don't know what you're trying to say here, but I would like to move out of the US, though that is not economically possible for me at the moment, and I wouldn't move to the Middle East.
  9. To be fair to Bush, he's a liar and a war profiteer who manipulated the intelligence during the buildup to the Iraq war, lied to congress, and allowed the 9/11 attacks to happen. Bush is a rock. What constitutes stability in Iraq? Is there any evidence that those conditions can ever be achieved by a foreign occupying force? So? It's not our war to fight. Quite frankly, it isn't any of the United States business if the Sunnis and the Shi'ites want to kill eachother. Maybe the United States original strategy of installling a dictator and giving him chemical weapons wasn't so bad after all.
  10. I am going to send my girlfriend a text message.
  11. The paradox is that none of this is based in reality. New Yorkers know that there are still many unanswered questions about 9/11, and that Giuliani failed them. He is a corrupt politician who preformed poorly under pressure and failed to confront the governments scandalous lies in the 9/11 Commission, probably because he felt so blessed by the Commissions lack of tough questioning in his own case.
  12. I think you forget that the US originally helped Iran acquire a reactor, under the Atoms for Peace program in the 50's. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iran_nucle ... 0s_and_60s Also, from the article in the original post: Actually, Al-Qaeda is believed (by the US government to have ties to many terrorist attacks before 9/11. Though the FBI has no "Solid evidence" connecting Bin Laden with 9/11, or for that matter, many of the other supposed "Al-Qaeda" "Sponsored" or "Inspired" terrorists attacks. And it's not as if they are going after Bin Laden, anyway. Al-Qaeda...media invention? Because he is against nukes. Way to read.
  13. Obama and Hilary are both useless in my opinion. Hilary voted for the war in Iraq, and Obama's stance on free trade and social issues screams "Big government". In fact, both candidates want to expand the governments role in individuals lives. I'm voting for Nader or whoever norml supports.
  14. I just find it fascinating how the media has perpetuated this myth that Giuliani somehow was this amazing asset on 9/11 and the days following, while in reality his conduct was questionable, and his complacency toward the 9/11 commissions lies (half of New Yorkers believe the government had knowledge of the attacks before they happened, 66% believe there should be a new investigation) show that he has very little gumption or leadership potential. Hahaha, even Barak Obama is ahead of Giulinai in the polls in New York. http://dailygotham.com/blog/paul/new_yo ... heart_rudy
  15. The mayor of New York City, Rudy Giuliani, is going to run for president in 2008. He has a rep for being a "Hero" of 9/11. http://www.breitbart.com/news/2007/02/05/D8N3O4302.html It's too bad here in reality Giulini was not a hero of 9/11, in fact his bureaucratic bs made a bad situation worse. http://dailygotham.com/blog/paul/giulia ... e_on_water http://dailygotham.com/blog/paul/swiftb ... y_guiliani http://www.nypost.com/seven/12282006/ne ... berman.htm Moreover, the notoriously flawed 9/11 commission unsurprisingly gave him gentle treatment. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/9/11_Commi ... y_Giuliani More resources: http://www.skyscrapersafety.org/html/ar ... 40520.html http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/wtc_giuliani.html http://www.mishalov.com/wtc_giuliani-account-9_11.html
  16. When I was at school I never posted on forums. If I actually stayed in class long enough to get access to a computer, I would just watch videos on the NG flash portal untill my eyes started to bleed.
  17. I have to remind you that the US did not enter into WW2 because of the holocaust. It took Pearl Harbour (which was largely preventable; the US had already broken the Japanese code and the navy had sunk a Japanese sub earlier on that morning) to get us into WW2. http://www.holocaust-history.org/short- ... onse.shtml
  18. Maybe you didn't watch it; the main content is the playing of a clip of George saying that Iran is supplying insurgents in Iraq with high powered IEDs, and then then Rumsfeld and General Pace denying this is true. It is merely a video which demonstrates the difference between fact and reality, in only one of the many accusations against Iran. http://movies.crooksandliars.com/TDS-Bush-Iran-IED.wmv Besides, I wasn't citing it as a source; if you had actually visited the website providing the article or watched the clip, you would know that it was for comic relief, and besides the Daily Show provides more accurate reporting than most major news stations, who are banging the anti-Iran drumbeat out almost as loud as Bush. http://www.campaigniran.org/casmii/inde ... =node/1216 He may not be friendly, but he's not a threat to the civilized world. Compare Iran to another Middle Eastern nation, say Israel, which we know has nukes, and has a long history of civil rights violations and using powerful weapons against largely civilian populations. Also consider that the last war Iran was in was fought against Iraq, where the US supplied Saddam with chemical weapons and taught him how to use them. Who are the real terrorists here?
  19. The article brings up alot of points, all of which are more believable than the propoganda being pushed by American media. It's interesting to note that Ahmadinejad is not the most powerful political figure, by far, in the country, and that control actually rests with religious leaders. It's fascinating to watch how the media focuses on him, making him the enemy. For anyone too lazy to read that whole thing, you could watch this short clip from the Daily Show, featuring George lying about Iran.
  20. Answering the Charges against Iran: Dispelling the Demonising Myths http://www.campaigniran.org/casmii/inde ... =node/1216
  21. Nifty music, great atmospherics, gameplay was a little too clunky and slow to inspire me past the first level however.
  22. Ironically, the only solution to many of the problems raised by this soldiers self-righteous rant is for the US to end it's aimless and ill-planned occupation of Iraq. The failure of the US to make meaningful progress on the path to peace is accentued by comparisons to Saddams regime, where Iraq was safer (if less democratic) than it is now, and comparisons to the war in Vietnam, where escalation only deteriorated the situation in a war torn country where most citizens were against US intervention. Reports on the subject suggest that US intervention in Iraq only fuels the fires of Islamic fundamentalism. The majority of Iraqis don't want us in Iraq, and almost half support suicide bombings. I conjecture that the underlying issues that prevent US sucess at in Iraq have less to do with the way the US is fighting the war and how it is viewed and covered by the media, and more to do with why, and for what goals, the US is fighting in Iraq. For there is not, and never has been, a coherent reason for invading and occupying Iraq. Nor has there been any way to measure success. So it was a waste for the US to spend billions on building schools, hospitals, and holding democratic elections? If the US wanted to confront her enemies directly, why not hold an independent and thorough investigation of the 9/11 attacks and find those responsible, rather than attacking the nation of Iraq?
  23. Nah, private collection. With 776 NES games. Penny-Arcade won the auction. http://www.penny-arcade.com/2005/06/29#2663
  24. That ebay auction is cabbage... Compared to this one:
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