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Everything posted by Pyro

  1. No, there is to my knowledge no performance difference between the two yet. The additional bandwith is simply not put to use by todays cards.
  2. And a divine superbeing that has always existed and which creates the world from nothing in a few days is credible? The fact that all "miracles" conveniently happened way-back-when is credible? Lack of a logical explanation does not in any way make Christianity any more likely to be true. Why should they stop teaching theories? In that case, should they also stop teaching facts about religions? These are theories aswell. It simply does not matter whether they are true or not. The *fact* remains that one benefits from knowing as much about other religions as possible, since it allows one to understand the cultures of others, and the *fact* remains that the Big Bang theory is the most credible explanation in the eyes of the masses. You may not like it, but to stop teaching either of these as the theories they are would only ensure students know less than they would have otherwise. On a more on-topic note, I'm completely convinced that Religion is a concept created by man that has no ties whatsoever to reality (Excluding obvious historical facts that are mentioned in the religious texts, which do not prove the 'correctness' of the religion). A god does not make any sense at all. What created the world? God. If so, what created God? He has always been. If so, why can't it simply be that the world has always been in one form or another? If there is ever proof that the Christian god exists, I would never consider worshipping Him. No other being has the sole responsibility by inaction for so much suffering. He wouldn't be worth worshipping. That said, I have nothing against religion. If you have the faith to believe in that which cannot be proven, more power to you.
  3. Pyro

    2 gigs?!?!

    It's just a marketing thing. Not even one percent of all users will ever reach 1 gigabyte, so they can promise a lot of space without any problems.
  4. Bards aren't that bad, especially not in ToB once they their Improved Bard Song. Not quite the power of a sorcerer though ;) And yeah, pickpocketing is the easiest way to archieve limitless wealth. Head to Maevars Guild, buy all the potions of master thievery, use them to get 250% pickpocketing, steal everything in every store that can be pickpocketed. Then sell it to the merchant in the ordinary Thieves Guild. A cheesy way to get 100k gold. Beyond that extreme cheesyness, pickpocketing sucks. Oh yeah, you can pickpocket a ring of regeneration from Ribald which is incredibly usefull if you solo. Enough Baldurs Gate talk though, we've gotten a bit too off-topic :)
  5. Yeah, they can. I usually pick Find Familiars as a 1st level spell in any case though, as I never seem to lack those even when playing as a solo sorcerer.
  6. There are mods that convert the Baldurs Gate I content to the Baldurs Gate II engine. Granted, it doesn't make use of it near as much as it could, but at least you'll get kits and better resolutions. The starting dungeon in Baldurs Gate II is a pain yeah, but the one in Planescape isn't that bad. It doesn't take more than 5-10 minutes to complete once you know how it's done. As for the familiar problem in BGII, there *are* familiar scrolls in the game you know. I believe the scroll merchant in the Promenade sells one :)
  7. Surely there's more Hindus and other eastern religions that there is Catholics. I have no idea what the numbers are, but surely that's extremely hard to know. I'm listed as a Christian I believe, but I'm still an atheist. I'm sure the same applies to millions others.
  8. - Planescape: Torment. The same engine as the Baldurs Gate series, and twice the story quality. Easily the greatest game ever made. You wake up in a morgue and realize you can't die, basically. - Deus Ex. A mix between RPG and FPS, this game takes place a few years in the future where augment-technology has been developed and is being used to control the masses. Not as great as Planescape in terms of story, but there is no better FPS to date. The sequal should be avoided though. - Starcraft. I doubt there's anyone here who hasn't heard of it, but that doesn't change the fact that it's one of the best strategy games ever. A lot less bulky than Warcraft III, and without lame heroes. Those are my top 3. Oh, and I'll mention a fairly new game that should be played aswell. Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines. Another FPS/RPG game, this time you play as a vampire with various abilities such as supernatural speed, strenght, marksmanship and insanity. Very high system requirements to play smoothly (Possibly the highest system reqs of any game to date), but worth it. EDIT: For the record, Heroes IV is unbalanced beyond being playable online. It also suffers from many problems that the other Heroes games had, such as luck being a huge factor. In other words, a lousy game online, but a great game offline :)
  9. Looks lika a nice setup. It's a bit hard to know how many case fans you would need, as it depends on the case itself. Also, different fans produces different amounts of noise.
  10. If its a decent card you really dont need anything above 128 Actually, 256mb can improve performance. This is because more and more games are starting to use large amounts of detailed textures that need to be stored in the GPU's memory. A 6600-series card can live with 128, but beyond that I would actually recomend the 256 variants.
  11. more like $300 AU more :S i dont care about running games smoothly at ultra high detail :? and just from reading the reviews of the FX5200 it seems that card gives out alot of bang for its buck too. It depends on what you mean with "alot of bang". I wouldn't be caught dead playing modern games with it, but I suppose it's enough if you're on a workstation.
  12. what does that actually mean sir? :oops: nvm i get it now.. but it seems that the 3000+ has both socket options and the 3400 only has 754 Correct, but there is a 3500+ option for 939 sockets ;)
  13. Don't go for socket754. It's an abandoned socket, the one you want is socket939.
  14. Are you making fun of my mx5700? You wanna go? Lets take this outside!!1!111!oneone Not at all, unless you bought it recently :P
  15. Anything lower than a Geforce 6600GT or similar is not worth purchasing for gaming. You *will* be dissapointed.
  16. Pyro


    Idiocy started getting more common the day Survival of the Fittest didn't apply anymore. Hence all the idiotic teenagers (And adults I suppose) and the stereotype that every teenager is a moron.
  17. There is nothing within the php-standard that would allow a website access to your computer. There are vulnerabilities in different browsers at different times, but it's no way near as simple as you try to make it sound.You can just name a directory like "dir.jpg" and put index.html file in it. Currently, only Internet Explorer downloads trojans automatically from websites (security hole). You could name a directory like that, but in the end the only result would be that the victim entered a specific html page. You could just name it index.html and post that link to start with in that case. The security holes in IE is mainly what I meant with the last statement in my original reply.
  18. There is nothing within the php-standard that would allow a website access to your computer. There are vulnerabilities in different browsers at different times, but it's no way near as simple as you try to make it sound.
  19. Swedish Hardware stores: http://www.komplett.se - Decent prices, great support. http://www.datorbutiken.se - Slightly cheaper, but poor support. http://www.pcaction.se - Decent prices, decent support. Sometimes offers free shipping.
  20. Iron Maiden - "New Frontier" and "Face in the Sand". Sooo underrated.
  21. There is no "one" tutorial that explains the process of learning how to make signatures. If you're going to make one in Photoshop, you will have to put in many hours to learn how to do so. There are guides online which can be found by using Google, but you can't expect anyone to explain in detail what you should do.
  22. By uploading it to a webhost of your choice, there are links to some of these in the media board.
  23. If you use windows, using the program Paint is a start.
  24. There have been issues in the past with exploits relating to viewing of images, so I suppose it's not impossible. I'd wager he's just pulling your leg though.
  25. JohnnySmum, It could be argued that a newborn baby has very little self-awareness, but it can definatly be assumed it has more so than unborn. Society has a right to do what it has to do to to protect society, and preventing abortion hardly helps society at all. The very definition of murder is the planned killing of a human being, and since a fetus does not qualify as a human being in the minds of society, I fail to see how abortion has more to do with murder than contraception. By doing both, you are preventing a human from being born. The DNA may very well be the same in an adult and a fetus, but it still doesn't change the fact that a fetus is not human yet. As I see it, we can only justify a ban of abortion with one argument: It's unethical. But enforcing our ethical views on mothers seeking to have abortion, could very well be considered unethical in itself. They do not want the baby, and their ethical views allow abortion. Why should out ethical views take priority when we are not the ones concerned? However, while I support abortion, I also believe the ones having the abortion should pay for it themselves, unless for example a rape was involved. Abortion is being used as contraceptive today, and that's wrong IMO. doorbell, your freedom of speech has nothing to do with it. When I say "The right to say" I simply meant the right to enforce your views on others, when the issue does not concern you and it concerns them. Besides, moral right and legal right are two entirely different things. And no, when I said offspring I meant both born and unborn.
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