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Everything posted by ChickyBee32

  1. Wow. I've had a few moments like that - randomly taking a different way home then later discovering there was a multi-car accident or just having a bad feeling about doing a particular thing. Never on that level though. I find that often I 'know' something. For example my partner once turned me and announced "Hey, did you know that M used to be a dominatrix?" I already knew - I don't know how, M never told anyone until she told my partner and she'd kept that time in her life very well hidden.
  2. Dreaming of something before it actually happens is a premonition. You think predicting a TV episode is freaky? I dreamt of a friend's funeral.... 3 weeks before he died suddenly. (So no, he wasn't sick)
  3. It's funny cause I can think of no logical reason for hair gel to make anyone bald. I know plenty of people who use gel and all have a full head of hair. Yet... My younger brother began putting gel in his hair when he was 10. Some days, He had so much gel in his hair, you could punch a hole in a piece of paper. Most days, if you patted him on the top of the head, his hair wouldn't move. His hairline started to receede at 16 and now, at 21, he is nearly bald. Hairline is roughly even with his ears and he has a round bald spot on the bag of his head. Coincidence? I believe so.
  4. Yeah, maybe you should reset the time on it? I agree with the poster who said that we don't notice it when the numbers hold no signifigance. And seriously... if it was a supernatural 'power' what kind of power is it really? How does it affect your life other than to note that it's a cool number? I mean, I'm sure that given the opportunity, I could relate any time of day back to my 1 yr old son. 4:27? His date of birth. 9:11? How many months and days I was pregnant for. 12:47? How many hours I was in labour before they gave me the painkillers.
  5. From working as a call centre operator, I have learnt that even though people talk down to you and treat you like dirt, they still expect you to everything up to and including breaking the law to give them what they want. I have also learnt that people as whole believe they're entitled to a lot more than they actually are. Personal: I learnt last night that my ex boyfriend is gay. :shock: I think both are acceptable. I know I was brought up with 'learnt' and saying or reading 'learned' just feels wrong to me. I have to stop myself from correcting it actually.
  6. Oh if I got upset at every little negative thing said about me, I'd spend my whole life crying in the corner. Especially since some of my theories and ideas can be a little... unusual. :D Plus my friends and I debate this kinda stuff when we've had a few drinks, so it can get a little... insulting at times. I won't, thank you and that's exactly why I won't do it. :lol: Yup, that's exactly what I'm saying. It's often said that for how old the planet is, life forms have been around for an amazingly short time. I doubt we'd ever find a definate proof of their existance, surely we would have found it already? Then again, the Ice Ages have lasted for millions of years, perhaps that could be considered the planet's 'down time' where it recovers from the damage done from the last civilisation? After all... it would take a very long time to completely eradicate very sign of life... :-k As you can probably tell, I'm no scholar on the matter, it's just a vague theory that develops more nearly every time I discuss it with someone. I'm sure that anyone who knows more than the basics about this kinda stuff would be able to shoot me down within minutes.
  7. Wow, that's a tad negative. No? First of all, everyone has heard the "We're killing the planet" speech. No-one need hear it again. Secondly, if humans destroyed themselves, I find it somehow unlikely that new humans would fulfill their void. That defies religion and science. :lol: Thirdly, how can you consider creating new life pointless? My short existence of fourteen years has been an incredible experience, and if someone were to consider that pointless because of our "impending doom", I would be inclined to kick them in the face. Fourthly, wear a full face helmet from now on. Yeah, I happen to be in a very cynical mood tonight. 1. I'm not trying to be all 'Save the planet!' In fact, I'm probably one of the last people that would ever tell another person to be more environmentally friendly. But I do believe we are using Earth's resources faster than they can be replaced and that we will probably never be able to undo the damage done in the years before environmental awareness. 2. You're right, I should have been clearer. My theory is that the evolutionary cycle - Ice Age, dinosaurs, gorillas dropping out of trees and becoming homo sapians etc etc has happened before and will happen again. 3. That was tongue in cheek and I should have made that clearer too. Having my son is easily the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me. I'd go on, but then I'd turn into one of those boring mothers that can only rave about their kid. :roll: 4. Fair call.
  8. I think it's concieted of the human race to believe that all the stuff we're doing has absolutely no effect on the planet. We are slowly destroying ourselves and our planet... and the day we exceed expectations will be the day we destroy ourselves. Although to say that is to say that our Creator, who/whatever it is, has placed a limit on our evolutionary ability and will one day look down and say "Holy crap! They've figured this out? This ain't good!" KABOOM Earth and start afresh. And yes, I honestly believe that humans have existed before our records and they ultimately destroyed themselves. And I do believe we will do it again. (Kinda makes having my son rather pointless then, doesn't it?)
  9. Hrmm... that got me thinking. Perhaps not skillcapes like the P2P ones, but something else for their achievement? And before anyone asks, I have no idea what.
  10. I am very much a lone ranger. I train alone, I quest alone and I'm a wimp who doesn't PK. I have only 12 people on my friends list and I only talk to two of them regularly. I think the questing with friends question means "Do you and your friends do quests at the same time, in a group?" I've seen people doing this and I think it's a pretty cool idea.
  11. You pompous little brat. how am I a pompous brat that is the point of runescape for JAGeX, for them to make money. Oh and sorry if i'm to interlecctual for you!!! Try spelling intellectual properly and you might have a bit of credibility.
  12. Ahhh... that's making a lot more sense now. I thought it worked on a click by click basis
  13. I have trouble believing that people are actually clicking the ads. :-k
  14. No, It's completely similar. Instead of losing a cheeseburger or fries, Jagex loses money. Runescape runs on Java, as you obviously know, which means that pretty much everything runs on a variable. Even when a bank space is empty, it's still taking up bandwidth as the variable is set to 0, yet the bank space is still there as an active variable. And who has to pay for that extra bandwidth? Jagex. F2p should worry about paying off the costs of their own servers with the click-ads before they start talking about updates. Take the graphics updates (quests/npcs/areas) and the random other things you guys get from time to time, and live with it. well yes, but for a company as large as jagex, the small quantity of extra bandwidth it would take to add 10 or 12 more bankspaces for every ftp player can't be much of a dent in their profits. To go with my previous comparison (which has been completely ignored), it wouldn't put much of a dent in the profits of McDonalds to sell large fries at the same price as regular fries. =D> for the sheer audacity to judge yourself able to detirmine what would cause a dent in Jagex's profits without knowing much more than how the cost of membership, the number of members and the number of non-members. Or do you have access to accounting details that remain a secret to the rest of us lowly peons?
  15. It would, indirectly cost Jagex money in terms of programming and space used. It may not be much, but the cost to McDonalds between a thickshake and a large thickshake wouldn't be much either.
  16. I'm going to respectfully disagree. To me, as a member, there are a lot more options available for maxing out a skill than there are for non-members. Personally speaking, I am more impressed by seeing a non-member with 99 than a member with 99. yes a non greedy member keep it up chicky ur great!! *hides all her no update for F2P posts* Although I'm not against updates for F2P, I'm just disgusted by the sense of entitlement that the majority of F2P players have.
  17. I'm going to respectfully disagree. To me, as a member, there are a lot more options available for maxing out a skill than there are for non-members. Personally speaking, I am more impressed by seeing a non-member with 99 than a member with 99.
  18. If they didn't care at all, why would they have released skillcapes in the first place? The teleport to tutor for the skillcape is, IMHO an absolutely brilliant idea.
  19. It was their choice to train them in F2P. If they want the capes, they pay. That is why Jagex keeps them P2P. By the time someone reaches 99, they are a loyal player. If Jagex can suck them into P2P, then there is $5 every month. :shame: WRONG :shame: ALMOST ALL PTP are buying the membership by their benefits...not for the capes if you want I can make one research of those who buy the Membership for Capes or for benefits :!: That would be awesome. Personally, I'd love to know. kk but gonna take like 3 or 4 days to find out...its kinda hard to see Members walking by there as can take 1 or 2 days if i have luck Oh there's no rush on it. And I'll admit, I have an ulterior motive - my boyfriend & I are in the middle of a debate over whether anyone actually would become a member just for the skillcape.
  20. It was their choice to train them in F2P. If they want the capes, they pay. That is why Jagex keeps them P2P. By the time someone reaches 99, they are a loyal player. If Jagex can suck them into P2P, then there is $5 every month. :shame: WRONG :shame: ALMOST ALL PTP are buying the membership by their benefits...not for the capes if you want I can make one research of those who buy the Membership for Capes or for benefits :!: That would be awesome. Personally, I'd love to know.
  21. Yeah, give us the capes with a special trim to show that the skill was trained in f2p >:D Skillcapes aren't necessary for f2p. They are extras. That said, I think it would be nice for f2p to have them. =D> I love it. It'll never happen, but I love it.
  22. If you feel bad about reporting people, then that's something that YOU need to work on, not Jagex. You meant the claims of unfair banning? Whether fair or not, nobody seems to have been reported for autoing.
  23. When in doubt, report. In all the cases I've read about unfair bannings, I'm yet to read one about someone being banned for macroing. And I know that I've been reported for macroing before - I was wc-ing with public chat off. Turned it on again in time to see someone say "Well I don't care, I've just reported her for being an autoer." Haven't been banned yet.
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