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Everything posted by punk4ever

  1. To kill the time and enjoy yourself. It's as simple as that.
  2. Okay, well, I figured a way to foward it and it works just fine now. What if an account is "disabled" will that mean no mail will come to that account and the message will just be sent back to the sender as though it was unable to find the e-mail address?
  3. Hello all :) I'm in a bit of a pickle because I plan on switching internet providers soon, and most of my e-mail comes to me through the current internet provider's e-mail account. I asked them if I would be able to keep the e-mail account open without being a customer anymore and they, sadly, advised me that they would have to delete it. Now, my question is, is it possible to redirect all the e-mails which may be sent to my current e-mail address to another e-mail? Would this be possible if they delete the e-mail account? Any help here would be appreciated. I tried searching Google but I was somewhat confused with the results and didn't seem to understand if it was actually answering my question :oops: Thanks!
  4. Why though? What good can come out of increasing signature sizes? It should be about the quality of the signature, not the actual size that matters, but that's just me.
  5. The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde has to be my all-time favorite. Sadly, that is the only novel Wilde wrote in his lifetime, but he does have several plays and poems which are similar in structure of Dorian Gray. I recommend this to anyone, it's really a quick read and it is written beautifully.
  6. Actually the United States does control/own the internet since it originated here in 1983 at a University (forget the name of it). http://usinfo.state.gov/eur/Archive/200 ... 5-499.html
  7. Well, hmm...If you really want to go to a school, money should not be your main concern. What you should focus on is getting that deposit in to have your spot secured (ask your parents, I'm sure they will help you with the deposit at the least). If you don't get any scholarships or awards this year, focus on it more once the semester begins in the Fall. If you show the school and faculty how well you can perform, they will surely find something for you. :)
  8. Talk to your parents I would say. I talked to my dad a few weeks back and found out he knew a guy who owned his own company. Well, it turns out that he needs someone this summer to act as an assistant manager (temporarily) and so I was hired. :D I would go with the most common jobs like hostessing, waiter, working at the local grocery store, and customer service (answering phones, etc.).
  9. Right now I'm having the same sort of dilemma. I am mainly focusing on scholarships and grants at the moment in order to pay for all of my tuition & extra expenses. Currently I have $8,500 USD/year (through scholarships) for four years which should cover all of my tuition/books and a little left over. However, I do not plan to live on campus so I wish to get the money to cover that as well. The FAFSA (assuming you're from the United States) is a way to get financial aid from the government. It takes about 30 minutes to complete once you have your key code and necessary paperwork but definitely worth it. Once you fill it out, your information it sent toward the universities of your choice and they will send you information on how you can get the money to pay for expenses (student work programs, grants, loans, etc.) Other than scholarships, grants and student loans I don't see of any other way to pay for college. You can work part-time but make sure you have your affairs in order before jumping in so quickly. Remember to have FUN in college while not being too reckless or it's not worth the experience :wink: Edit- Scholarship site: http://www.fastweb.com Make sure you're not tricked by the many fake scholarship websites which try to steal your information and money. Only go to ones you know you can trust. Discuss this with your high school counselor :)
  10. I have a friend at Full Sail. Although he didn't have a very good GPA I don't believe. It's a technical school, right? Yeah, I believe it has to do with film/graphics/art etc.
  11. I'm guessing if it was only for 3 days then they suspected you of auto-typing.
  12. It's been posted before, and yeah, it does look like a great game in the making :) http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=413499&highlight=
  13. F - rank yea? F - luff yea? There is no implication here to what he meant to say. The person did not evade the censor by spelling the word differently. They did not direct the remark at anyone. I feel you are only singling them out because it is a player moderator and you would have disregarded it if it were anyone else.
  14. I have a quick quesiton for all those attending a college or university: Do you really need a laptop's mobility? Do you mainly use it around the dorm/house or do you take it around campus, class, etc? Just curious if it is truly necessary.
  15. Red party hats were (at the lowest I can actually remember them) 200k, this was when they were actually sold by the Party Shop NPC in Varrok. Can anyone else remember camping there hoping to god you would get the next one? XD That never happened. It was a practical joke (not really that funny if you ask me) that people ended up taking seriously and now you see how gossip/rumors spread. I actually satarized this long, long ago by selling a party hat to the general store (buying it back of course), as well as posting on the forums that it "really" happened: [February 25th, 2003] Also, are you pretending to be more "old school" than you actually are by saying something like "Can anyone else remember camping there hoping to god you would get the next one?"
  16. My friend wanted to apply to west point, but he changed his mind because he didn't want his mom to worry. Presonally I think it's kinda dumb to get all that high education to be potentially killed. I kind of agree with that. Although I definitely want someone with a high degree of education commanding the meat-heads out in the field as opposed to the un-educated leading the un-educated. Ya know? :wink: There is definitely more to the military than just picking up a gun and killing the enemy. West Point trains the future intelligence officers and tech-heads that are out in the field to support the troops. I have all the respect for anyone who is in the military because I know that I could never do that.
  17. punk4ever

    When or how?

    I was going to say no until I read this. Now I don't know. Wouldn't knowing your fate ultimately cause you to change it? Think of Macbeth where the poor fool would not have killed his best friend if he was not told by the witches that Banquo would be greater than he.
  18. punk4ever

    When or how?

    I would definitely choose not to know when I would die. I see life as cluster of grapes just waiting to be devoured on a hot summer afternoon. Each day should be taken advantage of because you really don't know if it will be your last. That sense of doubt when it comes to dying gives us the drive we need in order to do eccentric things to feel accomplished at the end of the day. Imagine if everyone knew when they would die. Surely many would loot and cause havoc on their last day because they would have no fears left in order to keep them straight. Heaven's not a place you go when you die, it's that moment in life when you actually feel alive..so live for the moment.
  19. The most absurd censor block on a word must have been "josh." However, I can see how Hitler may be inappropriate under the right circumstances and it just cuts off people from using it in a derogatory manner.
  20. Yeah I can see that, but it just gets a little old when topics such as this pop up (even on the first page here there are at least three Barrows topics). I know that Barrows is a popular activity, but so many topics on one thing could all be concentrated into three topics max :|
  21. No offense to you but topics such as this are getting pretty annoying. With a simple Search I was able to find at least three topics which deal with 'best' Barrows rewards. There are also many other guides on these forums and such which people discuss their strategies/rewards from the chests. http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=413 ... ght=barrow http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=411 ... ght=barrow http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=378 ... ght=barrow
  22. So, has anyone actually tried this and confirmed it? If so, please post a video or some pictures if you can :)
  23. The character who plays "V" is actually, if you remember, Agent Smith from The Matrix. I thoroughly enjoyed the movie. It was not as predictable as I had imagined it to be which was a huge plus :D I would recommend it to anyone really :)
  24. Hasn't it always been like this? :lol: Even in the RSC days you had people thinking they "owned" you because they make you run. Nothing new here, things never seem to change.
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