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Everything posted by TehChekt

  1. I see him all the time, considering i spend all my time chopping yews in varrock...
  2. Log out, put your contacts back in, then log back in.
  3. The only insult coming out of my name has been it's correct spelling. I have almost never seen my name spelled correctly.
  4. Uh, I'm sorry, but erm...what? I'm pretty sure he's saying low level armour-chain/sq shield.
  5. I did it at 44 cb with like 25 lobs and full addy with a rune bax.
  6. The best in RSC was 'a black man', because in wildy if that person shot arrows at you it would say 'a black man is shooting at you'
  7. woot, this looks pretty sweet! TETFTW 04130
  8. Yesterday, when I was woodcutting, I got a spirit seed from a nest. I figured out that it's nontradeable, and my farmings only like 10. So I was wondering what I should do.
  9. runes. I would definetely love to have rocks with little symbols etched into them. *throws a rock with a red drop of water on it and a couple ones with three wavy white lines* FEAR MY WIND WAVE!
  10. I notice no change in my Log Out button....
  11. Yess! sound on firefox! that makes me very, very happy.
  12. that would improve craft guild so much...
  13. Some guy upstairs in a fally house is crazy, pretty funny convo.
  14. woooh, seems like if you look at it for long enough it makes something...?
  15. in my opinion, its pretty ugly. looks like a sword with like mums or summat.
  16. theres also a place in the ess mine where you can see some other place.
  17. that baker looks somewhat like Fat Tony from the bandit camp...
  18. But when u examing coins, it says "Lovely money". If u examing cabbage, do u see "Lovely cabbage"? well, you see "yuch i hate cabbage". i cant imagine a "yuch i hate money"
  19. meh, i play on high def with meh own music Green Day The Offspring Jimmy Eat World TMBG
  20. and i suppose a next suggestion would be combination staffs like fire and nat. Now that would just be stupid.
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