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Everything posted by Intse

  1. Meh,my stats show what i like to do in rs. :$ Money is not important for me.
  2. ^^^^^ Except i speak estonian also. :s Having a high level does not mean that we know the answer to every question you may have.It does not mean we have to help you with whatever you may require help with.It does not mean we can be used as banks,means to require items from. It most certanly(sp?) does not mean we have to help someone just because of having high level. The problem is not with high levels being arrogant or whatever.Problem is with people thinking that high levels are there just to help them with whatever and to answer their every question. One of the most annoying things is the asking for level of skill x,it gets really old after the first FEW THOUSAND TIMES.Don't be suprised when you are ignored when you ask for some level.Hiscores are there.. use them. /End rant.
  3. Achieving a goal gives a good feeling.Getting a 99 in a skill or any goal. Getting 126 combat sure felt good,same with getting the fire cape after 15 tries. When i stop getting that feeling i know it's my time to quit this game.
  4. Abby demon head: 6 Kurask head: 1 Crawling hand: 1 Big sharks: 4
  5. Didn't log in for about 200 days after Rs2 came out.
  6. When the person using the cannon completly ignores the other people and just ruins their training i would consider it noobish.Though you can actually use cannon without annoying other people and get even better xp :SHOCKED: by just switching worlds.. Yeah i use cannon during slayer but i actually bother to switch and search for an empty world.. Reason why cannon users have a bad rep is because very few actually bother to consider with others and switch.
  7. Updated Rings of forging ftw! :D Should chek out the new trolls and their drops.
  8. Actually,this topic is pretty pointless.Mainly because about 90% of people that have posted here have just put their own rsn('s). Might aswell be "What is your Runescape name?" topic..
  9. If the persons attitude against others is complete trash then i consider that person a "noob". If you offer bad trades you ARE a noob. no, if you offer a bad trade, you probobly have A LIFE, unlike some people who are 100+ combat, and do nothing but play runescape "but, but, i have a girlfriend" some high levels try to say, "I get outside" yeah, to get in your mom's car to go to school, or in other cases, to get in your moms car to go to work! But you are probobly a guy who thinks everybody who is a level is a noob, i would rather be a noob, than a huge fat nerd who lives in my moms basement... I wouldn't consider my self a noob, but I know 123yourgone is about to call me a noob for talking on and on about his thoughts, but I think that everybody who walks around calling low levels noobs, needs to get a life, or something like that... 123yourgone, i know your thinking you could own me, or you could beat me, or other stuff like that, but i dont care. well if you think that people who dont know prices are noobs, than you need a life. if all you do is memorize prices all day, than your a real life noob, your probobly a 400 pound, 16 your old, kid who is whiter than sour cream... I know your gonna reply to this, so let me say something, you think your big, and strong having 90+ attack, and other stats like that, but your not, you have a life, a runescape life, no other life..... Though the word "noob" is extremly overused,this guy would describe perfectly what i mean. Noob and newb have completly different meanings.We all have been newbs in one point,no one has started playing this game with the full knowledge about it.I see nothing wrong with helping new players with information about the game,only if they ask nicely that is. :D Words "noob" and "newb" need to be separated from eachother,they have completly different meanings.
  10. Nechryael Abby demon Abby demon Gorak Black demon Fire giant Origins of my 6 left half drops.
  11. Ummm,bunch of 99's.Take your pick. :oops: p2p
  12. Asking for level of skill x. If i dont respond,usually the person asking tries to insult and provoke me.
  13. I do. Farming is 95% afk skill,you dont even have to online!Only to harvest and that's it.If it is money you are after you can make a good deal of money with growing and selling herbs.
  14. Tbh after release of pc no combat level is safe for abyss runecrafting anymore. 120+ Was kinda safe,not anymore though.
  15. Never happened to me. :P
  16. Problem,110 is an aussie server.Meaning lagg for most people that are not from australia.
  17. http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=Estonia Just "some" of Estonias lvl 100+ players!Not bad for a country of 1,4 million people eh? :lol:
  18. Considering that rs2 has been out for almost 3 years now,id say everyone that play rs now are rs2 products.Even if they started in classic. I started in september 2003.
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