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Everything posted by hitokage5

  1. Ok so you get mothing eh, thenm i guess that rune armour is a hack, eh? and free servers, how would they exiast if you f2pers got nothing, huh? thast basicly all that needs to be said, and this topic needs to be locked, and PS, use the f***ing search, or better yet, dotn make these s*** topics! (Sorry for my language, i was just mad at this player)
  2. :shock: you want less updates for those wpo payed for your updates? its the members money, and we should get the updates, so yea, no more stuff for f2p, heck im gonna start a f2p account to just talk to npcs. and talk to them like i would another player. and ask them about that recipe.
  3. The uglyist weapon in rs is the bone club.
  4. Stupid noob, this has been suggested many times, IT'S NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN!!!!!!!
  5. Yea, now why would you posion a cannonball? so it gets the posion all over the inside of the cannon? and [bleep]e cannonballs for saradomin? What the **** were you on when you made this post? A guthix cannon would make it too unbalanced, and that would be messed, because guthix is the god of balance. And why call a bow a Mange Bow? WTF? THe monk staffs would be perhaps the best idea you suggested.and it sucked
  6. Dont remind em of the god cannons, posioned cannonballs... anyway back to the topic, why not give us magic eyes, like heat vision? and then i can see an extentionto tthe god cannons, posioned lasers!
  7. Only reason bush suggested this law is because soem oen was cyber stalking him...
  8. Someone on Xmas gave me a free rune plate. And when i got to lumby, someone right away traded em and gave me full iron, i was happy at the time.
  9. I dont remember, it was back when you could take all the extra stuff from tutorail island.
  10. 2 mith spears, a cooked shark, and ten lobbies in one drop party :roll:
  11. When i was a f2p player, i thought i had alot to do, i didnt go around begging for more stuff, I kept quiet knowing full well that this was to get me to buy a membership, and in my 3 months of being f2p, ive hear d alot of people saying, god we f2pers need all the tuff p2pers get, cause we play thier game, so i said shut up and be happy its free, then all those who agreed sent me private messages that were full of obscene language, and the traditoinal noob calling. i messaged everyoen saying reported and they were, im so sorry, i need to still play dont report me! it was funny.
  12. best games are IMO super mario 64 and legend of zelda orcerina of time BEst agmes of their times, and the still pwn.
  13. I seriously did, and duh rsc graphics own halo2's 3d graphics! I wish i voted in that poll, but it was oen of thsoe stupid vote and we spam your inbox deals. I know someone who fell for that free ipod thing.
  14. The caged lesser in a multi combat zone, waht about the poor demon?
  15. Well i can see the scams coming, free gem edging, i know you said when smithing, but these noobs will say that they can add it to premade armour.
  16. Because runescape is a game that is kinda known for its holiday events, and it was fun to get those scarves and hats. in two weeks i can see you come and post a new topic syaing its no fair i didnt get those hats and scarves!
  17. Teh funniest little poll thing, Which has better graphics Runescape or Halo2, i literally started crakign up and said are you f***ing kidding me? hmm let me think which has better graphics, uhh runesape?JK. ye aso thats why i made this pointless topic and wasted your time reading it haha! :twisted:
  18. Falco, i havent playe din ages, so dotn ask em about my stratagy, fav elvl poekmon one.
  19. Santa is real i know it! really, about 6 when my brother told me he didnt exist.
  20. You have super mario 64 the BEST game ever IMO get super smash bros and golden eye
  21. Classic rock, not any of this new crap they call music, like liknign park or the other [cabbage] out there
  22. Napoleon Dynamite, if thy did put that in thier contest it would of OWN, IMO.
  23. Of course tip.it has horrid tastes in music, putting rap in the contest, and ive never heard stairway to heaven, so i woudl have to agree BR owns IMO!
  24. Heres to expand on your idea, IF you pass thru free tutoral you cant go back to members, but if you join as member you get the new members tutoral island. thats how it should be. members tutoral would have the skills in the f2p plus farming and agility. thats all there is to it.
  25. Well when soem one is getting banned permently, soemthign comes to them and kills them, then al the sudden EVERYTHING they own spreads out in the area, making it avalible to everyoen there, yes please tell me why this idea sucks, or if its good. And another, theif, takes oen item, not any that you have in bank or weilding, nor quest items, but liek 100 gp or soemthing, more depending on how much gold you have, The theif idea needs alot fo work, so please add on to the idea. Thank you for reading this.
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