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Everything posted by Poopingman

  1. I don't know why, but I find Miley Cyrus quite hot.
  2. I would like to state first and foremost that I don't mind revenants. They can be avoided fairly easily with some skill and a little bit of luck. I do, however, have a major problem with how the camera reacts in the wilderness. When yellow dots appear on the minimap its imperative that you drag the camera down so you can get a good horizontal view and confirm whether or not the NPC is hostile, especially with the range revenants have. However, much of the wilderness consists of steep hills that paralyze the camera to a straight overhead view, rendering you nearly blind to what is actually around you. This is a frustrating, and many times, deadly flaw to the camera.
  3. And about 100 horsepower. :lol: SRT-4 it is not.
  4. Peh, its all about looks and trying to one-up others anyway. Most skills outside of combat realistically don't need to be grinded to 99. Now I'm not saying that having a 99 in a skill is bad, but grinding it to 99 and buying your way to the milestone really doesn't earn you much respect from me.
  5. Broke into an Elementary school during the summer. Broke just about everything in there. They had to delay the start of school because of the cleanup efforts.
  6. My main car, aka money pit, is a '94 Camaro Z28. I've built this car up from a piece of junk into something respectable. These cars are getting older and finding them in good shape is getting harder and harder. My goals over the Winter are 4.10 gears, cam, and a tune. I hope to be making over 400 horsepower come Spring. [hide=][/hide] My dream car (i.e. the only one I would have over the Camaro) is a Dodge Stealth twin turbo. These are excessively rare sports cars from the early-mid 90's (same as Mitsubishi 3000GT) that feature a high upkeep due to a cramped engine bay. Regardless, they look amazing: [hide=][/hide]
  7. Well you're with the minority on that one..
  8. To be fair 'barrow' and 'borrow' are pretty close. It's just that in RS they have completely different meanings. They have different meanings everywhere...
  9. Poopingman

    Uri Emotes

    Heck, I'd rather do the Uri ones all day as opposed to the constant level 40+ Wilderness clues I get.
  10. We all know the common offenders: Bored=Board They're=Their Sure, it gets us angry from time to time, but I just witnessed something that had me crying laughing. How can samoen (I mean someone) be so entirely ignorant. Observe: I Salying Nat Runez 5k, Samoen! Aney Whon? Samoen I Saly Nat Runez 5k Aney Whon? Samoen? These have to be new discoveries to add to the dictionary of stupid crap people say in games. Amazing.
  11. 99% of the time the fault is on the user's end. Get a new PC/ISP.
  12. Children of Bodom's Blooddrunk was awfully disappointing.
  13. I think only the woodcutting axe head flying off was removed.
  14. Hmm..the commercial is quite misleading about the graphics :)
  15. You thought wrong. OT: - Zao Metalcore. - The Devil Wears Prada Metalcore. - Extol I suppose I'll give you this one. - Demon Hunter Metalcore. - Becoming the Archetype Metalcore. - As I Lay Dying Faulkner. Er, metalcore. - The Chariot Metalcore. - Mortification See comments on Extol. - Antestor ^^^ - Norma Jean Metalcore. - August Burns Red Metalcore. - Maylene and the Sons of Disaster Metalcore. - Living Sacrifice Again, I'll give you this one. Or.. I'll edit this later with links. My comments in bold red. Are you pointing out the metalcore bands because you think they're bad? Look, I'm as hardcore as anyone about metal subgenres, but just because its metalcore doesn't make it automatically bad..
  16. Am I missing something? Whats wrong with Black Demons?
  17. As I Lay Dying is the only metal band with Christian lyrics that I can stand. Its not because of my religious stance or anything, they just all happen to be horrific metalcore. As it stands AILD is the only metalcore band I like...
  18. You have two paths to take here, and the difficulty of getting abs is heavily dependent on your genetics. Some people can work out for years and never get it, while some have visible ab muscles naturally without ever running a mile. Its incredibly frustrating, but if all you want is attention, they first and foremost understand that girls don't comprehend the specifics of bodybuilding, if you are a skinny dude with incredibly low body fat and your abs are visible through those means then the girls will flock. Its not like you can throw this line: "Wait, I have strong abs but my genetics make them hard to see, you don't mind, right?" For example, my abs are pretty damn strong, but I am currently more interested in getting big, which throws cardio out the window, at least for now. Thus, they are not visible. Back last year when I ran nonstop my bodyfat hit its lowest percentage ever, but I still didn't have abs because I never worked them enough (genetics hindered me as well). Personally I wouldn't worry about abs alone, and would try to implement a complete workout routine, everything will come in time.
  19. I personally love Clue Scrolls. I'm definitely addicted. Although Level 3's send me to Wilderness more than I would like.... I'm splitting hairs, its tons of fun.
  20. Lets see... My Runescape career began somewhere during Spring 2001, I believe in April. I was in Middle School computer class (8th grade) and one of my buddies tapped me on the shoulder to come check out "this awesome game". I obliged, and it changed my life. At the time Runescape consisted of only a couple of servers (no more than 3) with only around 300 players on each. I got into the game hardcore, as did many of my friends. In fact, the rest of our 8th grade computer class was spent playing together during class, along with about half of the other students. During the following Summer much of that group faded and stopped playing, save me and one other friend (I Am Brian). We both persevered and played endlessly for the next 2 years, until he quit. My claim to fame may not be readily visible by glancing at my stats, but I was one of the original high-level characters. Somewhere floating on the internet is an "Original Level 100s" list from back in 2002, I am on that list. I was hacked sometime in 2004, losing several party hats, easter eggs, and a pumpkin. This discouraged me greatly and I found trouble regaining momentum in the game. It wasn't until late 2005 that I found traction and began focusing on balancing my then combat-specific character out. That continues to this day...
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