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Everything posted by Dazzuh

  1. If you are thinking of making a Pure nowadays, don't bother there's too many around and there will always be many that are better than you. Your main account will be more affective PK'ing.
  2. Maggotleader Hiei The Pk Finnald Ihanamies Death Treath
  3. I love RuneCrafting, i just ain't done it in a while. I'll be crafting 32k nats for 94 mage though so i will have to get down to it soon :) If you get members try using the Abyss, it's pretty fun and you get money and pretty fast Runecrafting EXP from it.
  4. Rofl i did the same and wondered why more people didn't talk on the game :-w My friend told me to get 60 woodcutting like ASAP because it was GREAT money apparently. So i started cutting willows in Lumbridge behind the houses and selling them to the general store Then i went to draynor to cut but got attacked by the wizards so i came back to lumbridge lol. I started training combat at about 44 woodcutting, got combat to around 44 then woodcutting to about 62. Then i got to 60 Combat while training woodcutting inbetween and got to 79 Woodcutting. Stopped that account and started on this one, that account is still 60 Combat with 79 Woodcutting :P
  5. My best friend on RS has quit many times, i didn't stop him from quitting i just got him back to RS soon after. He's currently playing by the way.
  6. None of the stuff you guys have said so far is for sale, sorry #-o Thanks for yet more nice comments though! :-w
  7. I gave my friend 9.2M to borrow for full guthans to help him a lot at fight caves so im in the same boat. I'd say don't worry about it though, i highly doubt anything would happen.
  8. Deffo rune boots, less cost and better stats bonuses!
  9. Lost city for deffinate. First member quest i did and i bet it has been for many. Just about every member above level 70 has done Lost city.
  10. Saw 4 of you just the other day :wink: Soon i'm gonna resume my goal of 94 magic, so i'll be there in the hawt alcher kit soonish
  11. The coal thing in regicide, got REALLY annoyed with it. Looked over at my leopard gecko and felt like popping it's head. :-X I didn't though. Sheep herder was another annoyance.. Prodding them 100s of times just to get them in.. they would start like running in completely wrong direction and you had to run past them to get them to go the right way.. Aggh.
  12. Your lucky then, my friend tried over 30 times then gave up, he'll be happy to know its fixed now. I'm personally not much of a quester :-w
  13. Good luck with those goals, but isn't a big part of blogs about criticism? I thought that was one of the reasons people put them up :oops:
  14. Good luck, you'll have a pretty high slayer level once your done!
  15. I love the runes around the staffs idea!! 8/10 For Organisation though, gets a bit messy towards the bottom :-w
  16. Thanks Night Walker, yeah there are no special items in my bank. I don't see much point in fury amulets, stat boosting rings etc. so there isn't anything major. I have about 3.5M purely in runes though, 1.44 in glories and a lot in arrows, potions and other resources. I have no idea what my total bank is worth though, i may calculate that sometime. Oh plus i was scammed out of 25m not so long ago leaving me on 11m. That was 38 days ago i got scammed actually because i took a bank picture shortly after. in 38 Days i've gained around 18M, not bad. \
  17. It's a no on the chaos i'm afraid, Saving them until i get 20k or something. They are all from Barrows.
  18. How come i knew before looking at the post what your other 3 99's were :uhh: Ah well good achievement
  19. 20M for emergencies?? 1) What emergencies have you previously had on Runescape? 2) HOW WOULD IT COST 20M!?!? Buy more stoofz, have fun with it :D
  20. Ooh gems are one thing i do want, sorry. With the jewelery update on it's way they might come in handy.
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