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Everything posted by xpx

  1. As already stated, one solo araxxor kill and surviving vorago/rots is not high level pvm. The requirement is not beyond reason at all as it only really requires you to experience all parts of the game. The fact that this wasn't a comp requirement from the start is more-so the problem than having these combat based requirements pop up nowadays. If you aren't willing to put time and effort into getting better at pvm then why do you deserve comp more-so than someone who isn't willing to put time and effort into training skills?
  2. I don't think you quite grasp that no top end pvm is required for comp. Not being able to cope with the current requirements would suggest not having any pvm skills at all (basically someone who is not willing to try). Why should comp be awarded to someone who ignores a large portion of the game? You are also wrong in thinking i'm a good pvm'er, because i'm really not (haven't ever been to vorago/ROTS).
  3. Why have a ''completionist'' cape when some important and essential game content would be negated from acquiring it. That's what a nannyscape cape would be for. If they expect me to just kill 40 hours of my life with at livid, having us kill each boss ONCE is laughable. Also, since you only have to solo one araxxor, the cleave without rage only maxes at around 6k, so there are no lag related 1 hit attacks. I've killed araxxor with high lag and really, it's not an issue.
  4. Wouldn't the above example also mean that all ironman accounts are barred from having seismics? I'd like to think they need to reconsider this a bit for bossing, atleast as far as a few group bosses are concerned.
  5. You do know that brawlers are like 1/10k for any brawler o.O. That is some insane luck there. Unless there are 2 different type of brawlers, 1 that has the full 1200 uses and 1 that has only 1 use (and therefore are trolls). I'd like to think that's true, but from what i've seen from other people i know getting gloves, it's more likely 1/10k for a single type of brawler, thus averaging 2 pairs for ~1.5m xp. Smithing and mining are particularly great ones.
  6. Thieving has never really been a hard skill, and this doesn't make it significantly easier, but a bit more afk, same direction most skills in rs are going. Since there will always be alot of thieves the price of the loot has already dropped alot and will continue to do so, making the profit much smaller. The only real issue i can see are the brawler glove loot, which are pretty common actually. I've gotten 3 pairs in around 1.5m real xp. That's a bit too many to my liking. I'd rather say that seren stones with voice of seren is a much more significant upgrade (180k/h).
  7. Any rates? thieving is something like 300k+ xp an hour(up to around 400k theoretical max). Can continuously thieve all 4 clans if you have high enough level+ exo/ardy cloak. Loot is not at all bad either.
  8. Growing the crystal tree gives 100k xp. Did gold rush of blood challenge(haven't finished one of a kind) and among the unique drops, got most wanted card for glacors (apparently increases chance for unique drops) and 2 VIP slayer tickets (gives you choice between 2 tasks instead of just one). Even though i haven't done one of a kind, i still had a celestial dragon spawn.
  9. Anyway, as i haven't really followed all the development of the city and what not, it really surprised me that they are having all this fuss about crystal singing and releasing all these new weapons when they are only t70 and t80. I mean, the t70 makes all the sense in the world given the history and all, although they are useless from the beginning. That said, i see no reason at all to release a t80 tier given how many weapons we already have in that tier and the dire need to expand the t85 tier. If the second batch of crystal weapons has high enough skilling and time requirements, having them in the t85 tier makes all the sense in the world. This way they won't be useless and will help to create more balance among classes (both in terms of the triangle and wealth).
  10. To me it really seemed that they were really struggling to come up with new and exciting things to talk about in the elf city for a whole hour on the livestream. Yes, it's nice and has quite a few useful things, but it's not really as great as what i'd have hoped for given the effort. I suppose most of it is because the second batch will integrate quite a bit more things and thus meet more of the expectations. It's also really annoying to see how bad mods at jagex are at their own game.
  11. Given the two extra lives they've talked about i doubt this. I'm actually quite surprised that the extra lives haven't caused more controversy as they make hardcore ''ironman''(hate the term. DIY has existed for over 10 years and stands for exactly the same thing) alot easier. As far as i can see, there will only be a select few activities this will not allow you to be a part of (vorago, ROTS and most things in the wilderness). With one death, the list is probably quite a bit longer.
  12. The average value of runes required for one try if we only use 17 types of runes(mud, smoke and mist are not used as they cost too much) is 163k, not considering extra trys. If we assume to know the first and second runes and do not expect 100% success (for the third slot will try starting from the cheapest rune forward until reaching atleast 93%) about 5 trys should be enough, then you should be able to get vis wax at under 1.8k per day (under because we can start offering from cheaper runes). I'm guessing the GE price will stabilize between 2.5 and 3k, which makes these quite a bargain. 300k to recharge vampirism is very cheap, and 120k for divine locations is also cheap, although means you get the xp but not gp from them.
  13. The machine seems easy enough to work and the rewards are pretty good. For 20 wax you can double the dungeoneering challenge, effectively allowing you to get ~400k dg xp per day for 5 minutes of work. I guess many max capers who still have dungeoneering left will find this useful. The daily gathering limit reset is very nice too, although for some reason mine reset for 200%, not 100%(was able to get alot more than the usual 63 rocktail).
  14. Realistically, with all the defensive abilities we have now, plus obsidian armor and how high DPS has gotten, you can easily do fight caves without ever switching your overhead prayer. I mean, i did fight caves without attacking the healers some 5-6 years ago using karils crossbow. Nowadays it's a pushover. And fight kiln is even more of a pushover. As for being able to practice bosses, i'd really like for jagex to just keep a combat beta going endlessly. Really can't see the harm there.
  15. Got an attack shard midway trough second araxxor. Can't be too rare, also shows they are not tied to actually killing something.
  16. Soul split for araxxi works only for the first few kills of a day if you don't enrage her too much(lure spiders). One thing i would suggest is enchanted excalibur after araxxor dies, which is very helpful, but generally, prayer switching is advantageous, as well as using devotion on araxxi. With t80 weapon it's quite difficult to do more than a few a day and you are relatively screwed when an opposite type araxxor spawns. If you can at all afford drygores, use those(and really, melee is perhaps even the best style for kills anyway).
  17. I've also been playing for 11 years and have had about 10 drops. It's really isn't (or wasn't) all that rare, although it seems as though they were made more rare with the rare drop table update. KQ is probably the most likely monster to drop one given that she has no other significant drops. I've also got 2 of mine from there (one was worth over 3m(~purple partyhat at the time)).
  18. It is important for the later regions IF and only IF you play ports with 100% efficiency. Most if not everyone except for a few loonies, don't, so you can survive having a few longer voyages for single stat missions(as solidarity obviously takes care of the speed req).
  19. It's not really worth it focusing on a lower region because of crew, as you will still reach the next region and the crew you've then gathered will be obsolete. In general, you should always get crew before any ship parts, as ship parts do not need to be trained. For the most part, useful crewmembers include specialty crew(morale, seafaring and combat, all of which are useful for 4/7 voyages), solidarity crew(for duo and trio missions) and merchants(for all voyages for which they provide a bonus). Golems, speed crew and most island unlock crew are generally useless. Also, you don't really need to worry too much about mission success, as 60-70% percent is in most cases enough to limit deaths and distance is gained even on failiure. In order to completely negate failiure it is advised to cap all random event rewards of little use(for most people that's everything expect for adventurer rerolls) in order to gain life boats more easily. Once you have 4 life boats, crew deaths will be a thing of the past. Even if you are doing everything as well as possible, you can still run into situations where your best crew can only get you 40% success, thus it's wise to learn not to worry too much about the successrate and take it in stride. Even having maxed everything in ports i send most of my ships out at 63-75% successrate.
  20. Or, another way to look at it, it took them 10 years to understand how it works. Also, RoW has been changed a few years back when the extensive rare drop table was released(and when we started getting stupid messages about 'improved' drops).
  21. Then clearly I've been doing something wrong. Teach me your ways, o people that have never outgrown a name they chose as a teenager, for I have come to hate A Local Guy. Have you changed your real name? After all, you didn't even have any say in that matter. As i said, it's who is behind the name that is important. I was also mostly referring to people who change their name too often to even keep track.
  22. +1. And, i mean, unless you have a really crappy, long and unmemorable name (and why would you in the first place?), there is little reason to ever drastically change your name (i guess making the same name simpler would be acceptable). It's who is behind the name who is important. I never had problems communicating with old friends on rs before the name change update even when i'd not talked to them in many years, but nowadays, it's just ridiculous. And for whatever reason most of them assume you know everything about their name history. /rant
  23. Having had similar problems for the first few kill attempts, i would suggest using soul-split for the whole araxxi phase rather than trying to pray switch. Revolution is also completely OK to use for the whole fight while defensive abilities really aren't needed. The acid ball still needs to be exactly figured out(as in developing a repeatable method to take no damage with least bother), but just having it bounce and moving one square every 4 ticks should do fine. Death lotus darts are completely fine for the fight, although they will end up costing more than most other methods(10-15 darts lost per kill= 80-120k). I was managing 8 minute kills with them(middle path). I would also suggest to everyone to always end phase 1 and 2 as fast as possible since you will need to do less overall damage this way(and phase 3 is actually easier than phase 1 and 2). I still haven't seen any significant discussion over the rewards, though, and how they are implemented. Particularly interesting is the fact that only the full spider leg and completed weapons are tradeable. This is causing some really screwed up scenarios like the spider leg costing at times as much or more than the full weapons. From what i've seen about droprates and jagex'es pricing, the spider leg parts are actually very common (perhaps 1/30 or so), while the weapon part are significantly more rare (perhaps 1/200). However, in order to cash in on any of these drops, you either need to obtain all 3 spider leg parts or, in case of weapon parts, be able to buy a spider leg(or obviously obtain one yourself). Thus, although the drops are common enough, a large amount of the rare drops will likely be ''wasted'' or ''trapped'' because of the trade restrictions.
  24. Teach kids to train skills for you. ... 200M all skills. Great success! Sometimes you just need to think outside the box.
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