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Everything posted by Aquashock

  1. 5% a day from 20 or so gp >.> Thats not gonna work well
  2. I don't even know who you are :/ But anyway, I didn't start through miniclip, most likely been playing this game longer than you. Everyone fails at PK'ing now and you don't know anything about my life :) So GF kid O hi, i just happened to be a Half-Op in #tip-it, you know, the channel on irc that you talked to jesse on then scammed him. I cant find words on how much i think you should just die, so go get hit by a bus.
  3. Naughty naughty :lol: Note: thats my sophmore year :x im a senior now
  4. Lol, scamming Jesselitton for 18m UR NH :roll: Please go find another game on miniclip and scam nerds there, gtfo off of rs. You fail at pking and life, go to K-mart and buy some razors and kill yourself, k?
  5. Wow, I had a worse bank and i got 9/10s and over. I do believe he is getting judged badly just for being a pure.
  6. Go back to K-mart I knew poddy when he was 43 combat k? He staked his way to 3 easters, and when GW's came out, he merchanted up to a bandos GS, and just 2 weeks ago, he had an armadyl. Don't make false accusations, especially on friends, k nerd?
  7. I don't think that many people here hate stakers. Oh my bad, that was pking :roll: Unless you feel like dieing 45 times to get a rune set #-o
  8. Well it seems like tip.it hates stakers so prepare to be lied to when they say they dont hate you :roll:
  9. Well, I'll just wait until I know what the main skillers want and make some nice profit selling it to them :)
  10. Not everyone is as poor as you lovin, dont assume people quit :roll: You still have no proof for this being a true pk and not a set up, whether you've been pking since rsc, or a week ago, anyone knows how to set up a kill.
  11. u carry a knife around 24/7 to cut yourself with any spare time you have? YES I CARRY A KNIFE TO STAB MYSELF. you need to find a life. translation for you: u n33d 2 f1nD a lyfe :roll: I thought you w/r/i/s/t
  12. Flamers be warned, your posts will get reported for blatant flaming I am taking advantage of this open discussion rule to talk about what seems to be a growing issue over Honor and No-Honor (NH). What is considered to be NH? Teleporting Praying Tagging Player/Pile Jumping Teaming I'm sure there are one or two more, but these are the major ones. Teleporting Honor is all about equaling the playing field so to speak. You want both you and your opponent to be at their best, for a fantastic fight, which the better prepared, and skilled will be the victor. Teleporting takes the risk out, and all the preparation you went through, all the food you used was for naught. NH is all about getting the immediate advantage over your opponent, to kill them as fast as possible, making the fight as off sided as possible for personal gain. And in the event the courses taken tip in your opponents favor, you have a way out, eliminating majority of the risk involved in PKing. Teleporting only effects 30 or below wild majority of the time. Praying Honor, once again, is about being equal. Prayer makes the advantage tip in whoever is using the said prayers favor. This makes it NH, as it gives an advantage over the other player. This when combined with Hybriding (using of 2 or 3 combat types) can give you even more of an advantage, compared to using it with one sole combat type, which just makes it an annoyance to Honor and NH. Tagging Tagging has 2 purposes: Giving you an advantage by having 2 people on 1, normally leaving you and your friend with the kill, and you 'Catching' the said victim when he gets away from your friend. In 'Honor' pking, tagging is completely offensive. Not only does it give you the advantage, but it makes it downright not fair. Even DESPITE this, the well known honor clan 'Damage Incorporated' tags people who kill one of their clanmates in combat at the Mage Bank Arena. But is this really tagging? The definition people normally throw around is the use of another player to help kill the victim in single combat (multi is different). But ask anyone, if they are in a clan, team, or just with friends, if someone were to kill their clanmate/teammate/friend, would they allow him to bank the kill? Majority of the time, the answer is no. Purpose 1) 2 on 1 -> is strictly NH, due to the nature of it, combined with other NH tactics, yes, it gives you the advantage. Purpose 2) 1 on 1 with catch -> The second purpose is simply a Catch. Catching is a phrase used to describe a 2nd player simply disabling the victim so the original attacker can get back on the said victim. This is not only a hypocritical rule but a redundant argument for it being NH. If you were to get caught on a tree, or get attacked by a monster and loose your kill, you would be bummed out, wouldn't you? This is simply a tactic used by Honor and NH pkers, but for some reason, when NH pkers use it, it is looked down upon. Player/Pile Jumping Player Jumping is when someone attacks an uninformed or inattentive player with usually special attacks to kill them in seconds. Pile Jumping is when you attack a player who has just gotten a kill and kill them since they are already low on supplies. Player Jumping -> Considered NH, but once again, if you travel to mage bank, it suddenly turns Honor. One of the biggest Honor solo Mage bankers, Death Treath is praised for his numerous vids. Yet, in a few of his vids, he levers out of mage bank, already potted, prayers on, and ready to special someone out, and gets the kill with no disputes at all. Now then, if someone were to try this at say Edgeville, It is completely NH and not tolerated. Pile Jumping is completely NH, and I can say I have never done it, even being NH. Teaming Teaming is the use of multiple people to fight other teams of people, or a single person. Teaming is used by both Honor and NH, and the deeper you get, the more the lines fade away. Using a teleblocker at say 20 wilderness, with you on ancients makes you NH. Using one at 50 wilderness, makes you smart. The only responsible argument for teaming is it vs soloing, and we are not here for that argument. Final Thought I want an open discussion about these ways to PK. I don't want people just flaming, I want reasons, examples, and proof of any counter arguments. Post your disagreements, or agreements, post things I have overlooked, and contribute to this conversation.
  13. Learn to NH seriously. He got tbed in w/e wild, and Gatuz was the first to get on him, he got him all the way down untill he ran out of brews and finished him. get the heck off the thread, you know nothing of NH or Drags pking for that matter.
  14. He was combat 78, To the other people. just because i choose to pk honour like the thousands of other pures in well respected clans dont go thinking no honour is all that, you just look like a complete idiot in peoples vids i even saw aquashock get kod in videldevens vid for like 90m+ all because your crew couldnt attack him because he was to low cb and he could attack you priceless :D and hes honoured guess honour beats no honour and you know it does. Why would i take up the space of a shark with a tab. as the commen phrase goes " to save thy pixels" and just because i stopped playing rs does not mean i wont view forums. LOL? I can tell you the amount of times of times I have died for 90m, or 50m, or 10m, and they are all 0. Ive lost 3 sets of ahrims, all to running in multy, and I lost one whip to running in multy (along with an AH set) and another whip to dcing in a fight at edge. And to Mr.Mod, I said, "Just because someone is NH, does not make all their kills lured." I did not say i should be respected for being NH, but simply that my gallery contains 0% lure rating. And finally, McLovin, I choose not to debate Honor and NH, because frankly, its a stupid argument. I personally found that 6 months ago, it paid to be NH, now, its just a normal thing. I can show you plenty of honor pkers who have been downed by me, being NH. So no, it doesn't beat NH all the time, or majority of the time for that matter :roll: One last note, Honor may win the fight, but you don't get the spoils if someone tabs :roll: *NH`D*
  15. No sorry, the wilderness ditch stops all stupid people from entering the wilderness, thats why lurings dead, and thats why this is a fake, kthxbaiplsk? Is this a joke? I can't tell. :? Considering all you have to do just to, say, get D legs, I'm pretty sure one more click isn't gonna stop people. And to the critic guy, it's pretty dang obvious why there's no kill message, all the people around there were talking and so the kill message went off the screen in the few seconds it takes to take a picture. Wow someone who actually knows how it goes :lol: I didnÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t think of taking the screenshot instantly like " aquashock" in his e-thug lure gallery (AKA thinks heÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s 50 cent in a game because he runs around at a stupidly high cb in full "ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâãimp me " thinking that its some sort of brilliant new art of pkin. Auto refresh clickers are nasty news also get rid of it. To the critic or w/e your name is I donÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t really know what your problem is, I post an actually good kill pic probably one better then you have ever pkad before, tbh have you actually set foot in the wild or do you like to criticise all pures? =; You criticise someone on another vid for far casting lol? I wasnÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t aware this was against the honour rules in deep wild? If you have ice barrage your going to use it not listen to a snivelling brat idiot forum critic ( who blows at it anyway) because he fails at proving points,facts,matter of opinion and also life. =P~ saying " z0mg u r haxed me on server 69" If you think its fake fine stop posting on this topic and gtfo off the thread im not going to say kthanksbye because it is positively sad internet slang that makes you not only sound like a [developmentally delayed] but it gives you the disabled sticker in one . Thanks to everyone who posted positive comments to it, I donÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t think I would have been sad enough or well planned enough to set up a kill of that high calibre your crying because people spammed me out not to mention your in world 69 anyway and people spam a line a second you complete toilet brush. +1 to this post if you think i shut this sad pathetic loser up Hey you, I've been shot with a dark bow spec 7 times and lived, k? Now seriously, go and quit again. No one likes you here, my so called 'lure gallery' features a whopping 0 LURES, OH MY GOD. Nice making yourself look like a complete idiot. Just because someone is NH doesn't make all their pks lures, k? Why don't you try to post some PROOF of it, like running away from the fuss and getting the message. Oh sorry, your a honor pure, I'm sure thats against the rules somewhere :roll:
  16. I guess spam is funny :roll: Pro -> You don't have to be on to sell/buy an item(s) Con -> Stingy price range (no one buys molten glass for 1.4k ea :x it wont even let me go down to 900 ea which i wanted to sell it at.)
  17. I sure hope so, i have 5 of them and they are currently a waste of bank space :x
  19. But who duels anymore :roll: Honestly all of the godswords are overated, and not worth the money you pay for them. I've tired them out and honestly, I'd rather stick with a whip :x
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