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Everything posted by Dexek

  1. SA? Something Awful? Because when I think factually correct, I think Something Awful. Really? Strange. I personally use Encyclopedia Dramatica and 4chan. ------------------- Okay. Back on topic. I really don't see how the United States isn't #1... Anyway, I got to go. I'm about to eat dinner. Guess what I'm having. lolbrainwashed. Still though, RXs are very expensive, I get quite a bit of calls "MY HMO DOESNT COVER THIS GET THAT CRAP DOCTOR ON THE PHONE IM NOT PAYING 150$ JUST TO GET M ASTHMA MEDICINE! WHEN THE [bleep] IS THIS UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE COMING THROUGH" That's right, because when it's universal, you won't care... right? People think Universal Health care is [bleep]ing free. I'm not paying for Suzie pigfeet because she can't say no to the twinkies on aisle 5. And I have had people call this lapband company and they admitted it's just easier to get the surgery. Ok, once you get the surgery your body is messed up til it turns to dust. Ugh. edit: @ Lent, you don't want to do that. Trust me.... [hide=potentially explicit story, nsfw..?] A woman once called after getting a boob job in Asia. Guess what? 3 months later.. HER BREAST EXPLODED WITH MAGGOTS. I freaking kid you not. Dear god, that call literally gave me a nightmare just imagining it. I googled it, and yea, it's actually happened before. Another one, who went to... SHURPRISE. Canadia. Her breast deflated. 3 times in a row, each time she went back to Canadia Land. One time at America and her breasts are nice and bouncy now. Gross... [/hide] Moral of the story: Fake breasts suck.
  2. It's not a very big difference between the highest life expectancy average and that of the USA. What is interesting is some of the other rankings listed. I like how Canada is 49th in population growth projections. :thumbsup: Carbon footprint is another interesting one, amongst other environmental rankings.
  3. Looks interesting, though I'll have to pass on buying one for Runescape. It would be torture on my eyes and hands... and by the sounds of it, wallet.
  4. Exactly.. they didn't pay to have it insured, so it isn't. I can't say I like the fact that their home burned to the ground when something could have been done.. but it comes back to them choosing not to pay.
  5. Out of all of them, the Alabama ones were the most entertaining. Their goal is entertainment, eh? :rolleyes:
  6. I wouldn't turn away from it if it wasn't for the increased chances of numerous problems with the child.
  7. Woohoo my Flames are actually doing something! Please don't run out of steam.. I've been waiting a good number of years for another cup game from them.
  8. Ok, so the little numbers in the red box.. is that my ranking for my team in the game? I just noticed these numbers, and am unsure what they mean. Thanks in advance. Got that game highlighted because I just finished it.. and I think I had 2nd.. however I never really look at the ranks, and didn't feel like playing another game to check. EDIT: Thanks Sarge. Hah, and here I thought the larger numbers were a bad thing.
  9. Around 1/4 of those games are awesome, in my opinion and most of those brought back some memories, so thanks for that. :thumbsup: RDR Vice MX Unleased NFS 2 Ok, I guess 1/5th
  10. Or maybe he should prove himself before running his mouth. :thumbup: Still waiting on my request. Been over a month. :(
  11. Hate everyone equally. :thumbup:
  12. I generally valued highschool for the experiences I had with the people, and not the information. I took the academic portion simply to be a test to prove we can learn new things, and use that knowledge accordingly. I have a similar view about college being above all about the experiences with the people I meet. Sure, I'm gaining knowledge in what is to be my future career, but in my opinion it's the people skills that take you far.
  13. Really? you dont like the eva©, the mark VI, any of them? [hide] Well that's pretty sad. Target Locator boosting? Really? Do you want some cheese with your whine? It's just pathetic, but hey, if you want to waste your time boosting to buy stuff that doesn't even do anything, be my guest. If it doesn't do anything, then why is it pathetic. It does nothing to affect you. WHO CARES. It's pathetic what people will do to get these kind of things, that's what I'm saying. Spending hours grinding xp is just stupid. [/hide] Here goes the magic words...its your opinion. Snazy helmets and chestpieces set characters apart from rank and file drones(lolreconflaminghelmet), so its my decision. Im the decider!/bush I can do what I want, and I dont need mister 'lolidontfarmsoimbetterthanyou' to make moral quotes about my every move and whim. Naw, the helmets don't do anything for me. I might like one of those armour effects or the death things. The little birthday one is fun to hear when you kill someone. |^_^|
  14. It'd be cool if there were things worth buying. Best one I see is a black visor.. yep that's about it.
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