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Everything posted by Dexek

  1. Breaks my heart that Jagex never does updates on Monday/Tuesday anymore.. those are my days off. I can't wait to try it out! :thumbup: Hmmm.. basically I need to get 1250+ rank, get a deflector, then leave the mini-game. I can't see the deflector being particularly useful for melee, unless a rune defender trumphs barrows gloves. Although, a body may be of use in some situations. I see the use being with ranging, as we can better increase the accuracy.
  2. Nevermind! I found him and his one post glory. I guess my search function was just failing on me. He joined after me too... :mellow:
  3. Actually, that's exactly the case lol
  4. That could be someone's login name but he/she already changed his display. Not positive, though, since I don't know who you're talking about. :P As for your other questions, I can't answer them but I suspect someone will shortly. Alright, well I'm looking for the display name "Derek". I haven't seen it post since I've been a member of these forums, nor can I tell if it's a newly taken display name, as the search function gives me no results. I just figured it was either a long inactive, or a locked account. Thanks though. |^_^|
  5. I think it would be great, but I can understand if Tip.It doesn't want to take away from its overall member count.
  6. I'm very interested in the idea of display names, however I am curious about some things. First off, will older inactive accounts be free'd up? Secondly, when I try to obtain the display name I like, it is taken. However, when I search the members through the search function, no such name exists. Just curious if the search function is capable of finding the new display names, or does this mean that the name I want is from a locked or inactive account? Thanks!
  7. Dexek

    Your first kiss.

    What really matters is your last kiss. |^_^|
  8. Vikki, the first pair I get are yours ;)
  9. Dexek

    Your first kiss.

    First kiss? I'm unsure what kind of kiss this has to be. I was like 10 sitting on a bus with a girl, and stole it when the bus took a sharp turn. :lol: Although, I guess that's not romantic at all. My first "romantic" kiss was with a girlfriend I had at 13. Basically for a project in a class we went outside in the winter and made quinzhee's (similar to an igloo) in groups. So our group was myself, my buddy, and our girlfriends who were also good friends. We made these quinzees, and would go into them later at breaks and that was basically the makeout spot for the next while at school. The first one was alright, though I've had much more meaningful since. Though her and I were together for nearly a year, and we had a lot of other firsts. Those ones didn't happen in the quinzhee, no worries. :wub:
  10. Congrats to him. I'm also curious about the stats on the lvl 120 skillcape. If they don't exceed all capes within the game, then in my opinion something is wrong. I'm also curious, is he going for go for 200m xp now since he's over half-way and could forever take his spot at number 1?
  11. I love how you continually start a new sub-category within the thread over and over haha. I've gotta say I have no preference over hair colour on a girl, though majority of girls that I've been with have been brunettes. That just means more of them had both the mental and physical qualities that I desire, I suppose.
  12. I've had this occur when first logging in while I had too many programs running, causing a massive lag. When this happens it also shows my screen name as my original account name, and not the screen name it has been changed to. :mellow:
  13. I still get the first video as private. Second one was interesting, though. Good luck.
  14. That was great. Using ingredients on the glass made me laugh. :thumbsup:
  15. Happy birthday Tay! Hope you have an amazing day! :)

  16. Behind the back hugs are the best to get. Upside down hugs are pretty fun too! |^_^|
  17. I wonder if prices will rise at a much greater rate this time around in comparison to the last bonus xp weekend. This time summoning is a dud, so it would be safe to say that a lot of potentialy summoners will now move to herblore for their experiece. I wonder if the profit I would make from selling all the materials I acquire might make selling the items a better choice than using them..
  18. [hide] Just make sure you're winding it up both ways. Slowly rolling it back down isn't necessary but isn't useless. They have a crude one at my gym that I use occasionally. Even with 10lbs on the end it's hella killer on the forearms. Also CoC grips (captain of crush) are also great to use whenever you're bored at your desk. Here's a link if you're interested. http://www.ironmind.com/ironmind/opencms/Main/captainsofcrush.html [/hide] Hah! I was using a CoC grip the other day while working out and the damn metal snapped in half. :thumbdown:
  19. I have a request. Please highlight what was incorrect on other posts (things that aren't ridiculously obvious) and post them here, alongside the correct information. This way we can see the common errors and not have to go on a big backlog trip through the threads in order to find which information we previously read is incorrect. I'd appreciate it. :thumbup:
  20. Aw I dun like your status :(

  21. So.. how will this effect pking? :mellow:
  22. Only if you have that much in junk. Another potential method is trading it for risings (atm that's likely herbs/2nds). I also have one, but I won't be trading it, as I was able to get 200m in herb supps upon the bonus xp weekend announcement.
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