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Everything posted by Dexek

  1. A large majority of the players I was friends with pre-update madness are still around. It's also worth noting that clan chats have helped in a large way to make Runescape more social in one aspect, but that could be the very reason you see a lot of players enjoying the game with their public chat off. Personally, my public chat is almost always on hide. The people I speak with in the clan chat I use are the people that I enjoy talking to, and my friend list has been quite crowded for some years now, so it's difficult to add anyone I meet while playing. I simply tell them that I'll be in the clan chat whenever I'm online, and they can talk to me there. Also, having public chat on hide allows you to see what those random people following you, and on your screen are saying, without your chat log being overwhelmed. Personally, I don't see the problem with finding great people to talk to throughout Runescape. Sure, there are some real [developmentally delayed]s out there, but world hopping, or using your ignore list are simple solutions for those folk.
  2. The ability to hunt down and beat the living [cabbage] out of someone who calls you down. :thumbup:
  3. Far From Home - Finger Five Death Punch
  4. I can only hope that the end product looks much different from this. It looks a tad scary to me, as it currently is.
  5. I should have bought a ticket to recieve a free flag. :roll:
  6. Dance With The Devil - Breaking Benjamin
  7. Yeah, we had tornado warnings and stuff. Went skinny dipping on friday, and it was soo nice at the beach at around 3am. It was just before this huuuge thunderstorm so the water was cool, and the wind was very warm, and the skies were actually clear. But yeah, I gotta say I love fireworks too, but never buy them =P Disney ones must be amazing, with limitless money and all lol

  8. Very nice! I just had that this weekend as well. Turned out to be a real good one, so hopefully yours is just as good, if not better. =D

  9. Don't worry.. I'm not dead ;D

  10. That almost sounds legit. I'm very bored atm.. I want to come talk on msn, but fancy-ass-government-computer-with-ridiculous-security-that-oddly-doesn't-block-Tipit won't let me.

  11. I see you super-stalkin my profile miss ;-) What're you up to this weekend?

  12. That was an extremely fast reply. So much that I think your might have alerts set for when your picture bait works, and you get a comment =P

  13. Save me from the tornado!!!

  14. Stop putting pics up to try and lure young boys such as myself.

  15. It would serve no purpose to me, as I am immortal.
  16. I think this would make the most sense in terms of not going too much out of the window in solving these, but, on the other hand, it'd still be quite a bit difficult than the puzzles now. As this hasn't been discussed too much, would anyone like to guess which monsters will drop these babies? 2 of the monsters are confirmed, but, are a bit restricted in killing them. All the boss monsters in rs would also make sense to drop them(mithril dragons included) but would monsters like ice strykewyrms and dark beasts be deemed fit for them? I doubt abyssals would, because that'd just be too easy. Which two are confirmed?
  17. Heh it was a lot easier once I saw what it had to look like. 5 or 6 moves I believe. Yeah Zap. Government knows Tif is pro.
  18. I was hoping someone knew that.. :mellow:
  19. Mine? Aw.. well anyways I can't tell if I've completed it or not.. nothing comes up telling me whether I have. :thumbdown: I imagine it's a safe link though, as I'm on a government computer with superfirewallpower. Sadly all ports are blocked, so no Runescaping for me. :thumbdown:
  20. If this is it, you can practice a tad, I suppose. :thumbup: Celtic Knot Puzzle
  21. I believe he is meaning that the quest will unlock more sources of onyx, based on the crafting requirement. :thumbup:
  22. Nothing wrong with that. We all know rares were just meant to show when you began playing, and aren't supposed to have a ridiculous worth. :wink:
  23. Sounds amazing. Now I can start doing treasure trails again. Time to sell all my current t-trail items, though. EDIT: Also, if not known, there will be no game update this week.
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