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Everything posted by Dexek

  1. Well, this saved me taking a pic and uploading.. although its a pic from behind. Apparently none of my close friends bring cameras to the afterparties, but random girls do who tag me in them anyways. I'll post some real ones if I'm at home when I get ready to go out this weekend. I might just leave from work, though. :mellow: Ohh, I'm the one in the striped shirt btw
  2. No, what do you think of me? =(

  3. Well, I grew up on a small farm in the West Interlake of Manitoba, Canada. Our family farm is located about 23kms from the small town of Eriksdale (under 1000 pop for the entire municipality, which even living 23kms away we are part of). It was always, in my opinion, great living out in the country where the land you walk on is yours and there is so much of it that you can't hope to cover it all. The common occurrance of seeing wildlife exist in its natural habitat is an amazing thing, especially when you have become a part of its habitat. The hot days and cool summer nights are definitely something I look forward to. Being able to do an honest days work in the warm summer sun, and party hard during the cool nights whether alongside a bonfire at the beach, in a bush, or just wherever. I always enjoyed being able to drive what seemed an endless distance throughout the fields with whatever girl had my heart at that particular time, and be able to show her the sweet secrets that I had discovered across our land over the years. Whether it's a field that seems to supply an endless amount of wild strawberries, despite our best attempts to eat them all or a small creek bubbling in a glade who's only inhabitants seem to be the songbirds and wild deer. Although, autumn is my favourite time of year around the farm. The landscape adopts a reddish tinge, and the old beaten dirt roads are covered in a blanket of leaves. I can smell the smoke from the chimney as I pass by a house, and know that it is so warm inside despite the crisp cool air outside. I like the nakedness that takes over the large forests that seemed to be impenetrable walls during the summer months. Now I can see through them, I can see what was hidden on the other side. That musky smell of the leaves decomposing beneath me mixes with the cool breeze coming from the cold north and fills my lungs with a scent I know too well, triggering memories of years past. I just can't entirely describe the feeling that I get in the late autumn months. Winter, albeit too cold for man or beast at times has its own amazing qualities as well. Some cloudy nights are so dark that when you walk out to check the cattle you're unsure if your flashlight will work, or if the darkness will just overtake the measly light it offers. Yet, other nights when it is especially cold, the nights when it's so quiet the whole world seems to sleep and even your own breath is shallow because you are scared of waking the world.. those are the nights that the stars shine so brightly that the flashlight stays in the house. The snow glistens as though made up of millions of tiny gems and you can see almost as well as you could during the middle of the day. It's these nights that I would wander aimlessly through the fields, staring straight up into the sky. Eventually my neck would get sore enough that I'd just fall backwards into the snow, just so I could keep looking. Nights like these are the ones that really makes a person wonder what's out there, and what am I in comparison. In all honestly I love where I've grown up. I could ramble on about hard times and various things that I feel have made me become a better person, but I'm not too keen on writing a novel just yet. I've been shown throughout my life that hard work and a good head on one's shoulders pays off in the end. Be confident, friendly & fair and you can expect to go far. I wouldn't have it any other way.
  4. That's what I like to see! :thumbup: Death of Me - Red
  5. Darn.. that's upsetting. I don't think I'll be switching off of curse prayers. Sorry Jagex..
  6. Which halo is priced the highest, or are all the prices the same? These new rewards could make some sexy skilling outfits. Also, is there a defence req on the shield?
  7. Heh, I was looking in highscores earlier and saw the castlewars rank was was like.. wth? Then I saw this thread and am curious.. are any of the rewards worthy outside of castlewars, or was it more so of an update for the already die hard castlewars fans? :unsure:
  8. Insane, I use a new one every week. Pretty much why I was also looking to get a straight edge, or at least a safety razor. I've already got the appropriate quality shaving cream and my sexy badger hair brush. :lol: I know what you mean about the shaving, Lent. I shaved almost daily when I was 15, then at 16 I started off my half-goutee and I haven't shaved it off since (20 now). I stopped daily shaving though, as it was becoming a nuisance. In highschool I'd shave every 2nd day, but now with work I don't even shave all week. Just do it up good on the weekends when I go out. Except the moustache.. I shave that a couple times a week since I hate those dirty soup strainers... So what are some suggestions on cologne? I want to hear a ton, and hopefully not have to create a cologne thread. Although, that wouldn't be too bad itself. I'll post pics of what I wear sometime soon. It's not suits or anything, but sexy nonetheless. B)
  9. You've been cheating on me with real life =|

  10. The hot guy may want to hook up. It may take time though.

  11. Lady my love!! Come online more please? =( I miss you!

  12. Zanty you badass! How goes it?

  13. I want a fish pie, sugar@

  14. I don't think I can do that to Vikki, draggle. You might have to share.

  15. Be sure to remember your antidragon shield. If you can't get one until you start Dragon Slayer, do just that.
  16. I believe the mages just north of the rune shop in Port Sarim are immune to whatever type of attack you attempt on them (it it heals them), anyways something like that. Couldn't you deck yourself out in gear with a high mage defence bonus and go cast water strike (or a more expensive spell if you prefer) on the water mage for simplistic magic experience? Go do a test run there to see if I'm right.. I haven't attacked one in probably 2 years. If that doesn't interest you, then I agree with the FOG approach.
  17. Witchy, I'm scared by new people stalkin my profile.. ;-;

  18. Psshaw orange.. owait my PM text is orange now. Carry on draggle, carry on.

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