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Everything posted by RaggyTramp1

  1. no offence but........... duhhh so i dont really care if its 666..... but something bad will happen
  2. kewl , also kill life i didnt know u speak french a fighting bedroom, hmmmmm ive never herd of that
  3. woah! this is good now i can make band logo muahahaha!
  4. believe it or not I stared in Rsc but i kept on getting killed by highwaymen i made a second one same thing. i started this dude 6 motnths ago and so far hes beeen going on and strong i only put the 1 in my name because raggy tramp was taken
  5. your computer broke and you did so crap they had to make a grade for ur poor effort I wish zezima will live forever and not ever auto!
  6. HEy man u got the same bday as me :D ..anyway my rsn is raggy tramp1 I want to come because i know you would do the same for me if i hosted a b-day party and if yah needed any help i gotcha back
  7. HEY stop turning this into a flame war!!!!!!
  8. you eat the monkfish in the monastry od dear you are dead!
  9. brilliant speech dude plus you spelt falador wrong
  10. Metallica - master of the puppets
  11. HIM definitly are plus green dAY , now nont lemme start on them :P
  12. what is this crystal chest anyway?
  13. cool the giutars in bleeding mascara is the best but its a bit screamo
  14. marylin masnon is pure evil we all know that :P
  15. does anyone out there like atreyu? or marylin manson?
  16. 1pmatrYggar they r my rsn ant tippit
  17. your use of words got you tounge tied and then u swallowed your tounge then it blocked your windpipe so you died
  18. coolgirl dies by gettin battered from nerdgirls and hotchicks and drinks an anti batter then the stupid guy comea ND CLOBS HIS Shoe over her head
  19. Type of sig: name and stuff with total 500+ Colours:Black Render: Border: 1px bright green Name: Raggy tramp1 Tagline: the best darn tramp you seen! Font: all hooked up Animation: yeah glowing name Other info: plz can you do a stickman wearing full rune w/o helm and wears a skirt with a d long please. Thanks raggy tramp1
  20. wow nice man..... now i can know when i can finally use my d long! (ive done lost city)
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