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Everything posted by wioneo

  1. Even though you mowed down my signature in cold blood just yesterday...congratulations Tripsis! :thumbsup: I like the recent string of competitions that Jagex is releasing, an adversary system is always the best system. (except when it's not) EDIT: Bwahaha the guy killing corp looks like he's using d square and long.
  2. Was there any update to chaotic shields, or did you leaveoff the bit about hits over 200? In either case, divine is still better simply because 10-30% more blocked(depending on the style) will have a significantly larger effect than 20ish extra melee/range defense or LESS magic defense.
  3. I am having disconnection lost when click on "Exit to Lobby." When clicking it fast, you get connection lost. one slow click works though. Same, and after dc I get logged back in. So Jagex is clearly trying to force us to keep playing indefinately.
  4. They drop noted "part mud pie." I just saw this drop for the first time ever in 2500ish kills, but it seems like runescape is having some problems at the moment. I repeatedly attempted to pick up the drop but my character was not moving(but I could still change around menus and slowly swap prayers), so I eventually spam clicked my tab and after about a minute teled out because I was unable to atack. BUT tds can drop noted part mud pies, no idea how many at a time, bit annoyed about this to be honest.
  5. If the combined rarity of getting 2 crowns or an onyx from kinglies is greater than 1/40, then no.
  6. I honestly agree. Jagex is too damn out of touch with their player base. They don't know how people play the game, they don't know how people boss, pk, slay, solo, etc etc etc. Honestly, I bet any TIF pker could beat any Jmod pking, as long as they have same stats/gear and jagex doesn't cheat. I bet Kobe could beat the NBA's commissioner in one on one.
  7. I'm assuming that they will drop significantly less, just like last time. In any case, today or tomorrow should be a great time to stock up. Managed to impoverish myself by snagging 4 blues and a green :thumbsup: EDIT: If you want crowns you could buy 2-3 and use the junk to buy a santa effectively getting a free crown as santas should recover after a while. Seen people selling for as low as 20m.
  8. I was hoenstly always too lazy to use brews+food, but if I'm reading this right, brews on their own interrupt combat now, is that correct? because that is...not coo...but the rsof thread somone pointed to gives me some hope that this might be reversed. EDIT: How is expecting a potion to act similarly to every other potion in the game "bug abuse?" And to your first point, 16*4 aka 64 is how much each brew heals per inventory spot which is greater than any thing else in the game barring stackables.
  9. Just blues and greens are fully crashing, you should try to convert that red to crown or something or sell for max if you don't feel like waiting it out, because they're almost sure to follow the other 2. People make strange trades during panics, managed to turn 2 santas into 2 greens, should be fun after al this rubbish passes.
  10. That was the REAL update, lol. That's hateful jagex...
  11. Every weapon except spears are halved in damage when hitting corp. Because of this, no weapon is as good as spears on him, despite the speed or stab bonus. Halberds too. :thumbup: I think the limitation is that no weapons other than two handed stab weapons and magic spells have no damage limitation (I need to check hastae), so the only changes to make corp easier in future is a crystal halberd/chaotic 2h stab weapon. Has the non-spear 2 handed+stab thing been tested at all? Could try checking halberds and....flail? I think that has stab.
  12. As i'm sure you know, masks have significant street value: that means selling them on the GE looses you net worth. Masks are guaranteed to rise several millions, and rise every time the GE updates because they're bought out. Santas are also currently bought out (unless that's changed the last couple of hours), however these don't hold too much street value at the moment, due to the fact that they haven't been bought out on the GE for a month ( i bought my last santa for 102m on the GE, which isn't long ago). Therefore, i would not sell, even if you can't get something directly related to the skills you're suggesting: if you do decide on selling, i'm sure you'll find people on this thread with cash, willing to take them off your hands (what is the difference between market price and max trade price when you're sacrificing millions in street value as rising items anyway?). For specifics, i'd check RSOF Items with more than GE value are a business of dealing thought. getting secondary opinions would be good for you, and finding the right person to complete your trade is obviously essential: you can get a good deal, or a bad one. Well, I need to get about 300m in cash for prayer, herb and some basic slayer gear, but what could I get with the rest? Trade for crowns
  13. I think that "sometimes" is less frequent than "occasionally."
  14. No, you got ripped off, but I'm such a nice guy I'll reverse it for you. I'll even throw in a santa.
  15. Heal is by far my favorite, but getting 5 in that made me remember that I love ba so I'll just max out all 4 lol.
  16. About how long do you think this santa dip will last? I bought a few yesterday when they were going for around med.
  17. Thank you that answers all of my questions other than the weapon options, but I suppose that I was not very specific in my wording. Is there any better melee weapon than the d scimitar that can be used exclusively as an attacker?
  18. The xp multiplier from BA has been out for a while now, so I'm assuming timings/tests have been done or whatever, so, does using the master horn for extra agility xp save time overall? This is not considering the time it takes t unlock the horn, because I would eventually do that anyways. Also, what is the fastest role to upgrade to 5? I'm assuming it's collector or healer, but I don't really remember. I'm assuming that same role would be best for filling the horn, correct? About how many wave 1-10 rounds does it take to fill the horn? About how much xp does a full horn give? What is the best way to go about BA now? The last time that I was there was around lvl 80 in rune with a d scim, is this still the best? I am assuming that it's not, but opinions would be nice. Is ape atoll still the best around 75 or whatever my agility levels is now? All of the above questions other than the last are completely irrelevant if the first answer is no.
  19. I expected a similar time lapse to that of summoning(2 months wasn't it?), but the "probably this year" bit makes me think that I personally won't be touching dung for several months.
  20. My response is as follows... BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA That is all.
  21. i dont know how you get any of that crap either :( I know elysian has lost almost all of it's street value, I really doubt it can go on much longer so why is it so hard to get one? Could you be more specific than that? Managed to turn coins into 2 greens + blue and santa with about 10mish junk left over after about a week of dealing with an asston of crowns n whatnot, but I'd like to have a less biased opinion on what else I would need for the shield. I've seen a lot of people going for pumpkin+cash... is that about right? and how does pumpkins' value convert to masks/santas? Also, what would I need to eventually upgrade from ely to divine? Seems like trading around would take significantly longer, but it saves 20m+ over trying to snipe. Mid thread bump :ohnoes:
  22. i dont know how you get any of that crap either :( I know elysian has lost almost all of it's street value, I really doubt it can go on much longer so why is it so hard to get one? Could you be more specific than that? Managed to turn coins into 2 greens + blue and santa with about 10mish junk left over after about a week of dealing with an asston of crowns n whatnot, but I'd like to have a less biased opinion on what else I would need for the shield. I've seen a lot of people going for pumpkin+cash... is that about right? and how does pumpkins' value convert to masks/santas? Also, what would I need to eventually upgrade from ely to divine? Seems like trading around would take significantly longer, but it saves 20m+ over trying to snipe.
  23. :thumbup: Best way to approach it. I agree totally. It's extremely important to weigh in personal enjoyment. You also can't really equate a probabilistic expectation (probability * profit) with real profit. In other words, I'd very much rather make a consistent 2.5M/hr at DK's than have a long-run average of 3M an hour at TD's. I personally am in love with DK tribrid. It's easy, it's fun, it's a lot of profit. In my experience, I disagree. I prefer tribriding [Prime(til 10 hp)-Rex-Prime(finish off)-Supreme(SS/Range Flick)-Rex(SS)]. With that method, you can SS both rex and supreme and that saves you a LOT of food, meaning you can stay almost a full 1 hour longer. You also don't have to use longrange on Prime so your Prime kill is really quite fast. Plus you can expect at least 500k/trip, if not up to 1.5m/trip, just off of tallies The problem with looking at these things so mathematically is that there are so many factors unaccounted for. For example, the risk and chance of dying at each boss, the number of times you get crashed, hopping worlds, etc. That's why I hesitate to make such detailed calculations. All I do is record the profit after each trip to get a rough estimate of my profit, and if I'm satisfied with it then that's good enough for me. Several legitimate points, except I enjoy tds and from what I'm being told they are more profitable, which seems rather convenient.
  24. Soul split when it melees. Really not that hard, you shouldn't take damage except from maybe stray demons. You switch prayer as normal until it melees and then you use split. The demon won't change style if you're not blocking the damage, and you will take hits from the melee(they are very innaccurate) and the magic spec of the demon you're attacking and the one that you have trapped. You *will* take damage while luring the second demon and returning to kill your main one if you use 2 spawns, and if you don't you will kill significantly slower but use less food.
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