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Everything posted by munchkinmage

  1. There are easy ways to get free con exp if you want. As you said, it's work just like any other skill, but soft clay is easy.
  2. No Are you sure (j/k :lol:)? Thanks, I appreciate it, I can now log in at peace. :D EDIT: ^^WRONG!^^ After doing a scan, I found out it that stupid site gave me some nasty Spyware! I was able to block it and change my password, so it's now no longer a problem, but if anybody gets an e-mail like that, delete it, right away. I;'m glad I caught that before a hacking happened... And what proof do you have it's from that site? To get Spyware and viruses from Websites you have to download them to your computer by accepting the files. If you got spyware It's most likely from another source. If you want to reduce spyware and whatnot don't use IE. You will NOT get a keylogger from such sites unless you're stupid and download random files. Not true AT ALL. You can easily get trackers without knowing it.
  3. CaptainKidd, you've obviously never used Slayer Dart at the Barrows. As almost everyone so far has stated, you CAN INDEED do a trip and come out with more runes then you started with... Nobody's gonna bother making a video just to prove to you that you're wrong. You should actually TEST your theories before you post them and flame anyone who tells you otherwise.
  4. I've gotten two left halves, both from waterfall fire giants. One was back when they were like 2 Mil, and the second was like three days ago. Alas they're not that valuable anymore...
  5. You could just use a holy/unholy symbol... I'd go with unholy since it gives a little attack bonus.
  6. Fate_Dragon.. missed that he's f2p? :notalk:
  7. You know what would be crazy awesome? Granite CROSSBOW. :lol: :thumbsup: :ohnoes:
  8. Lol? Dragon axe in RSC? :shame: My earlest RS memory would have to be trying to figure out how to get MILK. I mean, back then there were no 'Dairy Cows'... You just used a bucket on normal cows. I don't even know why, but it took my friend and I WEEKS to finish Chef's Assistant, becuase we couldn't get MILK. :wall:
  9. The thing is, the rules only apply to people who make accounts and agree to them. The advertising company couldn't start level 3s and spam their product in-game, but they could work something out WITH JAGEX.
  10. I don't think it would really change it. It would get rid of the autoers that have to change worlds, but for WC bots people can still log them on then leave.
  11. Correct me if I'm wrong, but there's no black wizard skirt, is there? People just use Priest Robe Bottom. Why would they make a trimmed set of something that doesn't exist as a normal set? The guy above me is right too. That's what I'm talking about.
  12. I'm gonna have to oppose this one simply because they're horribly ugly. Honestly, the sara is the only one that really matches with the gold, and even that one looks worse then the current sara. The god armors look awesome how they are.. why mess with them?
  13. Definantly Pure Ess. Just made all the macroers get membership if they wanted to auto ess.
  14. I've gotten like 6 in the entire time I've been PLAYING... :-k
  15. Man, I've been trying to get Granite Legs forever but nobody used to bother getting them becuase they were cheap and useless... Now suddenly they're popular and expensive. *wishes he had managed to get them months ago* :wall:
  16. Just make 100% sure that the runners are dealt with BEFORE the queen appears... and just basicly sit by the healers the rest of the game, except when you have to make omega eggs. As long as you get the runners first, you're not harming the team at all. (If I'm wrong and there IS something else you're supposed to do after the runners are gone, I apologize.. I'm still not fantastic at BA.)
  17. I'd say Wilderness Tag was canceled... It was a pretty bad idea anyway. Think about it... It would be like the pest control rewards, minus the effort requirement. Just a little bit of running and you'd get some CRAZY pures being trained... Not what Jagex wanted.
  18. Good luck on the goals, Toast! Next time you're on, I got around 1k Burnt Lobs for ya! :thumbsup: :ohnoes:
  19. If I think they didn't know better (as is usually the case with my n33b friends) I'll just give a friendly warning and tell them not to share their account with their cousin or whatever. However, if I knew a friend had been scamming, IRL Trading, Etc. that they definantly KNEW was against the rules, I'd probably report them, yes. I don't need to be friends with that.
  20. I don't know if it was already said, but here's why: In RSC Spinach Rolls could be gotten from the insane wizard in the wizard tower. When RS2 came along, Randoms were added into the game and with them was (for some reason) a new source of spinach rolls. Originally though, the Spinach Rolls were just a bit of random weirdness from the wizard.
  21. Usually slayer, otherwise whatever skill I was working on when I got the genie.
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