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Everything posted by geesch

  1. You think bobs will stay? I have already seen them drop by more than 50% in the last 2 days. More items = less demand for old, more demand for new. Only time will tell for sure. Uncuts do have a street value though. Its slightly less than a ring.
  2. Heya. So, I have recently invested myself into the small-rares market. I managed to snipe a bunch of stuff for market price (3 crowns, uncut onyx, and a few bobs). With the upcoming update, I am concerned about the stability of these items, and where the prices will likely go once released. I personally expect bobs to become obsolete, along with animal masks, so I am expecting them to crash. I am completely unsure as to how crowns and uncuts will react to this change, due to the fact that they have no relation to TT items (other than trading for street value), and the fact that they have such a high street value currently. I am trying to decide what to do with all these rares. My initial idea was to get rid of them to let the market settle down after an update like this. But then I figured that crowns/uncuts might end up rising in street value as the only way to trade for the new items (which will obviously be hyper-inflated for the first few weeks). I don't have any junk right now, so what I am asking you guys is: What should I do with my rares? Please discuss my concern, along with anything else related to the rare market and the future of TT items as junk trading commodities.
  3. I would advise against super defs tbh. They will be a pain to sell. If you do something slightly more expensive at first glance, you might walk away with less money spent. The thing with super defs, is the only people who want them are people making overloads. Thats a small population, and few people mass produce overloads. Super attacks/energies, on the other hand, are both fast exp, cheap, and are commonly used in the high lvl untradable pots. Super energies are the best training method when you get to 84 herb, so they are always sold. Super attacks are useful and almost as cheap as spec restores. Be prepared to spend about 30gp/xp in herb. The only way around that cost is by doing it a painful way, or spending too much time which, in turn, costs you money, or a combination of both (cleaning/barb pots).
  4. I don't want to beat it to death, but use maples. With almost any income, its more efficient to use those. You can easily get 160k exp an hour if you use gloves/ring.
  5. I wouldnt herb clean, ever. Its slow, its just asking for carpal tunnel, and its no longer very profitable. Do just about anything (ppots, super energies/atk) until you get 81, sara brews to 84, spec restores to 88. Should be far less than 100m. I got from 80-96 doing it the most expensive way possible (most beneficial though) for 190m. Im set for life with pots as a result. I would suggest going a little farther to 92 so you can get some overloads. they are beast.
  6. If you arent aiming for 99 str, there is absolutely no reason to get a ss. a whip will be best for 95% of the things you kill, and the remaining will be covered if you get a zs. a ss is for those who would like to get 99 str and remain low in atk and def. Whip on controlled is where its at for mains (you).
  7. Thanks :) I appreciate it. Need to make another 50m for 95 prayer >.< My bank won't be as pretty once that happens haha.
  8. 150-175k magic xp? What about hp? If you know I think hp is 1/3 of mage exp (i know thats the case for melee, not entirely certain about mage). So after average my guestimated max/min and dividing by 3, you get about 54k hp exp per hour.
  9. I highly suggest battle robes along with a SOL. They cut your costs in half. I figure you get about 150-175k exp per hour bursting, prolly 225k barraging. Once you can barrage, you should do so. If you need a partner for getting in to the caves, try the burstinglobs CC. A map for getting to the spot is http://runescape.salmoneus.net/images/dagkingmap.png. Some of the lines are reversed, but its the best one ive found so far. I think you get about 250 crims per 1k bursts, maybe a bit less. Its about 700 casts an hour right? If so, then thats about right.
  10. Not sure what that is supposed to mean...
  11. Hey. So, after several requests on my 99 RC thread, I decided to post a bank screenshot. So, here ya go! Please rate away. Since this picture has been taken, I bought 95 prayer which has me down 150m. However, I still have 30m cash and all the same items, plus bandos too. This thread has 1.7k+ views, yet only 15 posts. I imagine about half are mine... that's rough haha.
  12. You guys obviously dont understand. I wasn't falling for it, i was just confused as to what tetralink1 was. It was a password scam attempt like i had never seen before, but I wasnt going to fall for it. You dont have an account thats been around for 5 years if you fall for [cabbage] like that. I thought i had seen it all, but this was a first for me. Furthermore, I have certainly seen those notifications for years, so I am very aware. You dont just go typing your pass around when youve got 99 rc >.>
  13. Ohhh, ok. That explains it. I didnt know you could communicate between the games.
  14. So today I was in FoG, and I get this message from a guy named Forums Bob. He told me he was part of the Jagex Staff. I immediately thought, haha, nice try. But then I added him to respond, and his world was tetralink1. Then i was like O.o. He wanted to ask me a few questions, but before any more could come of it, he logged. Anyone have a clue?
  15. IMO, battle robes are for bursting/barraging rock lobbs only. In any other place, it is better to use ahrims, or a full slayer helm (hexcrest). You cant use them in cwars, as they dont let you use the hood. Do not use it in pvp (whether minigames or pking) as you would be better off using a high mage setup, or trying to inflict as much damage as possible as quickly as possible. No use in saving FoG FREE runes, for example. The only viable usage of them would be maging steels. I wouldn't even waste my time with that tbh, but if you are set on it, might as well do that.
  16. As much as I am against crashers, it might be the only thing you can do. I wouldn't do the 7 lobb spot. Its slower, and i find luring there harder. If you can outcast somebody else at the 9 lobb spot, you should do that, if you cannot find an empty world after 10 mins of hopping.
  17. Helm: Nietznot Necky: Salve (e) Torso: Prossy (with bunyip/uni), Bandos without Legs: Same as ^^ Boots: Dragon Ring: Zerker Cape: SW/Fire Cape Weapon: Whip Shield: Defender If you have a bunyip, you will get very fast exp. Just use piety and whip the zombies. If you dont have a bunyip, you either want more def (bandos) so you dont need to melee pray. if you use piety with melee prayer, your prayer will constantly be drained.
  18. Probably 8-10 hours. It honestly not worth it. Just buy them from people for cash and they will give you a bunch of junk. If you are a half decent junk trader, you will have your cashpile back to the same within the hour and save yourself 8-10 in the process.
  19. This exactly. You will end up spending more or losing efficiency if you use all those herbs.
  20. You should invest your cash into farming and herblore. Farming will cost very little, all you need is seeds. Herblore will cost a chunk, but is worth it when you get to extremes. getting summoning to 68 is important too.
  21. It is an issue getting the boost at first, but once you get it, you can keep it there until you are finished. You need to time your logouts so that just before the boosts drop by one, you are logged out, and just after you log back in. You can probably make 680 overloads in an hour or two if you are decent at it.
  22. I agree, but you should familiarize yourself with P2P before you start setting up any long term goals. I suggest getting 50 in each memb skill, and getting a bunch of quests done before you start setting up any goals for 99s. The basis in each skill will allow you to become familiar with how the skill works, and the quests will give you access to more parts of the game.
  23. I dont think the bonecrusher is really worth it. Other than that, your plan seems decent :)
  24. If I were you, I would be training skills that you will either need in p2p for quests, or moneymaking (ie: get 44 rc in f2p so you can craft nats). Failing that, you could simply work on getting your f2p skills high so that you dont need to spend as much time when you get p2p. Try training skills where you can train as or almost as efficiently in f2p as p2p. For example, superheating is good smithing and mage exp in both versions of the game. Firemaking is almost as fast in f2p as p2p (only difference being gloves/ring). Easy to get 99 fm in f2p. You could also work on getting lots of cash. That will be key when you get membs.
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