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Everything posted by Turtlefemm

  1. Topic moved at request of author as it was "offtopic" in RS General Discussion :lol: ~Turtlefemm
  2. It would definitely require a mod for something like this to be implemented, but I can see how it would be handy for people. Some like very few posts on a page, and some like practically infinite numbers.. :D ~Turtle
  3. "Your new task is: 1 cow and 1 Turtle" :lol: :shock: Well, at least we know he'll let us out alive if the bats are any indication. :lol: As far as the offtopic-ness of this thread... The truth of the matter is that Silverion can post where-ever he likes in this forum. He is the founder of it after all as some of you have pointed out. Generally he would stick to the guidelines of the forum as well as anyone, but in this instance, we staff who were seeing his story firsthand begged him to post... and he wanted to reach as many of the tip.it forum users as possible with something that the rest of us found so amusing. The bats were real.. the story unfolded while some of us were online with him... and he felt it was worth sharing. Enjoy it... ~Turtle
  4. Humerous .. or humorous.. I love smilies... I really like the :ohnoes: one that was modified too... Very cool idea! ~Turtle
  5. Hi Everyone, As most of you probably know by now, ability to access the main website is very difficult at this time. We have technicians working on the problem and hope to have it resolved as quickly as possible. Please be patient as we are doing everything we can to get things working for you! Tip.it Administrative Team
  6. hi all, just wanted to let you know that this is being discussed. :D ~Turtlefemm
  7. The question has been answered, so topic is locked. Please remember to post in the correct forum in the future. ~Turtlefemm
  8. I think this is absolutely perfect. If there is a rule being broken, then the user who broke it needs to screech to a halt and see that. If he has to spend an extra 5 seconds manually highlighting the text so that he can read it, then he certainly is giving it due attention. However, I have no trouble reading the bright red font and I do use the tip.it theme. I tend to use varying colors of red anymore when I edit things; I do remember using green at one time, though. Red or Red or Red, they are all noticed. And bolded or italicized or bolded and italicized are all noticed. I think I just made a personal color choice while creating this post. Color #BF0000 in bold looks great to me on the tip.it theme. That said, moderators should feel free to use whatever colors they feel are necessary to get their point across with rulebreakers. It isn't supposed to be a beautiful experience, it is supposed to catch the eye and make people pay attention. ~Turtlefemm
  9. Locking this thread. Discussion of how to pull out code to discover things about Runescape is against the rules as was stated earlier in this thread: Discussing future updates is fine. Using screenshots and discussing methods of finding things out that are against Jagex rules is not fine. ~Turtlefemm
  10. Regardless of people's opinions, the rants forum is for.. ranting... which by its very definition is angry. rant (rnt) v. rant·ed, rant·ing, rants v.intr. To speak or write in a angry or violent manner; rave. v.tr. To utter or express with violence or extravagance: a dictator who ranted his vitriol onto a captive audience. n. 1. Violent or extravagant speech or writing. 2. A speech or piece of writing that incites anger or violence. 3. Chiefly British Wild or uproarious merriment. This topic has pretty much embodied all of the above definitions... and I am now locking it up, because it has gone on too long in an out of hand/bashing sort of way and did not die a peaceful death on page "elsewhere" of the rants forum. ~Turtlefemm
  11. This increase was something that we've been thinking about for a while and while you might perceive us as "lazy" for deciding to increase limits, we were lagging far behind the limits that other fansites imposed on their own forums. Signatures are not hosted by tip.it forums, but are remotely hosted by each user. Because of this, forums are not slowed down by the number of signatures; the speed of your pages loading is mostly determined by your own internet connection/speed. If our forums are slowed by anything that is userbased, it would be the number of users suddenly showing up at one time. ~Turtlefemm Tip.it Administrative Team
  12. Hi Everybody! We have decided to add a little more weight to the signature file size limits! The limit has been increased from 40Kb to 100Kb, another 60Kb for you to play with. Please remember that the pixel dimensions have not changed. You must still keep within 450 x 200 pixels in your images. The avatar limits have not changed and you must keep them no larger than 100 x 100 pixels and 8kb in file size. Some information to remind you of the rules: This is an example of an image that follows the signature rules. Here is an image that follows the avatar rules. Below are two guides complete with images to help you better understand how to make sure your signatures and avatars are within our guidelines! [hide=Signature Guide][/hide] [hide=Avatar Guide][/hide] Remember that even if your profile allows you to use an image, it does not necessarily mean that the image adheres to the signature and avatar rules. If you see any signatures or avatars that break the rules, please use the "report this post" feature and select the reason related to signatures and avatars. This is also a good time to remind everyone to keep a copy of your signature on your computer. When signatures are removed we remove the entire thing; keeping a backup is the best way to ensure you don't lose anything in your signature. The Tip.It Administrative Team You can discuss this subject -----> HERE!
  13. Hi Everybody! We have decided to add a little more weight to the signature file size limits! The limit has been increased from 40Kb to 100Kb, another 60Kb for you to play with. Please remember that the pixel dimensions have not changed. You must still keep within 450 x 200 pixels in your images. The avatar limits have not changed and you must keep them no larger than 100 x 100 pixels and 8kb in file size. Some information to remind you of the rules: This is an example of an image that follows the signature rules. Here is an image that follows the avatar rules. Below are two guides complete with images to help you better understand how to make sure your signatures and avatars are within our guidelines! [hide=Signature Guide][/hide] [hide=Avatar Guide][/hide] Remember that even if your profile allows you to use an image, it does not necessarily mean that the image adheres to the signature and avatar rules. If you see any signatures or avatars that break the rules, please use the "report this post" feature and select the reason related to signatures and avatars. This is also a good time to remind everyone to keep a copy of your signature on your computer. When signatures are removed we remove the entire thing; keeping a backup is the best way to ensure you don't lose anything in your signature. The Tip.It Administrative Team
  14. Anything that is within our forum rules for other signatures is acceptable. Hopefully that is pretty clear to folks and of course all custom sigs will go through the moderation process. Happy creating! ~Turtlefemm
  15. This thread has been locked because of the "somewhat Mature Content" that it was obviously created to include. Tip.it forums are a family friendly place and while we have certain forums within the site where intelligent discussion about topics otherwise too mature for some of our users can be had, this is not one of those forums and this is not one of those intelligent discussions. ~Turtlefemm Tip.it Administrative Team
  16. There are two of us, although the other one doesn't play much anymore... I fixed the typo ;)
  17. :thumbsup: I'm gonna have to try to make one of those things.. I think most of them are funny. :lol:
  18. Ok.. I've been through this thread...and I'd been through the old one that prompted it. The thread has lots of funny pictures and this one has the potential to have a lot of fun pictures as well. However, it is not all all right to use photographs of tragedy, human suffering, war, terrorist attacks, or anything of that nature when creating humor for our runescape fun. I realize that many of you are very desensitized overall because you spend a lot of time seeing things on the internet, but the picture that I have removed from this thread caused some very strong reactions. While it might mean nothing to some of you, September 11, 2001 was a tragic, horrifying, terrifying day to some of us. When I saw that picture and it dawned on me what it was from, I felt sick to my stomach and I wanted to cry. And anyone who at this point is thinking "oh lighten up" NO.. I will not lighten up. There are thousands of ways to make jokes....and there is not truly good humor to be had from such a serious tragedy. So, I know many of you didn't have a clue what that picture was of at all, but the person who posted it knew... and others did know. This thread can be a good one. Keep it to lighthearted pictures. Keep war from any part of the "real world" out of it please. ~Turtlefemm Tip.it forum Administrator
  19. Nested quotes have been increased from 3 to 7. That should ease the frustration on that pretty well. : ~Turtle
  20. Yes.. the 3 quote limit is pretty restrictive. We're discussing it now. 8-) ~Turtlefemm
  21. While there are always going to be annoying posters, and people who spam, flame, break rules in all areas of the forum, overall Offtopic HAS become a much nicer forum. It is sometimes human nature to pick out only the worst of something, and I'm sure we could pick through any forum and make statements that the forums suck because of those things. There will never be perfection. It doesn't exist. I personally have found many interesting topics and posts and discussions here that were difficult to find or not there at all before project offtopic got underway. Perfect spelling is not a requirement on our forums. Coherency... that is sometimes an issue, and it is interesting how the very people who complain about it, bash and slam the ones who are struggling to make themselves understood. I find it much more unacceptable when I see a member of our forums insulting someone for his imperfect grammar and spelling. Many folks are using English as a second or even third language. Many others are still learning how to speak via typing. There is no reason to make them feel bad when they try to communicate. It is possible to ask someone to try to type more clearly without being nasty and hateful about it. ~Turtle
  22. Project Offtopic seems to be working out very well. I've noticed an increase of users posting thoughtfully and in respectful ways on threads. Thank you to all of you who are observing our rules and making Offtopic a pleasant place to hang out. ~Turtle
  23. :thumbsup: Congrats on 99 Defense! Thank you so much for letting me be a part of it! The cape looks awesome, you executed the emote flawlessly (hahaha) and the party hat looks absolutely dashing with your.. pink skirt.. and defense cape.. lol 8-) I don't rate stuff... So.. just.. Awesome! ~Turtle P.S. ronin, you're such a brat... :notalk: :shame:
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