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Everything posted by superson

  1. Most countries with police that don't have guns probably don't have them because the force is corrupt enough as it is.
  2. You're saying that people on minorities get better treatment and more money than whites? Are you joking? We get so many things that we don't even notice. Many predominantly white neighborhoods are much more well kept, and while they aren't white only officially, they mostly have only whites. We have gotten so used to it that we don't even notice. Minorities might not get worse treatment always, but they definitely do not get better, and most of the time they don't complain about what they aren't getting, they work harder to get more.
  3. My boyfriend has driven 2 hours from work after pulling a 15 hour evening/night shift with no memory recall of the last hour driving home and climbing in to bed :ohnoes: --- The scariest thing I've seen is my little brother sleep walk, all the way downstairs, pulled out a chair, stood on it and unlocked the door, proceeding to walk outside :ohnoes: Just because he doesn't remember it doesn't mean he wasn't awake. His mind was probably awake, and running on what he knew how to do, but the memory part of his brain was off. I'm not an expert on this, but he probably was aware of what he was doing, his body just didn't make an effort to remember any of it.
  4. That's good then, have your family back you up if the other family gives you crap. I don't know what the legal age is, but when you (and your partner) have a baby, it's your child, and you get to make the decisions. Her parents should not be able to tell her or you what to do with your child. They have every right to be mad, but in this situation, besides punishing her, I don't think they can do anything else, such as not let you see her, because you are the father...
  5. Elie Wiesel I think? (How wierd, I know his name from a quote I'm using in a debate case about the death penalty... odd). EDIT: Woops didn't see that you'd edited.
  6. Personally I'd have done something the day after it happened... You don't have an unlimited amount of time to deal with it. Now that it's (I presume) too late to take the morning-after pill, I'd tell her parents as soon as possible. I mean, the more time they have to think it over, the better. They might be more mad now, but in the long run they'll be happy you told them now, whereas if they don't find out until she starts showing, they might always hold it against you that you weren't open about it right off the bat. Also, what about your parents? Just because you don't have to give birth doesn't mean it isn't just as much your child.
  7. The title might not be understand to actually be "A question to be answered by German and Japanese". People might just think you put it to look cool (since it does :P ). Just to clarify that he is asking German and Japanese people.
  8. So what actually happened?
  9. Well since none of the choices recieved more than 50%, more players did not get what they want than those who did get what they wanted.
  10. Nice, going to buy 200k worth now. I won't buy more, because if they get nerfed, there is the chance that they'll nerf the ITEM, and not the PRICE.
  11. Exactly! Call me crazy, but I don't think that most of the people who own guns will ever need to use them in 'self defence', and if they do, it will be a situation that a person without guns could have resolved also. Guns = bad. Hippies = gud? \
  12. Already doing enough foreign aid? Are you smoking something?
  13. That's quite a lucky coincidence for you that you just happen to love the four skills that are easiest to get a cape in. Woodcutting is nowhere near the easiest.
  14. I was playing the day when slayer was released. I got this message that day. Very much not recent or hidden You're wrong. I very clearly know that every time I go to get my pouches back I attack a few abby demons for the hell of it, I have never gotten this message.
  15. They can't just keep raising the amounts of damage you can do. Eventually if this keeps up PKing won't be very popular because everybody and their mom will be able to hit 60s.
  16. Macro means large, big. Botys means plant. This has nothing to do with Autoers.
  17. God, I wish noob-wannabe-mods would just go somewhere unpleasent. Isn't it obvious that he did it by accident? Simply report the second 2, and be on your merry way!* *It is OK to laugh or make fun of someone for double (or triple) posting, in a lighthearted manner, but not to be a wannabe mod.
  18. Actually you'll be out 700, since you'll send him a check for 700 and get a fake 1100 dollar check. Also, you'll lose whatever you're selling possibly.
  19. You ruined the whole thing when you said 'st00f'.
  20. I thought fish was pescado? maybe that's just the kind you eat.
  21. I personally believe that... It sounds like that kind of question :lol:
  22. Saw something like this earlier on *StumbleUpon* *points at thread*, about a guy who caught a scam, which sounded remarkably like this. The check will bounce, you'll lose your Wii.. Although that guy got his money back because he pretended the be the Russian Mafia... [/tangent]
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