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Everything posted by Smackapotato

  1. I just slowly let it accumulate. Sometimes I'll try to actually 'make' money with rune mining or small merching. But I prefer to let my total bank worth just go up with time through skilling(almost 500k airs made by me ftw).
  2. That's still pretty impressive, congrats on 95 too! You'll have 99 in no time.
  3. This thread comes up at least once a month. Honestly it doesn't matter what people think about skillers. Play the game for fun and shut up about it.
  4. Shouldn't it be on the map? Try checking that.
  5. Did you just get 93-94 mining in a day? If so then Whooah crazy, congrats! Good luck on 99 =]
  6. Try timing yourself doing it once or twice then figure out how long it would be. It's best to use your own times because you don't necessarily train at the same speed as someone else.
  7. You already know one way to get rid of it all, use it to lend your GS once you get it. But if you need that extra 5mil to buy your GS then you might have to wait till you have enough money without junk. Junk isn't easy to get rid of unless you have high level items to barter with.
  8. Oh no! CHANGE! Everybody ruuuuuuuuuuun!
  9. I love how you can see the construction cape in the first picture. Very nice level, 9/10
  10. It's basically because most players are of the mentality that if they wear a skirt it isn't manly and makes their character look less cool. They are both the same, except for the skirt weighing less. It has nothing to do with discrimination, it's just because adolescent boys are immature and really think that it matters whether or not they wear platelegs as opposed to a skirt.
  11. 85 smithing is totally awesome and I'm not just saying it cause I have it too ;) Congrats on getting it =D
  12. It's probably because "for fun" wont help jagex get any ideas about what you like in RS. They mostly do polls to find out what you want/think. Saying you play RS for fun doesn't give them much to expand on.
  13. I remember when I wanted a santa so bad that I bought one even though the price was going down. They are fun to have when they're new, hopefully they go up in price before you sell it =]
  14. In time they do get banned, as long as they get reported.
  15. You pretty much just said you can get 1600 total in a month... How many hours a day do you play?
  16. I might want to keep the same name, just cause that's what I'm used to. But I wouldn't say no to something cooler =]
  17. I realized this pretty much as soon as I noticed the extra runes were being made...
  18. This is actually very interesting and I love how you've actually put some real thought into this all. I also find it hilarious that you've made the Germanic empire be set as the "evil" part of runescape, nice touch. :lol: One thing you said though, that there were no lords or such. Well there is the Duke of Lumbridge, which you should know is purely feudal. That's only one example though.
  19. Not that amazing. I was past 1100 total when I was at 90 combat. And I'm at 102 combat with 1287 total. But congrats none the less.
  20. I liked all three articles this week. There was a nice selection and they were all interesting to read. I especially enjoyed the third article and reading about an adult view on the game.
  21. Very nice! I've been watching you since a while ago and it was fun to watch you skyrocket up your total levels lately. Congrats, good luck on top 250 =] 9/10 :D
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