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Everything posted by whocares

  1. Grats to all people who took advantage of the bug and thank you Jagex for not doing a rollback. FOr all those complaining about how the lack of a rollback affected your life drastically, get a life and play the game for yourself and don't look at how others got an unfair advantage.
  2. I like this it's actually something fairly original for the moment unlike all those other topics. SO grats I guess.
  3. I guess I'm going to Runescape Community, because here different opinions get censored and deleted. Good luck fixing this website that has already been losing members. Bye.
  4. Nuclear weapons are a symbol of power and of who has the power. Nothing more, nothing less. From who can make them to who has them to who wants them.
  5. The purpose of life is to reproduce and in doing so continue life. Your post supports this purpose.
  6. Rooting for Bosnia first. Hoping they make it to their first World Cup. They have the talent, just need to put the politics aside. Then Turkey, while in the same group as Bosnia, I have always liked Turkey, but Bosnia is still my first team by a large gap. then Holland, I grew to like them during the UEFA championship. then Germany. All other teams can lose.
  7. I say they go back to the original system and eliminate the GE completely.
  8. Coming from a person with maxed stats seems like you need to take some responsibility not everyone with high stats plays all day every day. if you play efeciently you can get high stats pretty easily I don't care how efficient you are, if you have really high levels, you play alot. I started playing this game in 2001 and I only have 1 level 99. Someone who only plays for a year or 2 and has almost all 99's plays a lot. Certain skills like agility and slayer, to name a few, take a long time to level up. Even other skills take a while. I love how nearly everyone who brings up when they started playing started in 2001. And the funny thing is, they always have pathetic skills and their excuses? "I took breaks a lot" "I was hacked" "I was banned" "I'm not a nerd and plays a lot" etc. Maybe because they did start playing in 2001 when many people were learning about RS. Why would you need an excuse for bad skills, you need an excuse for good skills because that means you may need to tone it down a bit.
  9. Coming from a person with maxed stats seems like you need to take some responsibility not everyone with high stats plays all day every day. if you play efeciently you can get high stats pretty easily I don't care how efficient you are, if you have really high levels, you play alot. I started playing this game in 2001 and I only have 1 level 99. Someone who only plays for a year or 2 and has almost all 99's plays a lot. Certain skills like agility and slayer, to name a few, take a long time to level up. Even other skills take a while.
  10. You don't believe in gaming addiction? I beg your pardon? So people who have to play RuneScape every day, become aggressive when they can't play it and do it more then 8 hours a day aren't addicted? (there were examples of people like that in the article) That gaming addiction excists isn't even a point of discussion, it's a fact. Pfft. No. An addiction is a physical dependence. A game can never alter your body chemistry so that it feels it can't live without it. You can't go through withdrawals from not playing a game. It's all [cabbage]. You see back in the day people had a name for kids like that. It was spoiled little brats. Do you know how they solved it? They made their [wagon] look like someone had set them on fire. It's not an addiction, it's a complete lack of discipline from parents. You are talking about a physical addiction. Just because games are not physically addictive does not mean that they are not addicting. There can also be psychological addictions.
  11. Yes, people who play runescape excessively obviously have no self control, so they need some third party to regulate their play time. Anyone against this obviously plays more than 10 hours a day, thus they are one of those people addicted. : Coming from a person with maxed stats seems like you need to take some responsibility
  12. Not really, many people play because they are addicted?
  13. Ever think about taking up another hobby or doing something productive if you are bored with a game.
  14. No, it's the fact that you think that they're the ones that should be picked on and how you said it that makes you nerdy. Being X makes you Y arguments are fallacies. How you can characterize a person by only knowing the fact that he or she spends a lot of time on a game is beyond me. Why? I get drunk sometimes, should I be picked on? In that case, should half of the world be picked on? Not everyone who uses mind-altering substances is automatically a drug addict or whatever. Nerdy or not nerdy... it's all just generalizing people, trying to fit them in some sort of profile. I'd rather take a look at one's individual characteristics, and not judge till I know someone. If we take the statement "It takes a lot of hours of playing to get high levels in runescape" as a fact, which most would agree it is, then that would obvioulsy mean that people who have high levels play alot. To me anyone who plays that much, to get what I consider a very high level, is either immature or nerdy just for the fact that they spend that much of their free time on it, regardless if they have a job, have their own house, go to college, or are millionaires. All these things do not exclude you from being nerdy because you could still spend a lot of time playing videogames and still have sucess in life.
  15. You'll be back. Losing items doesn't make you quit. You have to realize that you are wasting your time to quit.
  16. Why do you think a lot of people that play videogames or runescape are fat. THere is always some truth to stereotypes. If you eat fast food and do nothing but sit all day, it certainly won't make you fit. And notice how it says "may or may not" that means you have to distinguish the sattire. Although somethings may be satirized others may not.
  17. Since when does going to college and NOT living in your mom's basement automatically make you not nerdy. You can have a job, but if you spend that much of your free time playing a game, any game, you are nerdy. No, it's the fact that you think that they're the ones that should be picked on and how you said it that makes you nerdy.
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