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Everything posted by princessa9

  1. Omg you all crack me up hahahaa. Commando I will await until you find me that prince! Good idea Alt but I'd think a gerbil is still more important hehe. Lord Maras, I'd still go for The One with The Gerbil. :) I also would like to apologize to Nadril and Quer_Skull. No need to get your skirts up in a knot. And Pig, Gerbils > Guinea Pigs.
  2. Hm...the neck looks a bit too..big?
  3. ITS PERFECT. LOL da gerbil! Okay be prepared Xman for my next sig! mauaha
  4. ACtually you could use some work haha. -Background...er no comment. -At least teh guy looks human. -Needs more detail -The guy is wrong, do people really look like that? To help you pixel, you should first observe. Then draw based on your observations. I think. Well that's what I do.
  5. Haha, it's not pixelated in photoshop, why don't you try it? Also diablo has some of my work in progress and I saved everything in layers. Anyways there IS a gerbil on the "Budweiser" sign, but I took the "Bud" out and replaced the gerbil. And yes, I must admit I forgot to pixel in the pitching mound... *gulps* I don't know where the scoreboard sing was suppostsa be so I just placed it in the middle. hehe. Edit// I'm not swedish lol. TONS of countries spell "Princess" as "Princessa" so random people in runescape try to talk to me in various languages...fustrating sometimes. I'm actually a-z-n. :)
  6. Obviously you've never met Prince Ryan. Sorry, but I must be off. I have some tea and crumpets I must divulge myself into as a frolich through the courtyard of my estate. Mummy says I shan't be late. Hehe, nah it looks good :). Good to know you can do stuff besides pixels ;). Sorry [sarcasm]Prince[/sarcasm] Ryan, princes don't spell the word "frolick" wrong :D No cooking bite-sized gerbils! What did they ever do to you Miss Nadril?! Lol not going to sell it, cuz it's (selfishly) MINE! Sorry Pipple, I said you COULD be on the road to being a prince since your screen name at least started with a P. Haha :) Back on topic, should I color it? Seems the princess isn't so special after all :lol: Frolic DAnGIT! :oops: Lol J272, I might, but probably not :) THank you bmagic, I was right, Nadril can be a girl. youuu guyysss don't hurt the juurrrbullllzzz
  7. Thanks for your input Xman =) Anyways, done! Back to pixeling...*sigh* *pixels like crazy*
  8. Obviously you've never met Prince Ryan. Sorry, but I must be off. I have some tea and crumpets I must divulge myself into as a frolich through the courtyard of my estate. Mummy says I shan't be late. Hehe, nah it looks good :). Good to know you can do stuff besides pixels ;). Sorry [sarcasm]Prince[/sarcasm] Ryan, princes don't spell the word "frolick" wrong :D No cooking bite-sized gerbils! What did they ever do to you Miss Nadril?! Lol not going to sell it, cuz it's (selfishly) MINE! Sorry Pipple, I said you COULD be on the road to being a prince since your screen name at least started with a P. Haha :) Back on topic, should I color it?
  9. No I don't like guys that give me gerbils. I like princes that give me gerbils. Edit your creepy pink book with my name on it haha! Hm I thought about the ear, well changing it when I go over it again. Lol Diablo, how'd you know it's going to be a sig??? Hehe.
  10. Any ideas for a title? "Princesses want guys like THAT" I don't know lol. Will finish lineart perhaps when not busy making sigs.
  11. Nice siggg! =) I didn't know they had south park in Italy... Never watched it before, got no cable here haha. I like family guy though!
  12. Love your sig and my quote! Lol I still remember you. Good detail on the mouth haha, er whats the red stuff? I'm going to have nightmares!
  13. Haha yeah! Good one LOL :D
  14. Not to be a grammar freak but you spelled "Revealed" wrong hehe. :D
  15. Ok so everyone basically got the CC down... aww you look adorable!! :)
  16. Isn't cesium or potassium better? There's another one, I forgot but it has a higher atomic number going down the same electron valence chart (I) (wait I think). Check it out on the periodic table.
  17. Oh my, play safe! (please) Hehe not lighting fireworks yet until dark. When the night creeps in..bang!
  18. CC: - Her hat...shading? Its ok just WIP i think. -where's her other hand? -left foot kinda funny -good luck with the contest! -good linework on the maging guy all i can say for now, finish up and i'll blab later ! Princess.
  19. oooh very nice! I want to see final??? PLEEEEEASE? I know what a whip looks like! BUt not a shield. Whips are like dark gray and dark redish striped!
  20. Here's mine (opinion): Pweese don't hurt me! Okay well, Godslayer, I don't know how to say this but ah I'll try. Sorry if my english is bad, since I am from a foreign country called Never Land. Everything's the same from xman, since it's his style, just like every sig I see from you is the same. Worded differently I could say "The same ol' muscular man in armor" (hehe even in females). See? It's your style. Like if I look at your sig, I would know it's yours and I can tell it's yours because you have a unique style. Can you change it? Anyways Xman shouldn't change it because that's the way he draws, also since he has made many many sigs you see 'em more often n such. Many other pixel artists have the "same thing" going on. Examples (hope you all don't mind): -For each of these examples you can apply your quote: Punkage: (See the similarities?) Xman: http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=312 ... op&start=0 You: (oooh found lots of examples for yours, see the similarities?) Anyways my point was everyone has their own style and I don't see what's wrong with that. :D Sorry if you took offense, which was not meant. Now that I'm done procrastinating...back...to...hw... :?
  21. What clam? :S Do your firefox thing, enlarge it and spy the clam!
  22. I like the graaasssssss. Shading's hardly noticeable. Shouldn't the people and the buildings and objects cast shadows? Good job on texture btw. :D
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