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Everything posted by lavirylime

  1. Amen. ... Yeah, you know what, I'm not even going to respond to this. The topic starter is just going off on a wild frenzy of random ideas and posting before thinking.
  2. I love pizzas. They're wonderful for monster training. I go to the bandit camp and make meat pizzas and train there. But I'm pretty sure the lobster/swordfish market is aimed at the pking community, who likes seafood over baked snacks.
  3. I say we should all forget about partyhats and be given the ability to dye our Tiaras. A long time ago (2 years back?) I bought a pink p-hat for 3.9 and sold for 4.6 and never dealt with it again. When I came back to Runescape a few weeks ago I saw the insane prices and I was depressed. Then I saw the tiaras. And I was happy again. And I didn't care about p-hats anymore because tiaras are prettier than p-hats. :] (Now I just wish to be able to use my purple dye on this uncharged tiara...)
  4. OMG ARE YOU SERIOUS. HOOOOLY CRAP. Okay, maybe I will like this update then XD
  5. Can anyone post a screenshot of the new Ice Plateau? (Ice Giant Spawn) I want to see what it's like now but I don't want to go into the wildy at this time (working on mining endless loads of silver..)
  6. One of the pities about RuneScape is that there's that chunk of members that are [developmentally delayed]ed and spam nothing but "CHANGE IT BACK!!!!!111" on the official RS boards, and then there's that chunk of freeworlders who can't say jack in the offical RS boards but actually have a sense of reason and end up posting on a forum like this one here and not be heard by Jagex, ever. Unfortunately Jagex prefers idiots with money than intelliects without. I think, if Jagex is leaving things the way it is right now, they ought to add in noted pure essence into high-level monster drops (lesser demons, greater demons, ice giants/warriors, white knights, and all the other insane member monsters that I don't know about) along with allowing pure essence to be traded on f2p so f2pers can help calm down the essence price.
  7. Sounds like a plan. My personal story: I got the zombie event 5 times. The first 4, I got nothing but boots and shirts. Yes, boots and shirts every time. I keep dropping them for bank space. Guess what I got on the fifth time? Boots and shirts. Now I have to keep it in my bank because I want the mask -_-
  8. I don't know how many people have suggested this but: Make noted pure essence drop from high-leveled monsters. I say it's a stroke of brilliance.
  9. Full mime suit on males look nice, same withe full zombie suit. Me, I like Air Staff + Sara Kite + Air Tiara + Frog Princess Dress + Green D'hide Vambraces + Green Cape... it makes a nice white/green outfit. Sorry, no pic, too tired right now to screencap/upload :P
  10. I wonder how many online are actually real players.
  11. Actually I think it's that old scam when one person overprices a junk item and another person pretends to be buying that item for even more.
  12. 1) Making essence into regular mining rocks destroy the whole idea the essence is on a different tier of mined goods than the traditional stuff. 2) Putting it in Mining Guild and Dwarven Mines defeats the purpose of the whole "Rune Mystery"
  13. Yep. Hell, I'd be satisfied with just a bank deposit box. Really? I'll have to check it out again sometime; hopefully the autoers don't know about it.
  14. I say combat because it's an one-time investment in armor, and it's a stable way of making money while making your character seem important. (On my old computer I have a few screenshots of me walking around lumby with a giant level-3 parade because they never seen 3-digit combat levels before.) I'm sure things change for the members though.
  15. I believe Jagex also wanted to prevent people from creating multiple accounts to earn free stuff from quests and transfer back. As tight as Jagex enforces their rules, this one seems pretty loose. Everybody who has a pure as a side pker would be banned because the accounts aren't supposed to interact in any way. (Personally I find that funny because I see pures as people who got their main raped in the wildy.) I'm all for it being taken off however. ~Treeofmight
  16. I've been wanting this ever since I got pissed at organizing my bank. The categories I envisioned weren't as good as your graphical approach obviously :] Add me to the list if you're still collecting sigs Treeofmight
  17. In-game mail centers is just asking for more scammer with the "WE R JAEGX AND WE NID UR PASSWROD"
  18. Don't forget the overpriced arrow shop that only sells steel~addy and is always empty :P They ought to have a bank. This way my craft guild silver runs will be easier -.-
  19. HAHHAA I know! I was just looking at the rules after the news about "breaking rule 7 and rule 12" (do they expect to know which rule is which number by heart?) and I saw that, and I was like "wtf how long has this been here?"
  20. AFK = away from keyboard. When you're checking forums, you're definitely not away from keyboard. *not going to repeat what's already been said 19283712 times* EDIT: Hahah, I was mining silver while I was replying and then I didn't realize I clicked on a hot rock -_- hate teleporting back to fally with half a load of silver and a stupid broken axe.
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