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Everything posted by Platinum_Myr

  1. My friends and I have all enjoyed playing LOL together for the past few months. None of us have spent any money on the game, nor do we intend to Leage of Legends can be free, but the goal of the developers is to get you to buy stuff so they make money.
  2. There are so many tiny glitches like this that they just didn't think through... The *entire* targeting system is really a PITA anyways, at least now we can queue an ability up and left click is target..
  3. For sure, the total members stuff on the wheel is all just crap items which don't really matter. and f2p should not get any of those, but really cool things that might entice them would do more. Especially considering that f2p only gets 1 spin per day vs members anyways.
  4. The actual number gap is more important than the relative gap, but the percentage "relative" gap is useful for estimations of how much work would be involved. It helps create a better picture for people. Which is why the fact that the graphic is wrong on the game screen is even worse. It shouldn't be so small if the actual gap is nearly 1/3 of the entire amount earned by zamorak side.
  5. To be honest, the relative gap "graphic" is bogus, I have no idea how Jagex calculated how wide that picture should be but it doesn't match putting sara and zammy as % of the whole, which would be the most accurate way to represent it.. Anyone here have any idea what formula they used to calculate the relative difference graphic?
  6. I know someone who did this lol, she tried to pull similar game on me but ended up just disappearing XD
  7. Issue with getting both side rewards: *) You can't keep tears in inventory without eventually going down to 1x at a time for the whole day, so you have to store the tears before eod. *) switching factions removes all renown stored... This means you can at most get up to 3k and then swap factions and turn in, but if you want to get enough to buy all the pieces of t2 and t3 you will basically have to save up enough to buy for your current faction on release day, and then immediately swap factions and begin saving up for the other side. IMO, since both sides are effectively the same just different cosmetics it isn't worth the effort.. but I suppose people are completionist..
  8. As far as I know anything which drops orts also had a low chance to drop tears.
  9. Well it gives you more armour bonus than void. Hybrid might be useful at Slayer if you don't just melee everything. But not like you need more armour except at Black Demons if you cannon them... Plus it is hybrid not power so you miss out on void boost... And nothing really attacks with multiple types plus there are better choices.... So.. Fashion scape
  10. Well they haven't changed the core mechanics. But the interface is getting better I hope....
  11. There aren't many people I would want to meet in person but. I have quite a few people I like to talk to.
  12. Pretty sure if you don't turn the tears in at end of day your drop rate for the next day is lowered based on tear count.. Everything I forgot it seems my multiplier is lower... Can anyone confirm this? I think that would discourage keeping them until you switch...
  13. It would be nice if it happened again after things have sort of settled in.. I think data within the first few hours would be an outlier anyways simply because not everyone has even had a chance to log in yet.
  14. And then there are the players who don't like the addition of SoF, but still use it simply because it is available and it helps them remain competitive. Especially since they initially added it in with no ability to purchase spins, and got everyone "ok" with that before actually adding spin purchases. That made more people "ok" with spinning at all first. Once you get people doing it, then it becomes easier to justify adding the bought ones, and to justify your actions of "everyone likes it!!" Interested to know what the metric of "spins per minute" would be though, (especially if thye didn't count daily spins, but only those won for other reasons or bought)
  15. I hope we switch winners at least once in the course of the event, simply because that makes for more tension and more excitement.
  16. I personally really enjoy seeing stuff like RS3 which completely changes the feel of the game, even if it has some glitches and other issues. As a designer I like to see the ideas they had. As a programmer I do get mad at how some of their ideas are so poorly implemented... I like the concept of world events and how that can draw people more into the story. Yes, EoC had issues and was not really well implemented. Sure they could've implemented it more cleanly.. (though there are technical reasons that would be more difficult in terms of engine back-end work). But I believe Jagex didn't really have a choice because of how old the game has gotten if they want to refresh for new subscribers they need some things to actually entice them in. I know a lot of my friends have actually asked "hey what's that?" when they saw RS3 and are very surprised at how different the game is. They still remembered it as classic-style graphics.
  17. Absolutely! It should *not* have a 15 level reduction, and power should be even more low so that you have to consider it. That would be a much better design to me.
  18. As long as it's not as poorly implemented as citadel.. (I *hate* how the locking system makes it easy for ignorant people to screw up on accident and it's confusing enough to explain to people who don't care that much) It has a lot of promise though.
  19. This should be moved to Q/A, but this is the buff/debuff window screen which you can move around by going into edit mode, and selecting HUD edit mode.
  20. I mean like old minigames which don't get much play for members, early members quests.. basically slowly expand f2p by taking p2p stuff and making it f2p. Over time the f2p map would slowly expand as new areas open up for them.
  21. This isn't what I meant. Here is what I *want* 1) Make game, anouncements, and local chat stuff each be their own chat tabs. 2) Make the "all" tab be a special tab which gets created in ANY window which has more than 1 chat tab. 3)For each all tab the following would be true 3a) It would be an all chat tab containing toggles for any chat type within that window. 2b) It would have the ability to show or hide various chats from that window, along with seperate filter controls 4) Completely de-link the chat-enter box from the chat windows. 4a) enable it so that a single chat enter line is on screen 4b) using /, //, ///, will always send that chat to the requisite chat window, (maybe only if it is currently visible) It would NOT change tab focus. 4c) chat windows would not "have" focus, ever. Changing chat types would not change window focus. 4d) using /c, /f, /p would change your default chat type. But it wouldn't change the focus of your chat window(s) 5) Option in settings to hide any chat tabs which are selected as "visible" in that window's "all chat" Example: I drag clan and private chat into their own window. This creates a new "all chat" tab with the filters for clan and private, but not the game, local, or other channels. If I have the "hide extra chat tabs" option on, then the private and clan chat tabs would be invisible, unless I disable their visibility in the "all chat" tab, created on that panel. 6) Allow creation of duplicate views of a channel. These changes enable having two side-by-side chat windows showing different things, ie: *) show all my non-game messages (local, friends, clan, guest clan) in one tab without game messages. *) show game + announcements in another *) enable game filter without filtering world wide announcements *) enable correct chat entry when multiple chat windows are on screen. This also supports numerous other arrangements, with a lot more control over chat, and without confusing semantics about which chat "line" is focused causing us to have to physically click chat windows to get chat in focus.
  22. I wouldn't mind seeing some old content slowly phase into f2p over time..
  23. Fixed screen needs some tweaks to make it reasonable either way. And there are a few other tweaks I would like: - ability to seperate game chat from the others so I can put game messages into its own window - ability to put private chat into its own spot above chat again - CLICK THROUGH CHAT/OTHER INTERFACES - seperate transparency for main interfaces and others such as the bank. I don't need seperate transperency per individual window, but the bank should NOT be that transparent.. - why can we still not choose the default action for items on the action bar??
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