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Everything posted by kelbri

  1. With all the other Member "benefits", they dissapear when you stop paying. You have to sell or drop a tonne of stuff cause your bank can't hold enough. You can't access the member only areas. You can't go into the house you just spent 10mil making... etc, add nauseum. Why is it that you get to keep your agility??? With that being said, why can't you keep your agility? If they were to take away everything you did while a member, wouldn't you then say that all the xp points you ammased killing green dragons should be taken away? What about the money you made crafting nats, or green d'hide? For that matter, your crafting level would fall from 99 to 20, just cause all that xp was gotten by member crafting. I agree that you shouldn't get the benefits of p2p on f2p servers... to a point. I would say that if you are a CURRENT member, you should be able to use the extra benefit of agility and your run replenishment on f2p. If you are no longer a CURRENT member, this should be taken away, just like all the other member benefits are. Sooooo, support yes! Also, support no! (Does that make sense???)
  2. I dislike this idea. Althought I don't like macroers, the only places to be able to kill someone else is the Wildy and certain other member areas. I don't wanna see people fighting at the lobsters or the Draynor willows. Plus, how would Jagex deliniate between a skiller and a macroer? Too much programming if you ask me.
  3. Wow... One of the best handled situations I've ever seen - no flaming. Yes, idea #6 is not a very good suggestion. No one would want to go all the way to the wild just to get a camo helm or whatever. Oh yeah, what you suggested kelbri already exists today. If you get the random again, and you dont have an item, he gives it to you. (Only one item) Or were you talking about more than one item? Say like, "Seargant Damien, I did 10 pushups 5 star jumps and 20 situps give me back my camo helm legs and top that I lost?" Or were you just talking about one item... Because he gives you a camo item you dont have after completing the random. If you were talking about more than one item, ignore this post. :P ~Shadow First of all, thanks. I tried to make it as non flame as I could. Secondly, what I meant from the random is that you do your 20 pushups, 5 star jumps and 8 situps and you get a NEW piece of camo. Then Seargant Damien says "You don't have the other pieces that I have given you. If you do X more pushups, situps, star jumps, etc, I'll give them back to you as well." Then once you do all these things, you get ALL the pieces back that you once had, as well as the new item. That way it's not that easy to get stuff back, unless you get the random again.
  4. Well, I read every post in this thread, and I must say A++ on the guide. 10/10. I think that maybe tomorrow I will go pking the pkers. I have never pked before, except one time, when I was mining coal in the skeleton mine and a level 30 attacked me. I was wearing full rune and carrying a scimmy, so I don't know what he was thinking. Once he dropped to a little less than half hp, he ran away and about 10 minutes later I got a message saying that I killed player X. I am a miner (as it is my favorite thing to do), so I feel your pains. Now, many of you may not believe me when I say this, but if you see me skulking around the rune rocks, don't fear me, I'm waiting for the pkers. I am now your protection (when I'm around :wink: )
  5. Don't know if this has been said yet, but what if you can only get the items back from the random... when you get the random again. Like the Drill Demon says "I see you no longer have your camo top that I gave you last time. Do X more pushups and Y more situps and I'll give it back to you." Other than that, I don't think it should be any easier to get RANDOM stuff back. Sorry to be harsh, but here it is... You wore your mime boots and gloves while fishing, and died from a River Troll? :boohoo: Next time you'll realize that you are wearing them and run away. Random stuff is random for a reason... it's random. It takes up room, but bank it. If you're p2p, put it in your clothes room (or whatever, I'm f2p, so I don't know much about poh).
  6. Amen. Nats are the way to go I'd say. Or Laws. But I don't know which one is easier to craft. Nice trade though, imo.
  7. Member quests don't give out whips and such as rewards, because then the price would maybe be 3k.... Members should be able to do quests again too : I already thought about this idea also, so I support, if it would be member quests too. \ Cool. Like I said, you wouldn't get anything as a reward for doing the quest again... No XP, no gp, no items... And of course it would be ALL quests, both members and not.
  8. I searched the topics, and didn't see that anybody had posted this before, so please let me know if it has been posted in the past... Sometimes I get a little bored and frustreated with RuneScape. Not in the fact that the game is becoming over-run with autoers, or everyone calling everyone else a "Noob" or some other word meaning the same thing, or that there aren't any F2P updates, or that the holiday events aren't any fun... blah blah blah... Sometimes I walk through Varrok Square, see Romeo standing there all alone, and think to myself... "I wish I could do that quest again, just so that Romeo has something to do..." Now before I get numerous and undaunting replies from people saying this is the worst idea ever, or that I could do a quest over and over to get alot of xp, hear me out. The reward at the end would be nothing, as you have already gotten the reward. Well then, why would I do a quest I have already done? Sometimes it's the challenge of beating up that dragon again, or having to make it through a bunch of lessers. Sometimes it's just so that you have a goal (short term) that you now have to achieve. No matter what your reason, I would like to see quests that you can do over and over whenever you feel like taking a break from swinging your axe, or pick, or sitting there training on Ice Giants. Please, no flames about members quests, only being able to do them once because otherwise people could keep doing them over and over to get free whip, or dragon bones, or whatever, because I don't know anything about them, as I am not a member. Thoughts? Likes, dislikes, make it better?
  9. I once had someone try playing the trust game with me... She bought my Rune Axe for 30k. Wow I said, ok, sold it, went to world 1, and bought one way cheaper. Then a couple days later she sold me something at a really cheap price (don't remember what it was or the price). After that, she found me cutting willows and we got to talking. After about 20 minutes, she asked if I wanted to share accounts with her. She would give me her password, I would give her mine, that way we could share each others equipment, and such... What did I say to that? No thanks, and promptly hit the report button. I know that people fall for these sorts of scams, but what kind of idiot do you have to be to fall for that???
  10. You can compare it to any item which is wieldable/wearable in your inventory, like using. Cool, that's what I though. I like it. As for putting it in the knowlegde base, it could work. Just pick: iron kite and iron square hit the compare button and voila, it shows the stats next to each other. Not as convenient as doing it ingame, but what ever is??? But this way, you could see the compairisons of any item, not just the ones in your inventory. This way you know what you want to work towards for weapons/armor. Maybe TipIt would add this to their knowledge base???
  11. That would be just as random as healing 1hp, if not more so, but there are foods that if not cooked just right, can kill you. The poisoning and cutting hp in half (or at least loosing some hp), would be what normally happens.
  12. Ignore me if you want, but just remember, you asked me to rebuttle. I made a suggestion on my first post, so don't blame me for your not listening and taking my suggestion... which it doesn't seem that you even read. Thanks for taking my jokes and picking them apart, rather than looking at my suggestion. Here it is again, just in case you get tempted to call me a noob once more... Ok, then take out magic, dragons, demons, being able to carry 28 logs at a time... Here's my suggestion for a change... Like others have said, only 1 hp... BUT randomly 1 hp. Most of the time it should... A) Poison you B) Remove half your current hp C) Instantly kill you When have you ever burnt food at home and said, oh well, I'll eat it anyways.
  13. you see that?? chunking food means throwing it away. :roll: Ah, but you never said anything about that before :shame: As for chunking, look it up, doesn't mean throw away. Chunking would be a cooking term for cutting up the food, not chuCking it.
  14. Ok, then take out magic, dragons, demons, being able to carry 28 logs at a time... When have you ever burnt food at home and said, oh well, I'll eat it anyways. sigh....I'm tempted to call you a noob. realistic as in, having buttons to do things that you can do in real life, not make it 100% impossible to do stuff. and maybe if you'd think about if you were making a pizza at home and the crust got burned you dont just chunk it and magically get all the stuff for another pizza. You eat!!! EDIT: no theres burned like charcoal burned and then burned like black on the edges First of all, you said make RuneScape as realistic as possible, and that was it. All that stuff is making RuneScape unrealistic. You didn't specify, so I did. Next, I have never "chunk"ed food in my life (I don't even know what that means) lol. As for chucking a pizza, yeah, if it's burned I do. If it is over cooked (yes, there is a difference), then no, I eat it/ Lastly, in RuneScape, there isn't charcoal burned and black on the edges burned, there is only one burned. And you can't eat it. But if you could, refer to my previous post about what it could do.
  15. Ok, then take out magic, dragons, demons, being able to carry 28 logs at a time... Here's my suggestion for a change... Like others have said, only 1 hp... BUT randomly 1 hp. Most of the time it should... A) Poison you B) Remove half your current hp C) Instantly kill you When have you ever burnt food at home and said, oh well, I'll eat it anyways.
  16. Is the compare just to compare what you currently have equiped, to something you want to equip, or can you compare anything to anything? (sorry if I missed that part) I like this idea. Supported (with some re-working as many suggestions, and updates Jagex have already made, need;)
  17. Agreed. There is no reason to have a range there. Let's put a bank on the non-members side as well. On my way from the bank, I always cut a full inventory of willows, then once I get to the docks, I light about 10 of them, and then procced to fish. I burn more willows as I fill up my inventory. Everyone is quite pleased and thankful that there is almost always a fire when I'm around. Like others have said, deal with it, it won't change.
  18. Does this not fall into this not to suggest category? I know all that you are suggesting is being able to make them yourself (with help of an NPC).
  19. I'm done. Why? Because you are making less and less sense. Lays potato chips? Yeah, that kinda makes sense, but then I could argue, "If all I eat is Lays potato chips, and they stopped making them, I would die". Where is the relevance? There is none. Here's my bottom line (no respose after this). Yes, F2P is that, FREE. P2P is that, PAY. You pay, you get more than free. All this thread is doing (like numerous others), is asking for is a few more (one or two) monsters (mage or ranged) for the F2P world. Not out of the ordinary, and not impossible for Jagex to do. Yeah, they have other stuff to do, but they really don't have to make updates for P2P either if they don't want to. This is what the SUGGESTION forum is for. If sombody wants to suggest 10 new monsters, or 500 new bank slots, or a new quest, or flying monkeys for P2P, nobody is gonna care. But as soon as somebody suggests ANYTHING for F2P, then there is an uproar from the P2P community that they don't deserve it, cause they don't pay. Or that if they are bored, then pay for members. Or even, they are just whining and want more free stuff, for free. Get over it, move on, and don't worry about F2P. If Jagex didn't want us freeloaders, then they would make us pay to play everything other than tutorial island.
  20. First, Nub_Of_Noobs I mentioned, because all he wrote was "I agree", but I can't tell who he is agreeing with. As for mentioning his other posts on other threads, he put no more than 1 line responses saying yes or no, to like 20 different threads, all within about a 10 minute timeframe. Just wondering if he even read the opening statements... As for everything else (more on topic that is), I don't disagree with you that this is F2P, or demo as many people call it. What I am saying is that Jagex offers the F2P, therefore supports F2P, therefore we are making suggestions in the suggestions area of a fan site to get more monsters. Do F2P deserve more monsters? No. Would we like to see more monsters of varying kinds? Yes. As Jagex rules state, they own the game and everything in it, and we are renting it. Does that mean that members deserve more monsters? No. Do members expect more becase they are paying for it? Yes. Jagex could shut down the game tommorow and every member that ever paid for anything, would loose everything, with nothing to show for it. What then? So let's agree to disagree that some of us wish there were more for F2P, and some of us don't think F2P should get anything else. Yes, some F2P players whine and cry that there isn't enough updates, or we need more. But some of us like to see updates no matter who they are for, F2P or P2P. Let's just be glad that we have the game we like to play, at the price we like to pay, free or not.
  21. Who is this Nub_Of_Noobs guy? He came out of nowhere, posted like 20 replies like "I agree", or "Yeah, they come out of nowhere" to posts in the bugs and suggestions just to get his post count up... Who exactly do you agree with??? I don't wanna argue this anymore, but I do have to say this. I didn't hear anybody in this post complain as you said Huta. He made a suggestion, that was it. People make them all the time for p2p. How many of these suggestions actually get taken into consideration by Jagex? A big fat 0! So what? This is a dreamers forum and a place to tell other people the bugs in the game. Nothing more, nothing less. Yeah, it is a free demo version, we all know that. And yes, it is a reasonable price, that's great. That isn't what's on trial here, it's getting 1 or 2 new mage/range monsters for BOTH f2p, and p2p. If you wanna come on here and flame a f2p person that all they are doing is complaining, and begging for more stuff because they are bored, or can't afford members, then you are in the wrong spot. Try the Rants boards. So stop being a jerk and posting here, cause all you're doing is making people mad at you. Go write a 20 page rant about it, post it in the rants area, and stop flaming people who wish they could see more happen in the game, P2P OR F2P ALIKE! With all that being said, yes, I still support... for F2P AND P2P.
  22. I support this idea. Not only would it give f2p a little more depth, but they could give some decent drops for p2p (if their level was high enough). I agree with D_V_Devnull here. It's not just to give the "trial version" more stuff per say, but to give them a challenge that the rangers and mages lack. I think that would help more people want to train range and magic, and thus join members to get even MORE. Once there is no more challenge to these monsters, then p2p for some more challenging monsters, and better drops.
  23. Actually, if I remember correctly, the lumberjack outfit gives you better xp while cutting. Not sure about the builder clothes, but I'm sure the different robes give you plenty of extra stats already. No support here as this would increase my bank load which is already overloaded...
  24. Did you read this? How on earth would Jagex keep track of this? Would you need another spot in your bank for each type of food? "Hey, check this out, I cooked a lobby and a swordie with rune logs, not they heal 12+2 and 14+2. What do you mean I have to put them in another spot of my bank? I don't have anymore free spots!!!" Not to mention this... "Oh boy, I just cut down a strange tree with my black (g) axe. I need to use ANOTHER bank space. Then I cut with my rune axe, so there's another bank space... Oh Jagex, give us more bank space..." Totally wrong idea. No support here. Too much to keep track of. Now if it was just a graphical update IN YOUR INVENTORY ONLY, and when you deposited the logs into the bank, or burnt them, or dropped them... basically, as soon as they move from your inventory (backpack) to anywhere else (including a trade window), they would turn normal, I could ALMOST support, but still no. :wall: If this, why not include aliens and flying saucers that change your coal into yellow coal... No reason for it, just looks cool... Oh wait, here come the scammers with their black logs again... "Selling rare black and rune logs, 1k each!" No thanks!!!
  25. For those saying that it could send a snapshot of the screen, and report everyone there, that would include yourself. Do you report an autoer and put your name in the report spot? As for only reporting macroers on the screen, how does Jagex know that they are a macroer, without you manually placing a name there to report a specific person? There could be innocent people that you are reporting. For the original idea, drop the time, to like 30 seconds for reporting macroers perhaps. It's a start...
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