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Everything posted by Sk8erfreak

  1. 287 days is probably the hours added up, meaning it isn't 287 days since he created his account, but his character has been logged in for 287 FULL days. (287d multiplied by 24h).
  2. I just checked the hiscores and those are the exact same icons. I doubt this would be an in-game interface, looks more like it would be a feature of the website, in which case it makes sense to use those icons.
  3. This is something I have wanted for a long time. Let's hope it is real.
  4. What did you extract these %'s from? If extreme range was 22.3%, then that would = 121.077 at level 99, which would round to 121, not 122. RuneScape rounds up. I could have sworn (haven't checked in a while tbh) that RS followed the same rules of mathematics and round down anything under .5, could be wrong though.
  5. I love TD games, but I don't think they would be as fun in RS, just like how Mobilizing Armies isn't as fun as a real RTS. There is just too much delay.
  6. What did you extract these %'s from? If extreme range was 22.3%, then that would = 121.077 at level 99, which would round to 121, not 122.
  7. I had 5 level 99 skills before skill capes came out, and still only have 5 level 99s today. I just train what I like, not aim for 99s because of a skill cape. I guess it could be a good reason for some, but I don't think the capes have as much of an impact as some might think.
  8. HOOOOOORAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No.. not hooray. This just means more people will just steal your spawns instead of being courteous and switching servers.
  9. I don't forsee them increasing much, as the requirements being so high would discourage most from attempting to reach them. I think the Special restore potion is going to be overpowered and (hopefully) nerfed with a cooldown. That quote was taken out of context a bit :P Maybe not skyrocket, but you cut the important part of my post out and that was MTK profit within the next weeks.. Herbs were already a decent choice, now they will be better. They are already going up and its impossible to buy ANY herb at max in the GE atm. So they will rise, even if only temporary.
  10. I can't even make these potions but I love this update! This is what jagex should have done a long time ago. Now to just release something similar for all the skills. BTW, not sure if anyone mentioned this, but herbs are going to skyrocket, which means collecting herbs in MTK might be more valuable than raw fish/seeds/coal within the next week or two.
  11. First time I've heard that, I kind of doubt it. it is, wear high range defence and pray mage, see what happens.. you will lose health faster than mage armour and no prayer, I've tested it myself.
  12. After switching to the 'deflection' style, I am liking the new forums much better. The automatic resizing of giant images to fit your screen res is a really nice feature.
  13. No, Torag's hammers have a better crush attack than the SS, even though they are 2handed they still hit decently, and they only cost ~100k. 1. No prayer bonus 2. Far, far slower 3. Just no. They are only 1 tick slower. 5 bars vs 6 bars of the spear/sword. They are more accurate than both. Prayer isn't a necessity considering the range attack is also magic based, though trips will be shorter and more food will be used. Only recommended for higher levels however.
  14. People rent servers for FPS games all the time, so I can't see it being any different for RS. Depending on the price I may even consider it. Being the admin, settings your own rules and parameters, it all sounds kind of fun.
  15. Do you already have a wireless router? If you do, you can get a gaming adapter from linksys, dlink, netgear.. etc for a bit cheaper. here is an example: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.a ... 6873999102 There are other ones on the market too, I know back when I had my first xbox I got an adapter for around $50 USD. Also, you could get some long ethernet cable from some online retailers for cheap and just run a cable through the walls.
  16. There are plenty of other threads to discuss the dark bow - please use those. -Locked
  17. It is still up, but people from Europe had a problem seeing the page when I posted the link in the IRC channel yesterday. They had to use a US proxy server to see the article.
  18. I have to go with D.. Runescape appeals to me because it doesn't require a powerful computer, you can do other things while playing and all players are able to interact unlike games like World of Warcraft where players are divided by different servers. The freedom of the.. well, what in other games would be called jobs. Many MMOGs require you to pick one job (or a few) and you are stuck with them unless you create multiple characters, but in runescape you can be a smith, craftsman, miner, woodcutter etc. all as the same person and all in one day. On the actual game play level its the sense of accomplishment I get from achieving my goals.
  19. When I type "Blue:wave:" then some text and wonder why it didn't work :wall:
  20. Actually I think they will drop, a lot of people are gonna do clues only for the new items, so there will be a "huge" supply of rangers and robins, so I think they'll drop. BTW sounds liek an ownage month :thumbsup: Yeah but just like the last two times jagex added new treasure trail items - the chance to get a robin or rangers is going to decrease. Ranger sets went up for this reason before, so they are likely to go up for it again unless jagex increases the drop rate (which is unlikely). More TT items = less chance to get any specific one...
  21. Congrats on the baby Jak! Good luck with real life matters and make sure to stop in IRC to say hi every now and then :) Well... we will have to hope it's a boy then :P
  22. My favorite outfit: -Tricorn Hat -Naval Shirt -Naval Pants -Quest Cape -Phasmatys Flag -Cooking Gauntlets -Desert Boots -Fury Amulet
  23. Locked. Please use the correct forum(s) for runescape related topics.
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