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Everything posted by BenBru

  1. I listen to music pretty much all day, save when I'm playing basketball. Even at school I listen to it because I have an Ipod. /end brag :) I could never make it through without music, my life would be better with out any sort of video games but they're so addicting. They take up over one third of my day easily. So I would have to say music because that's what my life revolves around.
  2. @ Dusqi - Took me about 20 seconds and I think the answer is 120. @ Original question - I highly doubt by figuring that out that you're a genius, because that was VERY easy. Now if you could have it said to you only once and have to remember, that would be a lot more difficult.
  3. I think pop is disgusting if it isn't cold.. Try rootbeer warm. :-X
  4. That would be only three days after I turn 37. :cry: Anyways, I don't think anything too horrible will happen in our generation, it's the next generation that has it REALLY rough.
  5. Str+mag+ran = Battle mage. Also I think it's "Your mage spec - 1 times 10" So if you were 5* mage.. 5 - 1 = 4 ____ 4x10 = +40 to your magic. I think that's how it works, I might be wrong.
  6. @How2PK I still don't get how you wouldn't learn from typing a word in, and watching the machine correct it for you and show the proper way of spelling it. How in the world can you not learn from that? grammer Grammar Oh dearie, I don't seem to understand!
  7. Obviously, i know this. But what i ment was that I didn't learn how to spell the word properly untill i was tought to spell it. If i use spell cheack, that will not teach me how to spell anything. I need to be able to use a word in a sentence in order to learn how to use it, and if a program just gives me a correction, it wont work. Im not asking anyone here to correct my spelling each time, just remember that i dont know the word. Oh the irony... First you're saying that you aren't stupid, the next you're saying that looking at the correct way of spelling the word doesn't help you. How can it not help you, unless of course, you don't want to learn.
  8. What's with all these rediculous puzzles lately...
  9. This is your opinion. I think it is like nature and technology. When both are used in the right preportions, the can co-exist. On a side note... my wow membership ran out, and now i cant play wow tonight :-w Thats not my opinion That is a FACT i proved to myself... Yes, they an co-exist for some, but not all. for those who it cant, quitting gaming helps ALOT. THANKYOU! He told me the exact same thing in my thread when I was talking about how using good grammar here can help you remember to use it when you're in school *I have experienced this first hand*, I even said that in my post, and he told me that was only my opinion.
  10. The girls here are rediculously shallow, they also won't go out with guys the same age as them, so us guys pretty much get screwed unless we are older. Then the girls that are a year younger than us are totally different, they won't go out with anyone older, so me and a bunch of my friends spent like all summer working out like crazy, getting in great shape, only to find out that most of the girls were with people 1-2 years older than them. I don't really have anything for younger women, so that's not really gonna work, and the older chicks NEVER like younger people. It was a big step for me, because I just moved like a year or so ago to my current location, and where I used to live, I always had girls that liked me that looked nice, and had nice personalities. Where I live now is the complete opposite, they are REALLY hot, but have no personalities and are the most shallow human beings I have ever seen in my life. If basketball doesnt work out here (We have horrible coaches) I think I may be moving a few towns away, will be nice to show all the coaches up when I take down my former school. :) Anyways, the last girl I was with, we had a really great thing going, had been together just over a month or so. She was one of the best things that ever happened to me, I cant explain it any more than that. But, as expected, since things can never go THAT great without something bad happening to me, my aunt decided to get plastered and attack some lady and get us kicked out! Isn't that JUST GREAT! I have sort of given up on the women here now. There were a few attractive women here that really liked me, but of course, they had to move within 3 months.
  11. When I'm at my grandma's, her and my aunt are always debating over that stupid show "Big Brother: All Stars" It just finished yesterday, boy am I glad.
  12. Yea sure, considering you only made it as a scam staker in the beginning. I dont respect you and I never will.
  13. Well lets just say that I want to play basketball proffesionally, I have the will and the talent, but I just need to grow to be atleast like 6'1 or 6'2. Only 5 more inches to go! I would say more but I would probably have to do some form of bragging, and I dont like to do that. :wink:
  14. I've got to sig that also. :D EDIT:: Lionheart don't think that just because you have bad grammar that I don't look out for your posts from time to time. There are certain people who's posts I'll read if I catch their name. I was thinking about sigging that the first time I saw it, I even laughed out loud. :)
  15. Lionheart is just being stubborn because he lacks spelling and grammatical skills. If he did well with words I doubt he would have such a problem with this thread. Also like someone said earlier, I know everyone is taking extra care to make sure their grammar is perfect. :XD: Oh well, I would rather Lionheart sit and complain, it gives this thread some controversy. :
  16. Lately it seems that I've been noticing alot more people slacking off with their grammar, and it just bothers me, because I see alot of people with good posts that most likely get ignored because of the incomplete grammar/sentences. I can't stress how much better your forum appearance looks if you use proper grammar. I guarentee the most well known and respected people on these forums use great grammar, which in a way helps them to be noticed and such. I get to the point now where if the post doesn't start off with a capitalized letter and uses proper comma's and periods I just don't read it. I'm sure other people feel the same. Basically, what I'm trying to get at is, if you want to be a respected and noticed person on this forum you might as well learn to use grammar, as it also helps you in school (I know this by experience). I usually get very high scores on my english papers, but hey, I'm not here to brag, I'm here to tell you to use grammar! Not only does it improve your appearance, it makes for easier reading of your posts. To all those who say they dont care about what anyone thinks of them: Any sort of forums are obviously not for you and I don't want to see meaningless posts like that. Use grammar!
  17. Say it out loud, and post which one sounds better. How long do you sleep? -OR- How long do YOU sleep? My money is on the emphasized "YOU"
  18. I remember my rank used to be so sacred to me when I played Perfect Dark for N64. :D I love the classic UT, I used to play it all the time, I would get into these grooves and own pretty much all the comps on Godlike to 100 kills. Also anyone tried playing with the Insta-kill shock rifles on the smallest map with maxed out bots? Man that sure is fun. :
  19. Or 5 years of your life before you realized you wasted it.. :cry:
  20. Jagex likes to act like they really care about the game. :wink:
  21. I remember someone getting banned some time ago for telling someone to auto as a joke, they asked what they should do to lvl up in rsc..
  22. Ive never written a song, but it seems that 80% of all songs Ive heard rhyme, guess you could make a point to do that lol, take my opinion lightly though.
  23. Basketball, I practice everyday for around 2 hours a day, I spend a total of about 4 hours a day getting in shape for the season, Im quite easily the best in my area for my age. The only other person who comes close is 1 year older than me and he is pretty good, but he talks himself up too much.
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