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Everything posted by jackal_55

  1. meh, nothing extra special. melee pking is the most predictable kind of pking there is.
  2. i think it looks pretty cool, but jagex need to make the front jut out a bit more, as it is, it makes you look up when you wear it. :wink: i think it'll look good when/if they release a dragon plate.
  3. hmm... my stash of dragonstones, just imagine how much money you could get for em, since they dont exist in the real world they'd be worth BILLIONS! :twisted: either that or my prettyfull firecape... :-k
  4. i dont believe you get xp in houses, but that would work in CW, but veeerry laggy.
  5. weird, i've never gotten a black mark, and i've played since '03. for the first 16 months or so i was a right 'lil nooblet too. : i really don't think i would got out of my way to become a P mod, if Jagex randomly offered to make me one, yeah, sure, it'll make buying/selling in w2 easier, and only a idiot would try to scam me. not that i fall for scams, but its damn annoying when they try to scam you MULTIPLE times. but what the hell, you can get more than 10/10 black marks and not get banned lol, maybe Jagex's ban DPT. is a little bad at math? :XD:
  6. well, i missed the screenshot (fighting someone 15 levels higher than you in level 23 wild does that) but i managed to hit a 43 with 77 range and a dragonfire special. : if he had lagged for just 3 seconds i woulda had my first whip pk, but he ran and teled. :cry: i think i've got one of Jad hitting a 90 on my main... but that dosn't really count... :-k
  7. nice guide, 9/10 you might want to add a section on how to recognize where you're going to screw up. like when i pk, sometimes i tense up, it isn't really a problem unless i don't realize i'm tense. and this really is a first guide, 'cuz its the first PKing guide i've ever read that helps. :XD:
  8. for you equipment, a dragonfire shield also works against the breath attack. that what is said in the update anyway. :-k
  9. you cant 1hit KO with the special, its max is 45-45, and simple maths tells me thats 90. but it will overpower range pures, since they can get 99 range by 74-ish combat. i think you shouldn't be able to deal combined damage greater than your combat level. :-k
  10. these seem like a VERY good money maker if you get lucky with the dragon arrow drops... makes me wish i didnt loath hunter... :roll:
  11. *removes jaw from ground* awesome! apparently the max hit is 45-45 at 99 ranged with all the boosts. not only is it good, but the special looks awesome, and range can finally compete with melee to a degree. thanks for the vid, but if you can, would you get one of it in a real wildy fight, or just against someone waring full pk gear? im gunna own me own pures soon :twisted: dark bow =
  12. this is finally going to give me that upper hand i need against melee pures. now we can BOTH kill each other in 1 attack. :uhh: well, lets just hope that the DB is better for training than iron knives, i'm so bored of them. but now 1 kind of prayer wont stop PJers, which means they'll get kills easy! :ohnoes:
  13. its actually not the biggest thing since sliced bread, it fires at around the same speed as a crossbow i hear. :-k still, it hits twice, which makes is the same as a shortbow. : but remember, the special dosn't MAKE it hit 30-50% harder, it gives it a CHANCE too. otherwise that'd be wayy to strong. :shame: PMG OMIGODZAWZ RANGE CAN KO NOW?!?!1ONESHIFT? :XD: crystal bow, with prayer and potion max hit at 99 range was 28.
  14. well, judging from the updates recently, i'd say we'll get a spell along the lines of auto cooking shrimp or something. :roll:
  15. whenever i have private set to 'on' i get PMs from strange people i've never met, and have no real intention of meeting at all... i've even tryed changing accounts, but i still get Pms from strangers... :-k
  16. hmm... it seems my first impression of this necklace was a little off. however, it still think its a horrible update, i've seen 2 uses for both of the new obsidian echantments that REALLY unbalace the game. the bracelet used in the fight caves mean that you can heal 8 hitpoints per minute using only 1 prayer point and no food/brews. and now a 99 strength 1 attack 1 defence mauler can kill ANY pure their level easily, all they have to do is get them to 2/3 health with range then swap to the maul. not only that, but the staff and rings are completely abondoned. in the knowledge base it was said that the berserker necklace only boosts the damage of the MELEE weapons. and now we will see an even bigger drop in the prices of whips, as there is a wonderfull new alternative, easier to get, and with lower requirements.
  17. acheivment diary = non-combat pest control? i hope not... :-k but they did say extra xp... -.-
  18. i was #12 for slayer for about 30 seconds when it came out. but all my ranks have dropped since i quit using Jackal_55 in favor of my up-and-coming tank ranger. still ranked 33,000-ish for slayer though. :lol: (unranked fishing ftw? :thumbsup: )
  19. "guns, iff we dont have them, can we use them too kill people?" :-w *walks away from this thread for ever an after*
  20. wonder if anyone else has said this... the GIGANTIC pile of GOLD in my bank, after i sell my santa of course. :lol: iff not... i wanna be able to shadow barrage... that would be awsome. :shock: i mean, the cops see you stealing something, and you just sent a shadow barrage at them and they cant see you! :lol:
  21. well, since 90% of the people here have already destryoed macroers, scammers, and the like, i'd say pest control... or multi combat areas. how about i remove the XP half of pest control and all the multicombat areas in the wilderness? :
  22. well, i think it all comes down to respect. running from an agreed deathmatch deserves to get you insulted, abyss pking deserves to get you insulted, and praying in a 1v1 situation (unless they started first) deserves to get you insulted. some people say that "honour pkers" are just noobs who are obssesed with getting pixels, but wouldent it make more sense that the 1 iteming pjer is the one who is obbsessed with pixels? i'd say the honour pkers are simply the kind of people who want a fair fight, on even terms, so it comes down to a characters stats and the players skill. i dont teleport, because iff you kill me before i can get away you deserve my items, if you cant kill me, you dont deserve them. compare pking to boxing. iff a boxer hits below the belt, he gets a foul, that basically the same as prayer in a 1v1 situation. its almost impossible to KO someone using prayer, so iff you oponent prays, the other person is probably going to do it too. but iff both are praying, nobody can get killed before they get away, so what the point in fighting? in one word: sportsmanship.
  23. well there are 1 million people with theiving ranked, so therefore 1 million members, i'd say theres about 15-30k fire cape owners among them. some people, regardless of stats still cant get fire capes, but could easily get any of the skill capes, some people are beter at combat, some beter at skills. i am a terrible skiller, i've never even had the patience to get a combat stat to 99, let alone something like fishing (not ranked at level 55, FTW! :thumbsup: )
  24. nice guide, but could you put in a section for ranged and mage? :-k
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