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Everything posted by Adr1an

  1. Been playing as long as many of my other "oldies". Still sticking to it. You are playing an MMORPG. You are SUPPOSED to interact with people. If you dont like that go play a console game rofl. This game has never been about playing alone as much as you seem to think it is. You are the one that chooses to play solo just like someone else will choose to make a skilling pure. It is not the spirit of the game and it is by your own choice that you do not like it. Just because YOU dont like it doesnt mean the ship will sink haha. For every person like you that leaves 2 more come into the game that appreciate it for what it is. Still plenty of "oldies" that will continue playing this one even if you do choose to go.
  2. f2p is the best and i still feel duoing is the best mix of speed and exp but who knows. only been able to play 2 days of the update really and at 46
  3. Gratz SE + CE. Good luck in future fights. I am happy with my performance and thanks for the mention <3
  4. There were no crashers at all. We were just as surprised as you all are
  5. you all should stop crashing eachother and then complaining when the other does it back
  6. was fun. I was piled first and didnt expect it. Prefer all styles since it doesnt last an hour. gl in future fights
  7. There are ways to combat sniping as there are ways to combat mass sniping. Just requires you to think strategy.
  8. Clans join because its an official tournament put on by a major fan forum. The exposure of winning can potentially get recruits. I expect some clans to break some rules tbh (using people they arent supposed to). 20v20 its anyones game since they are lower opts 30v30 Any of the top warring clans can win this one 50v50 RSD has the advantage if its all styles although VR could do it as well. 2v2 should be interesting. I am guessing the ones that have gladz bk or THE will do well since all 3 are paired with top warring clans
  9. id imagine a 3v3 to take a very long time.......
  10. To be honest there is little to no difference between teams and clans these days. I see some say their team is a group of friends that do wars/events together. Isnt that pretty much what a clan is or at least supposed to be? I can understand maybe if a team specializes in a specific thing like CWA but I know clans that will only fight in CWA or only in PVP. Clans can specialize as much as a team can. I see that some people bring up the strict structure of a clan over a team, but I see teams that have FA programs or I see clans that dont control their members at all in terms of rules. There are examples to prove the same is done in teams and in clans. It has gotten to the point where the line between teams and clans is hazy and unclear. I do believe (as many others have stated) that it is simply a name put on something to try to pass it off as something else. Call it a team. Call it a clan. Call it a group of friends. Its pretty much all the same these days. A team is considered multiclanning in my eyes and will always be that way. Personally I come from a clan that does not allow multiclanning. We do allow groups with clan in their names like pc clans, soul wars clans, castle wars clans (dont think that has been an issue ever), and monster bossing clans. These clans are seen purely as groups to help in a group effort of getting a goal (exp for personal use, a large scale minigame for fun, or group bossing to make money for personal gain) and I have never seen drama come to a clan over any one of these kinds of clans. The closest would probably be a monster bossing clan I guess. These clans usually do not have official events. The thing is for the most part our clan can cover every aspect of that and I would trust going to say a boss monster more with my clanmates than randoms from a huge group like God Wars Inc. Teams seem to bring drama imo. We do not allow our members to be a part of any clan whether it is a country clan or not. We do not allow our members to be in any teams. They are allowed to pk with friends of course. When our members go out with anyone though they are representing THE and for the most part our clan knows who and who not to hang out with. Our clan is of course more built on community so I can understand why some other clans allow it. I have seen that many people state that teams are for when you are bored and they are for your friends. You are in a clan for a reason arent you? Shouldnt you be developing better relationships with your clanmates? Heck you dont even have to play runescape. There have been plenty times that was have played Dota (wc3 custom game) or played xbox live together. Simply chilling and playing runescape while on ts and irc is what I personally do when there isnt an event going on.
  11. Think both sides did well. I am happy with our performance. First fight in a month for me. Gratz on your win and looking forward to future fights.
  12. Looks like MMA kept it close for being outnumbered. Nice percentage pull
  13. its why most communities arent strong in clans anymore. time spent away is less time spent on the clan. people worry so much about pk'ing and warring that they will do anything. its a different mentality. people can of course pk with friends but people just dont put as much into clans anymore and a lot of clans dont foster community first and warring after. a lot of these clans simply work on their community through warring and thats why quite frankly pkers tend to be more likely to hop around in clans.
  14. http://forum.tip.it/topic/224774-the-beats-the-rising-in-uncapped-pkri-pvp/ March '09, 250 opts. Wasn't wilderness taken out in about '08? Your point being what exactly? I said the biggest change in ml not the one that is most recent. and hi gamerr. when the wildy was closed there was a massive decrease in ml and activity.
  15. TRWF can take any clan even opts and if they outnumber you the likelihood is you have already lost the fight (just like i said on the other topic). They are the #1 gmt clan unless proven otherwise and if they were to fight TT or RSD I am sure it would be an amazing fight
  16. Seems to me that THE, Gladz,and Bk pull roughly around the same that many other midsized clans do now. Yes they are not as high as what they previously were and if you want to call that a slump then by all means do so. Simply because we are not pulling maxed opts anymore doesnt mean we arent stable though. All of these clans have learned that its more than simply about warring and they have shown differences than other clans that have been forced to close. Ill say that these 3 clans I do not see closing anytime in the near future but I can not say the same for others in the top 25. Leadership has been passed on. Memberlists actually look to be growing slowly by all 3 of these clans. They all participate in pkri's both in pvp and cwa. They pk regularly yet they still keep the community and the morals adhered to while also molding with the new stuff that has come into the clan world. Overall these clans have gone up and down. All 3 of these clans have tasted success in the top 5 and have also dealt with losses to their ml's. Simply because pkers leave you say they arent stable? The leadership for the most part has stayed strong and has been passed on. The overall morale of the clans I am sure has gone up and down but you have never seen any of these 3 clans fall down too far. I can venture to guess that as far as warring that none have fallen too far out of the top 25 of warring clans and if so it wasnt for long. I can personally speak for 'THE' in saying the taking out of the wilderness was what caused the biggest change in ml decrease but the majority of people that are in these clans are part of a core membergroup that do not leave.
  17. Id wager most clans would not be able to handle TRWF on even opts let alone being outnumbered. Scary clan to fight. Back when we were going for top 10 they were the hardest clan we ran into (over se, corr, exo, and many others). Nastiest range snipers ever.
  18. Oh I dont do it to make people look bad. More to show the difference of opinion that usually results from someone having a "new school" approach as opposed to an "old school" approach to things. It usually ends up in being an argument in which its agreed that we shall disagree. Heck most new clans do not adopt the old school ways which is fine but i would wager a bet that my clan lives longer :-P new school tends to not grow into stability.
  19. Good to see TK apologize for the mishaps and accept responsibility. Gtz on your win. P.S. it still amazes me how generaldesor won best troll...... he isnt even that good haha. the award should have been "most likely to troll". i have seen far better trolls in tip.it.
  20. geez none of your members take pix of their kills? should def get that going makes it so stuff like having a topic closed cause of not having enough pix doesnt happen. we usually try to make sure all of our members take their kill pix and after a fight we post a "pic topic" so that everyone posts what they have (whether its kill pix or tanking to no food or prayer or whatever). will ask members to also take pix of really nice spam. its a good habit to get your members into. gratz on the win
  21. @ people who say this is a fake topic - its a day out topic...... your posts should be considered spam for the lack of intelligence in them. people invite friends - if its a pk then why the heck does it matter? if you set up a real fight WHILE you run into someone (how original pkri's started) then ask the friends to step out. history lesson - clans would go out and pk. some clans would hit eachother and due to differences in opts would run away. when clans would meet that were even opts they would fight a litle bit and if was something they wanted 2 officials would then set up a fight with rules they wished to have. if friends were with any clan that would be discussed and tbh the friends usually ended up ac'ing. guess what? that can still happen even today. THE and Gladz will still pk together every once in a while but say its a THE pk trip and we hit someone that wants a real fight. We will ask Gladz to step out and the same would happen if the situation was reversed. Its honestly nice to have friends on a pk trip just in case you dont hit anyone. Also having more opts allows us to compete with some of the tougher clans out there. TA has joint pk trips and we have fought clans like Exodus and such with the opts. None of our pk trips are ever mandatory but its nice when you have higher opts from friends coming (also the fact we are part of a REAL alliance) to challenge yourselves. Also funny when you organization of TA (essentially 4 clans) at even opts beats other clans. You would think one clan could compete eh?
  22. says the guy in downfall and silent ember....... how did this guy win the biggest flamer award? Maybe if u had ur facts straight u would realize that Silent Ember is a team. OT: Gratz TK+PH :thumbup: What is the difference between a clan and a team? Maybe I would have bought that if SE simply did CWA but it seems you even pk now. Just because you call SE a team doesnt make it such. Looks like a clan, smells like a clan, acts like a clan By golly it must be a freakin clan. FACTS? Allowing your members to be in a team is still considered multiclanning by the majority of people in the clan world. You are part of a separate entity that partakes in official events outside of your main clan. Whatever you want to call it whether it is a team, clan, or random group of people that have a ml, forums, and official events it is all the same. You might have been able to pull it off if SE simply did CWA wars but today they went pking to hit DV. Nice try putting your opinion down and trying to put it off as facts. Man even I wouldnt try to pull that off.... (btw none of what I said are facts they are purely my opinion on the matter)
  23. says the guy in downfall and silent ember....... how did this guy win the biggest flamer award?
  24. Happy with our performance. GJ oranges
  25. 1. Its a cwa fight. First off she knows the number of opts by looking in the top corner. "Mischievious" for what is what I am wondering..... The most she can do is see the levels (btw which wouldnt change). Hilarious you think its sad. Funnier that you think she was trying to do something "mischievious". 2. To spy on a teamspeak you have to have a person in the channel to hear what you are saying. During a war you honestly should only have registered people in that channel. Gratz you got a different view of bk because their first person you called happened to expect it and tanked. More experienced clans tend to have a thing for calling that stuff out and knowing who will get piled. Heck I can tell who will usually get piled during our fights because its usually our callers or low levels. If word gets around that someone is a really bad tank then they should expect to be piled a lot. Thats how the cookie crumbles.
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