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Everything posted by Adr1an

  1. When you focus on negative negative stuff happens. Why even talk about subjects like this? Clans come and clans go. Build up the community by talking about positive things. Dont bring it down by making a topic like this.
  2. @ SAS - You do realize DK closed and a bunch of them (I have heard) will be attempting to join Exo? Did you make a rule that no intros are allowed?
  3. What is the world coming to where you and I agree on things >.<
  4. last time i went into spirit's IRC they told me they are an official clan lmfao u r so dumb [/flamebait] Echo you're not helping the problem so don't come in here all high and mighty old age and claiming new age ppl are dumb cuz you're doing same thing he was doing, he stated it was meant as a question and not as a flamebait so theres no reason to keep going on about it. Gratz exo your organization looked better so you won. Must be boring warring CR over and over but you guys always seem to want to war em so w/e. Yea you are right. I do have a high and mighty attitude at times. Consider it dropped. P.S. I am honestly just kinda bored waiting for when I have to shuttle the family around to do errands.
  5. last time i went into spirit's IRC they told me they are an official clan Its a pc and soul wars thing. They can call themselves a clan I guess but I am pretty sure they do not war in cwa/pvp
  6. "PVP next time" In case you didnt know that means THE FIGHT AFTER THIS ONE. Not the fight before. Now that I cleared that up since you seemed to have had that one mind-boggling you. "are you assuming I try to flamebait EXO or just your own opinion?" Just so you know both of those options are pretty much the same thing. Assuming would be me having to form an opinion lol You are a quick one glad I was able to catch that one. "WHo are you to say about logic ?" I am Echo8710 nice to meet you. I'll probably be hopping in from time to time just to post here and there. "How was my question flamebaiting EXO when it was just a question? He could said no lol.. " Ah lol Your attempt to put the blame on someone else will not work. Instead of taking responsibility for your poorly worded question you are saying that someone shouldnt respond to your poorly worded question...... This = Fail "He went out and just said AA was a Sh1t clan..... Get your own logic straight before trying correct someone elses would ya." You went out and asked if Exo got curbstomped. Would you prefer if he asked if AA was simply that kind of clan? I am sure it would have gotten the same reaction from you. "Jesus Christ... I find it funny." Me too
  7. Example of your response: Are all people in AA stupid? (just a question not flamebaiting) Your logic is horrendous. Just because something is a question doesnt mean it cant be a flame-bait. The way you worded your response made it seem like you had already made up your mind beforehand and you were just trying to get a reaction. You DID say stuff about exo in your question. You are the one that brought up a fight 2 days ago not Redroc. Dont tell other people to stay on topic when you are not doing it yourself. Oh and then ever after that you STILL go on about a fight that this topic isnt about. Congratz kid you have now shown the whole tip.it community how much of a hypocrite you are.
  8. Man you guys stink at arguing...... Petee over here posts 1 person and says good luck cleaning multiclannerS. Oh and get this..... he counted spirit list as a legit clan? CR makes excuses saying they beat exo 2 days before. Exo talks about DF on cr accounts. AA guy comes in flamebaiting and then whining when he gets it back? I guess welcome to the internets where someone can talk smack, have an IQ of 30 and not get punched in the face. Guess what CWA is a better way of showing the clan that is more organized and skilled. Exo won. CR lost Multiclanners - who the heck cares. Whoever brings that up just wants an excuse to try to e-thug. Heck its not even a good comeback. Get better material please. Everyone knows that multiclanning/teaming brings more drama but people will do it anyway. Some of you new age guys are annoying...... Oh and OT: Grats exo on your win. You showed who was the more organized clan. Might not always agree with stuff you do but you won this one
  9. Both clans do shady tactics. whatever
  10. A truly legit clan would not need a boost in points from another clan backing out. Yes you can say all you want how comments like this push you "to be better" blah blah blah. Congratz on using the system for something its not supposed to be used for. A real top clan would not have posted asking for points and would have tried to EARN their way up. Although my clan is not apart of TWR I am sure a clan that earns their way up will jump over you with ease. Congratz on your points but clans like this never bode well in the end.
  11. I guess sometimes I can write things in a way that people will draw conclusions if someone wants. I was merely talking about my personal distaste for low opts melee+binds fights. That is not shot at SE or even this one specific fight but all fights of this nature. The fact it wasnt that high opts can be blamed on us since it seems we didnt pull that well to allow for a higher opts fight. It is a personal opinion of mine that the more styles the better since we will learn to tank harder and be prepared for such things later on. Quite frankly I do not remember the last time we fought melee+binds only so kudos for getting our generals to do it. They tend to drag out longer, easier to tank, and one clan can honestly get luckier with hits simply because that is what the game does (1 guy can hit a 17 and someone else can hit a 3 both being the same levels). The lower the number of people the more one puts it into the hands of the dice than the actual skill of either clan. And no I am not saying this happened in this fight. I would say that if I thought that was what won it for SE but I am in no way in a position to make such a dumb comment.
  12. I never said anything about the specific fight if you read carefully. I was very careful in saying the melee+bind fights in which its low opts can quite frankly go either way even if both clans do fairly equal on performances. This can happen simply because a clan gets "lucky" with hits (since pretty much the whole game is based on statistics of armour and attack bonuses and then rolls the dice). I never said it applied to this fight however the majority of low opts fights can turn out this way where one clan can be "luckier" with hits than another. I have dealt with your postings in the past so please dont try to make what I said as a personal shot at SE's performance compared to ours. I didnt even touch on that so you bringing it up is intriguing. You also should know better than to argue with "my RNG theory". Seeing as its a proven thing that the game is based on. I correct people when they try and misquote me and Lovelost doesnt like me ever since I have called him out on his loyalty's and extensive clan history (he seems to leave a clan whenever it hits a slight rough patch).
  13. Happy we won the all styles since that is how we do pkri's Melee+Binds only at lower opts fights tends to be more about the RNG (random number generator) than anything else. Gl in future fights
  14. Dont lie Andy seriously. We found you guys were out so asked if you would like a fight. We even stated that we would make sure gladz wouldnt interfere because they were about to start massing up to go pk. We tried to make sure no other clans would be involved. Btw throwing out that we pk'ed with RE or DW is not smart as I am sure they will tell you that we didnt. When we went to go dd a Exodus+BK rushed us. We were confused in what was going on not expecting BK to pull such a low so we went to mossies. When we had regrouped and were ready to go back and fight you, we found out that Exo+Bk were fighting DW. We started to help DW out knowing it would be difficult to take on 2 clans. Lol then exo comes into our irc and threatens to crash every one of our fights since we were apparently crashing their fight with DW. When DW found that it was Exo+Bk they asked if we would help. We started fighting and DW left. Held our own for a bit but it was clear the numbers were taking a toll on us. Gladz left early from their massing to try and help us but still didnt have enough numbers to deal with it so we left. We admitted THE was not on the same level of Exodus+BK yet. Dont start beef by trying to lie about something when it was your clan that has caused all the problems. You spied on a clan trying to hunt them and they ended up wrecking you. You pk with other clans because you are probably too scared now to do it on your own since you have now stirred up trouble with both Gladz and THE. Its a joke now between Gladz and THE on who can go and find Bk first to get the fight because we both have the respect to not get involved with the others fight and we both know that in pvp we can take you. That my friends is why if you see Bk in pvp they might be pking with another clan.
  15. I honestly laughed when I saw this, the only clan I'd ever say something like that is to a NH clan that DDOS', hacks their own members and forums, cheat and crash in and during wars, and that honestly don't deserve to rest in peace especially if they fake public closure. If you got a problem with what I say as a Clan Leader, then happily go look on the same topic on RSC and see how many Clan Leaders there show their disrespect. They deserved what they got, although at times they were an OK clan. You honestly just described half the top 10 clans in there. I will not comment on DK's actions. Clans that tend to do actions like that dont always last the longest because they make problems for themselves trying to "have fun". If I personally do not like the clan 9 times out of 10 I will not post on their topic. I will not give them the satisfaction of my bump because that is honestly all you are doing when you post on someones topic. People will probably not care what you say. If you say something positive its usually looked over. If you say something negative though they will use that as an excuse to come do NH things. You have stated that you believe DK to do some pretty nasty things and as a clan leader you pretty much flamed them...... Are you willing to deal with the unneeded problems that could potentially arise? I know I wouldnt want to and I have been part of leadership of a clan. I am just trying to say that comments like the one you made will solve nothing and probably cause problems because it puts a big target on both you and your clan since you are a leader of it.
  16. Quotes like this from a clan leader show just how bad things are. Keep saying stuff like that I am sure you will make a few enemies. Learn to not create problems for your clan. Didn't Ni crash pretty much all your fights? Can't remember if that was you or another clan. But i do aggree with you to a certain extent. Yes they did but we handled our problems with them. They ended up stopping because we did not give them the attention they wanted. Clans like that want to be mentioned in fight topics and will do almost anything to try and get under your skin. The key is to not give them what they want. "Any publicity is good publicity"
  17. Is The Alliance still around? Based on the fact that BK and Gladz are hunting each other, I would guess not..? No doubt that (ex?)-Alliance clans have the strongest community.. I used to be in THE, and that was clearly obvious - a very mature, tight-knit and friendly clan... and that goes for Gladz and BK as well (TMRD = dead? And who was the other clan who was part of TA? Completely forgot) TA is around in some forms. TMRD exists as a community and most of them are in TT and Corr I believe. They still have a forums and such. Jagz is still a clan but does very little if any pking/warring. They are more non-pvp based and are more of a community. THE and Gladz are both active in pretty much all facets of the game. BK attempted to hunt THE and Gladz but it didnt work out. If anything that little attempt help push Gladz to become stronger. Last time I was with 'THE' and got involved with BK they ended up setting a fight with us and then invited Exodus along (a clan in the top15) to help them out. So all of the TA clans still exist as well as TA but people will say that Jagz and TMRD are dead simply because they base almost everything off of warring.
  18. 1) I've been told that despite the existence of a clan wars arena now, that some clans still have wars at greaters in PvP worlds. Why are some clans non-PvP CWA warring and others sticking to the "traditional" PvP greaters warring method? Quite frankly its what a clan is truly wanting to prove. CWA is the easiest way to prove what clan is better in organization and skill. It allows for non-crashing however it does not give "loot" which so many people crave. The top clans do pvp and can spend upwards of 9 hours in 1 single fight. It is more about what clan is more willing to throw out their bank more than anything else. It has come to the point of outlasting more than 1 clan having insanely more organization than another. 2) How representative are the TWR rankings of the top clans? They don't seem to match the Top 10/20/30 lists I've seen. How much acceptance do these rankings receive as accurate measures of clans' strength? Not close but it is a good list of clans that take full opportunity of CWA. In the full clan world this list probably gets very little acceptance. I personally do not like many lists tbh since most tend to be highly biased. 3) What's the difference between "teams" and "clans"? To me, it seems like they are the same thing... it seems like these "teams" exist as a loophole to be able to belong to other "clans" without breaking the common one-clan-only rule. What's the deal with them? There isnt much actually. Teams tend to be strictly for the random fight in cwa or pvp. It is just that a loophole. Teams tend to bring more drama than is needed and I am happy to say that MANY of the older clans still do not allow multi-clanning. 4) I can see clans like 'The', RSD, Gladz, BK, TRWF, Corruption, Exer (I think I saw them somewhere), EoS, Dragonwood, Mori etc., are still around. Not really a question, but congrats to them for sticking around so long. 'THE' just recently celebrated its 10th birthday. Still doing well and in terms of warring we tend to be more organized than others that pull our numbers. RSD is doing very well for themselves. I had always seen them as a clan that had lower numbers than most other clans they fought but their quality and skill helped them win. They now tend to pull just as much as many of the other clans that they face. Gladz have recently been doing very well in terms of warring and with the help of BK attempting to "hunt them" found more opportunities to go into pvp (funny how that backfired). BK is doing fine although some of their tactics have left me wondering just how far they will go for wins. TRWF seems to be doing very well and is in the top 3 of GMT clans with TR and FOOLS. Can compete in the top 15 and maybe even top 10 on a good day. Only thing that ever holds them back is their timezone in terms of warring but maybe that is a blessing for them since they do not get into the long dragged out fights. Corruption is a top 5 clan and has been in the middle of a bunch of e-drama lately with many of the other top 5 clans. Exer..... well many of their staff are staff in a cc team/clan called Pure Hatred that has been known to crash and just create problems. Once seeing them as honorable its now more like they are trying to stay active through another means. EOS is a legit top 5 imo and I would expect them to start pking and owning weekdays like they always tend to do during school terms. Dragonwood is doing well from what I have seen. Been getting into some stuff with Gladz lately so I would like to see how that turns out. Mori isnt even around anymore to my understanding and if they are then its simply a community. 5) Just outta curiosity (mostly out of interest in clan politics) who are the strongest clans these days? Strength of warring - RSD, VR, Corr, Df, and EOS these clans have the numbers to take on anyone else in the top and VR probably has the best shot at it. Community - Gladz, THE(yes I am biased to TA), TRWF from what I have seen, BK, and any other older clan. To deny that these clans have the strongest communities would be a horrible lack of insight. They have lasted longer than many other clans for a reason. Look for a couple of them to rise in the future due to keeping with their morals and values. Clans like these need to rise to have more of an influence over the stupidity that has run over so many other clans.
  19. Funny how people will complain about DK and then you see all these e-thugs on this topic. Imo half of you are just as bad. Get over yourselves Quotes like this from a clan leader show just how bad things are. Keep saying stuff like that I am sure you will make a few enemies. Learn to not create problems for your clan.
  20. oooo a crashing clan joining TWR. Gl
  21. With how some clans think they can do what they want just wanted to ask this community how it feels about a few things. It has been brought to some clans attention that apparently Dragon Hunters have been going around pretending to be another clans officials and setting up fights. This in turn creates a problem because say if its done to 'THE' it makes us look like we are backing out of fights. Now there are some clans that also crash clans and have the "we do what we want attitude". A fansite like RSC doesnt care about anything but the traffic that it gets however I have always seen tip.it as something with a bit more bias (for the better). I wanted to know if tip.it would be willing to cater to clans that push this clan-world for the better (possibly not allowing such clans to participate twr and/or individuals found guilty being removed from cd) and possibly remove that not so great ones. Also word of advice: make sure you check who you are setting up fights with and verify they are who they say they are...... makes sure you do not get into issues like this.
  22. Stick too many leaders together and you will get turmoil. The members are what should lead the clan. The less stuff that is behind the scenes the better. The members should have voices and that brings them closer together. The reason why so many in the top clans hop around is because their members are simply not tied to anything but probably the warring aspect. Clans that allow their members to put in will get more out of them. You need balance in leadership. A calm collected, a hardass, and then a go -between that makes sure those 2 others dont kill one another (best to probably be female tbh). Best thing about what a leader can do though is pass on his knowledge so that others may lead when he goes. Something not many leaders seem to do these days judging from closure of clans.
  23. Have your clan members take pix of their kills...... That way you have a documented story of the fight even if you dont have a vid. Most people in our clan take pictures now due to us not only wanting to document wars but our history as well.
  24. There can and will never be a "Most Influential Clan". It has only been through all of the clan world participated that we have gotten to where we are now (for better or worse). There are a lot of clans that have been extremely influential in how the clan world has been shaped. Many have used warring as an influence and that usually makes the most impact. There has been ideals and principles paved by previous clans and some of that has been taken by newer clans and other stuff thrown out. I would never say that THE was the most influential clan ever nor would I say DI or DS. All these clans have been intertwined and without one clans maybe others wouldnt have done what they did. The support holding up the giant is just as important maybe even moreso.
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