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dieing.... its underestimated


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Yeah I know it hurts man. Its happened to me a few times already. (Worst was when friend died from a driveby that hit the wrong person.) Its just human nature, we dont want people to die so we block it out of our minds, then they die and we feel helpless and alone. All you can do is just realize that the person is in a better place.








It sucks but thats the way it is.

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treasure the time you had with them and feel lucky you knew them at all, thats all we can ever do. Death happens and has done to everybody and everything ever, its all part of life and theres nothing we can do about it. Live life for now and enjoy every moment, that's the best thing to take from death of anyone

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It's not death that we fear. It's a painful death. We fear suffering.








meh, ive never understood that one to be honest <.< child birth is more painful than any death #-o








well i duno beheading maybe... dieing inm your sleep... nope.... drowning is the most painful i can think of.








well anyways to prove your point, would you be scared of shooting yourself in the head? death is instantanious so no pain... would you still be scared? if so why?

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It's not death that we fear. It's a painful death. We fear suffering.








meh, ive never understood that one to be honest <.< child birth is more painful than any death #-o








well i duno beheading maybe... dieing inm your sleep... nope.... drowning is the most painful i can think of.








well anyways to prove your point, would you be scared of shooting yourself in the head? death is instantanious so no pain... would you still be scared? if so why?








You can't compare childbirth to a painful death! You try being burned alive. You try drowning. etc.








Again, shooting yourself in the head .. you wouldn't FEEL it, would you. Quick and painless death.

Proud founder of the Myriad

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You can't compare childbirth to a painful death! You try being burned alive. You try drowning. etc.








Again, shooting yourself in the head .. you wouldn't FEEL it, would you. Quick and painless death.








ok good point, but im guessing its more painfull....








so you wouldnt be scared of shooting yourself in the head?

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You can't compare childbirth to a painful death! You try being burned alive. You try drowning. etc.








Again, shooting yourself in the head .. you wouldn't FEEL it, would you. Quick and painless death.








ok good point, but im guessing its more painfull....








so you wouldnt be scared of shooting yourself in the head?








Would you? Knowing that you won't feel pain is certainly comforting.

Proud founder of the Myriad

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You can't compare childbirth to a painful death! You try being burned alive. You try drowning. etc.








Again, shooting yourself in the head .. you wouldn't FEEL it, would you. Quick and painless death.








ok good point, but im guessing its more painfull....








so you wouldnt be scared of shooting yourself in the head?








Would you? Knowing that you won't feel pain is certainly comforting.








can you answer with a yes or no?

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You can't compare childbirth to a painful death! You try being burned alive. You try drowning. etc.








Again, shooting yourself in the head .. you wouldn't FEEL it, would you. Quick and painless death.








ok good point, but im guessing its more painfull....








so you wouldnt be scared of shooting yourself in the head?








Would you? Knowing that you won't feel pain is certainly comforting.








can you answer with a yes or no?








No, I would not be afraid.








Can you?

Proud founder of the Myriad

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It's not death that we fear. It's a painful death. We fear suffering.








No, I'm pretty sure I would rather suffer and stay alive rather than die painlessly tonight.

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It's not death that we fear. It's a painful death. We fear suffering.








No, I'm pretty sure I would rather suffer and stay alive rather than die painlessly tonight.








You would rather be in constant pain or taking painkillers? Your name reigns true...

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Try knowing someone who watched helplessly from their house on TV their mother die in the WTC's trapped in the smoke filled 102 floor of the North Tower. And not even knowing when she would die from smoke suffocation.








Now talk about feeling helpless.








What was the point of that? Why does one set of cirumstances make it out to be more tragic. Death is death. How it happened or why it happened doesn't detract from the impact it has on a person.








So please, don't try and make this into a competition. You're both as 'helpless' as each other. Neither could prevent it. Neither were held responsible to prevent it. Both should be equally mourned.








You are right that death is death in the long run, but how that death occurred can greatly affect said persons involved. For instance, your grandfather dieing peacefully in bed is not as bad, you were expecting it and you could maybe even bring him back as a vegetable if you wanted. But your mother trapped unexpectedly in a situation with almost inevitable death and you can't do anything is a lot worse. And it's going to affect persons directly involved on a much higher scale for probably a much longer time.


Me doing staff.

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It's not death that we fear. It's a painful death. We fear suffering.








No, I'm pretty sure I would rather suffer and stay alive rather than die painlessly tonight.








You would rather be in constant pain or taking painkillers? Your name reigns true...








No, I value my life. You can't honestly say that you don't fear death. You actually don't care if you die tonight?

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I watched my great-grandfather die of old age in his hospital bed.








I was 12 at the time.








You watched him die? You didn't help him in any way? You just stood at the foot of his bed and watched him decay? That's cruel. :notalk:




The hell did you want me to do? Toss him a friggin' Phoenix Down?

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You can't honestly say that you don't fear death. You actually don't care if you die tonight?








I don't think we ever look at the true reality of death in our day to day activities. It's possible to die at any moment in time, and in almost any way. We generalize death as happening after living for 80 years or so, we don't look at it as equally as possible of happening tomorrow as it is happening in 80 or so years. But that's a good thing, we can't live a life worrying about death.


Me doing staff.

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I watched my great-grandfather die of old age in his hospital bed.








I was 12 at the time.








You watched him die? You didn't help him in any way? You just stood at the foot of his bed and watched him decay? That's cruel. :notalk:








*backhands* What kind of a stupid insensitive comment was that? I held not one, but two of my daughters in my arms while they fought for their last breath....they died 3 months apart from a very rare terminal disease called Infantile Tay-Sachs disease...I guess from your point of view I just "watched" them die...*backhands again*








My grandfather went fishing with his best friend, came home, felt nauseous, asked my grandmother for a bucket, leaned over it to throwup and died.....massive stroke.








Now the way to go is the way my great grandfather went...had dinner, went and sat in his favorite chair, clicked the tv on...took a nap and never woke up......amen to that, sign me up for that program.


RS name: lord krohn Combat 138

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It's not death that we fear. It's a painful death. We fear suffering.








No, I'm pretty sure I would rather suffer and stay alive rather than die painlessly tonight.








You would rather be in constant pain or taking painkillers? Your name reigns true...








No, I value my life. You can't honestly say that you don't fear death. You actually don't care if you die tonight?








I wouldn't mind if I'm dead.. you know why? I'd be dead.








To leave this world in terrible pain would just plain suck.

Proud founder of the Myriad

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No, I value my life. You can't honestly say that you don't fear death. You actually don't care if you die tonight?








no i dont fear death, i would care, because my life has only just began. If i died i would not have any regrets, if i die, i die, end of, why do u care if you fear death? your guna die, it maybe today or not, accept it.. live to full

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You can't honestly say that you don't fear death. You actually don't care if you die tonight?








Death is inevitable. Everybody will die. Why fear something that you cannot avoid? As for dieing tonight, if it happend it happens. If it doesn't, excellent. One more day to make my neighbors hate me. If I was suffering I would welcome death.

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I watched my great-grandfather die of old age in his hospital bed.








I was 12 at the time.








You watched him die? You didn't help him in any way? You just stood at the foot of his bed and watched him decay? That's cruel. :notalk:




The hell did you want me to do? Toss him a friggin' Phoenix Down?








Not to sound inconsiderate or rude, but that has got to be the funniest thing I've EVER seen on these forums. Approved by Zach Inc.

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My dog died about a week before Christmas(and I'm an active Christian) and thats when I really woke up to the world, I mean it doesn't seem like much when someone you know's dog dies but they were a part of the family and then the following year this year) my grandfather died in November(almost December) and they were both very sad because








-my dog's death was unexpected and I woke up one morning before school and see my dog lying on his bed with everyone standing around him and I saw him slowly leting go on life and then he would try and hold on because he heard 1 of our voices...








-My grandfather's death was sad because he had been suffering for years. He couldn't swallow well and he had to eat everything thicker then honey consistancy and he had something very similiar to Alzheimers. It was also kind of a good thing though to see a loved one stop suffering. I just never really got to know him...




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I watched my great-grandfather die of old age in his hospital bed.








I was 12 at the time.








You watched him die? You didn't help him in any way? You just stood at the foot of his bed and watched him decay? That's cruel. :notalk:




Are you serious?! I watched my Grandma basically die two weeks ago in her hospital bed. If you use your brain, you would know we aren't all doctors and surgeons who can do something. And geez, the guy was 12, what the hell do you expect him to do?

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Death of a person is non-existant. Only your body (or your cloths) die.








Your spirit lives on in either Heaven or Hell. (They call hell the second death though).








So if I was to fear death, it would be not the earthly death that occurs as its not painful as some believe it to be, but the second death.












Now I already know what some athiests will say, that I "think" I know where I am going. But they do not even know where they are going, so let alone, how could they ever tell someone else where they will end up.








Its like the saying "A blind man leading a blind man". Both fall in the ditch.









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Death of a person is non-existant. Only your body (or your cloths) die.








Your spirit lives on in either Heaven or Hell. (They call hell the second death though).








So if I was to fear death, it would be not the earthly death that occurs as its not painful as some believe it to be, but the second death.












Now I already know what some athiests will say, that I "think" I know where I am going. But they do not even know where they are going, so let alone, how could they ever tell someone else where they will end up.








Its like the saying "A blind man leading a blind man". Both fall in the ditch.
















I'm curious why you would feel the need to bring religion into it. Yes, you do 'think' you know where you're going because you can never know what god is thinking. By being 100% certain that you will go to heavan, you're basically comparing yourself to jesus christ. You saying you know something which totally requires faith is like me saying I know I am Napolean. Like Bill Hicks said, 'beliefs are neat, some people believe they are Napolean, but don't go around pretending like it's the truth.' :lol:








There's something so universal and true about Bill Hicks' comedy that I've been quoting him a bit lately. :lol: :P He was the greatest, afterall. :P

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Death of a person is non-existant. Only your body (or your cloths) die.








Your spirit lives on in either Heaven or Hell. (They call hell the second death though).








So if I was to fear death, it would be not the earthly death that occurs as its not painful as some believe it to be, but the second death.












Now I already know what some athiests will say, that I "think" I know where I am going. But they do not even know where they are going, so let alone, how could they ever tell someone else where they will end up.








Its like the saying "A blind man leading a blind man". Both fall in the ditch.
















I'm curious why you would feel the need to bring religion into it. Yes, you do 'think' you know where you're going because you can never know what god is thinking. By being 100% certain that you will go to heavan, you're basically comparing yourself to jesus christ. You saying you know something which totally requires faith is like me saying I know I am Napolean. Like Bill Hicks said, 'beliefs are neat, some people believe they are Napolean, but don't go around pretending like it's the truth.' :lol:








There's something so universal and true about Bill Hicks' comedy that I've been quoting him a bit lately. :lol: :P He was the greatest, afterall. :P












Theres a reason why the word belief is not called evidence. However, I have stepped over to "believing" I will go to heaven to "knowing" I will go reguardless of faithless and negative comments.









If you love me, send me a PM.


8 - Love me

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Death of a person is non-existant. Only your body (or your cloths) die.








Your spirit lives on in either Heaven or Hell. (They call hell the second death though).








So if I was to fear death, it would be not the earthly death that occurs as its not painful as some believe it to be, but the second death.












Now I already know what some athiests will say, that I "think" I know where I am going. But they do not even know where they are going, so let alone, how could they ever tell someone else where they will end up.








Its like the saying "A blind man leading a blind man". Both fall in the ditch.
















I'm curious why you would feel the need to bring religion into it. Yes, you do 'think' you know where you're going because you can never know what god is thinking. By being 100% certain that you will go to heavan, you're basically comparing yourself to jesus christ. You saying you know something which totally requires faith is like me saying I know I am Napolean. Like Bill Hicks said, 'beliefs are neat, some people believe they are Napolean, but don't go around pretending like it's the truth.' :lol:








There's something so universal and true about Bill Hicks' comedy that I've been quoting him a bit lately. :lol: :P He was the greatest, afterall. :P












Theres a reason why the word belief is not called evidence. However, I have stepped over to "believing" I will go to heaven to "knowing" I will go reguardless of faithless and negative comments.
















Yes, "knowing." You missed the point. You're acting like you know you will go to heaven, which is like saying you are sinless, which is like saying you are god. Which means you are wrong.

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