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rethinking the "no returned items" policy


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Yes I do think that Jagex should return all items lost due to a bug in their software. The fairest way to do this is to roll back the game to a point where the glitch did not exist. This will avoid fake claims like "I lost xxx due to your glitch". However, the downside would be that EVERYONE will lose ANYTHING they gained from the time the glitch was introduced.




Over the time preiod a bug happenes you will probaly have an adverage of 300k players ingame (the period would be around 20mins)




Is it really fair to set back 300k people by 20 minuites bacause sombody lost somthing? and wht if it's not caught quickly is it far to set back 2....3......4 days.....? I think now.

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1. Makes game more fair


No it doesn't.


People still can abuse this feature.


2. Other companies do it


Who cares?


Why does JAGeX have to listen to other companies.








1. Encourages misuse of customer support


That's breaking a rule.


2. more workload for staff


With allmost no real Pros, JAGeX really won't invest time in this.




I think I said enough?

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  • 2 months later...

It has stay as is. There would be so much abuse of the system, if they allowed items to be returned, it would be unreal.




Never going to happen and people would say they lost stuff they didn't.




I lost a white phat and full dragon armour.


Mod: ok i will add them to your bank.




See what i mean, abuse of the system.




Nice theory though, but not realistic.

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However, some people do lost expensive stuff, such as party hats, to major glitches, such as the 666 massacre.




Since Jagex doesn't return items even in this situation, it has often been criticized. Some game companies, do, however, return items in certain cases.




In summary, here are the pros and cons of returning items:








1. Makes game more fair


2. Other companies do it








1. Encourages misuse of customer support


2. more workload for staff




What do you think should be the solution? Personally, I have no idea.




Remember though with that particular glitch people were told to log off, in not doing so they revoked their right as innocents. Sorry but if you are told to log off/hop worlds or leave a certain area where there is a glitch and you don't it IS your fault.




As you mentioned the scamming thing i think its wrong. You could also think of the following scenario:




Player X scams Player Y out of alot of money and items (such as party hat and things) a week or so later Player X dies to glitch and sends in to get his items back.




Where's the fairness in that? Player Y may not have been able to report Player X in time, and Player X gets items back.




Not to mention the games where this work are strictly P2P and have a higher maturity level when it comes to issues.




That and it would make danger obsolete in the game. I'm not sure it could be implemented beneficially to the game. I think no matter what it would get abused. Not to mention the extra money it would take for the customer support etc to cover it.


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Well, the CS abuse would become major with this and as other people have said, the 666 Falador Massacre was complained about by at least 50 people saying they lost partyhats when like 3 people lost valuable items. Also, people would complain by saying: Oh please Jagex I lagged out in wild and lost my full 3rd age! Give it back please!

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