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Colossus110, Quiting this blog

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Rune boots #30 and #31








The 'slayer comp' from Tsg was today, but yay for work + a party irl, got a huge 15k slayer xp, Gf comp, rank 'un-noteworthy' slayer is for colo :P




Comp is still running now, like 5-6 more hours. And some peeps got over 200k xp sofar, with the top around 250k+ i think.





- I'm not proud of everything I've done, but I have no regrets


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Thanks guys <3:




Sorry for my lack off updating this the last few days, didnt play very much to :oops: , had some fun things irl, and im also studieng alot so i can to my car driving exam.





- I'm not proud of everything I've done, but I have no regrets


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Hey Col.




Gave up with my skill pure, so i'm chasing you again on my original original account Edtheripper :)


Thanks to Jopie for this great signature.

99 Slayer|Fishing|Summoning|Hitpoints|Attack|Strength|Defence|Fletching.

Anyone at Manchester University PM me

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What're those boxes? Nice bank, pretty good collection and variety of random useful items :)


Grats on the latest lvls and drops ;)




The boxes are armour sets, came with GE, i now got green, red and blue dhide in de spots i can normally have 1 set.





- I'm not proud of everything I've done, but I have no regrets


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Nice bank, has a bit of everything :). You should get DFS instead of bandos plate though, it's a waste compared to the shield ;p.




I luv my attack bonus :P But i am realy thinking off selling plate though...




And i made the banner with photoshop





- I'm not proud of everything I've done, but I have no regrets


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Bandos plate is nice, a gud torso!




Wont sell it soon, but i might sell it after 99 def...




And boots 11 and 12...









- I'm not proud of everything I've done, but I have no regrets


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